Authors Note: No matter how many time I wish upon a star: Eric will never ever belong to me. Nor will Tris and Eric be a couple.*sob*

Fanfiction is written for the Author's enjoyment. I write for my readers too but if you don't like the pairing please don't send me reviews or pms saying it sucks. I'm not forcing you to read it. You chose to read this and you can stop at any time. I'm all for constructive criticism or even idea's (you will be credited for giving me it) and I'm not a mean person I swear!

This is written for ChiaMarie23, and her request to use Save the Day by David Archuleta. She had gotten only one sneak peek at this so I really hope she likes where I went with it.

Notes for My readers

All characters look like the movie version

Divergent belongs to Veronica Roth

Recognized Character's might be OOC at times (Just giving you fair warning!)

Lyrics are in Italics and centered.

Chapter 4

Tris admitted that she was getting better. She still had her bad days, but Eric was always ready to sit with her. A lot of the time now he simply held her, and gently pressed kisses to her forehead. They had gotten close to kissing a couple times but Four always seemed to know when it happened and would stop it. Eric had been rather ok with the interruptions but Tris was at her wits end. Four had broken up with her, not the other way around and he had the nerve to try to sabotage her potential happiness.

After the last time where they had been in Eric's apartment, cuddling on the couch together, Tris had almost snapped. They weren't even in a public place. They were in private, and the only way he would know was if he was watching them or having someone else watch them. On top of Four's behaviour Tris and Christina had gotten into another fight, this time Christina going as far as to try and rip Tris's necklace off. Tris had retaliated with a firm punch and held Christina on the floor with her foot. Since then Will had spent a couple nights at her apartment catching up with her, and Uriah had too. To her surprise Lynn asked if she wanted to train and spar together a couple times but she wasn't going to overlook Lynn's way of making friends with her.

Comin' to save the day
(There's a future worth fighting for)
Don't be scared
I know how you must be feeling

"I WANT TO KILL THE LITTLE BASTARD!" Tris yelled slamming the door to Eric's apartment making him look up from the stove.

"What did he do this time?" He asked as Tris stomped into the kitchen her eyes blazing with fire, her cheeks flushed in anger. The sight of her like this made Eric's breath catch in his throat.

"He cornered me in the pit and called me a slut for denying him sex but giving you all the sex you wanted. He also implied that you were abusing me" Tris said her eyes darkening with rage further as she started pacing the kitchen, Eric in shock at both Tris's anger and the accusations.

"Baby, calm down" Eric said once he saw her pick up a knife he had used for dinner. Crossing the room he caught her waist and dropped the knife into the sink, his arms tightening around her when she struggled a little bit.

"No I want to hurt him!" Tris said struggling a little more before Eric cupped her face and kissed her face making her relax.

"Eric? Kiss me?" Tris asked softly looking up at him, biting her lower lip gently. Her teeth turning her lower lip a darker pink. Cupping her cheek he stroked her back as he touched his lips to hers, her fingers working up onto his shoulders and then his hair, the kiss quickly growing heated, Eric gently backing Tris against the counter. Helping her up onto the counter, neither of them separating from each other.

You know that it won't be long
No one to help you carry the pain
It won't be long

"It's about damn time" Veronica said when she spotted Tris and Eric walk into the dining hall, their fingers linked together.

"You two have been dancing around each other for a while now." She said watching them sit together, Eric's arm wrapping around her waist as Tris grabbed an apple and started carving it into pieces, offering some to Eric.

"Well Eric wanted to make sure I was ready after my last relationship was such a disaster." Tris said as Eric grabbed a piece of toast and gave her a bite of it, the two of them working together to eat.

"I didn't think he had a heart" Four said coldly.

"It's in there. Buried deep beneath the snow." Tris said as Eric chuckled lightly.

"More like your fire melted it." He said referring to their first kiss in his kitchen after her outrage. Tris giggled and rest her head on his shoulder.


"Yes Tris?"

"I love you, all of you, you saw that I was worth saving when I didn't think I was." Tris said running her fingers on the inside of his forearm making him grin.

"I love you too Tris. And to think it all started because of a train"

Tied to the tracks and I hear you call
Your voice is shaking