30 months later (more or less)
It was a warm afternoon in late spring and Emma had opened the windows to let the fresh air in before stretching out with a book on the sunroom couch. Hearing steps in the hallway, she looked up to see Rossi walking in the room.
"Dave!" she smiled at him. "What a surprise! Did you and Penelope drop by for a visit?"
"Yes!" he told her. "I'm surprised to see you inside on such a nice afternoon."
"Well, Spencer seemed to have everything under control with the Terrible Twosome, so I decided to come in here for a while. It was getting a little warm out there for me and I was feeling a bit tired. I assume your darling daughter and wife are out in the yard with my crew?"
"Yes. Your two seem fascinated by the fact that there is someone in this world even smaller than them and that she is just learning to walk," Rossi smiled. "And, I must admit, I am rather fascinated by the process, myself."
Rossi looked carefully at Emma as she lay there on the couch.
"Emma, look at me," he ordered her.
"What?" Emma replied, with a small smile.
"Look at me!" Rossi repeated himself.
Emma looked directly into his eyes, and he returned her smile.
"Does Reid know?" he asked.
"No. I'm not really sure myself," she admitted.
"Well, young lady, after what happened last time, you had better get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible," Rossi advised.
"Last time was an aberration," Emma maintained. "I can't see myself being 'blessed' with twins a second time. Besides, she's gone now and all is right with the world."
"You never know," Rossi told her. "Just remember –"
"Everything happens for a reason," Emma chimed in.
And so ends my series of Reid/Emma stories. I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me throughout this series. I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. To those of you who favored and/or followed my stories - Thank You. And, for those of you who took the time to send comments - An extra big Thank You! All my reader contribute so much towards making my days worthwhile!