So, this is the rewritten version of my original story 'We aren't the only ones'.

For everyone who already read the first one, you know what happened.

I might change a couple of things, like the words and all that. But the characters and plot will stay the same.

Also, I collaborated with the awesome author (and friend of mine) CookieTreatThing. I suggest you guys check her profile out. She makes good stories!

Anywhoozers, on with the chapter!

We aren't the only ones


I'm Elsa, the physical embodiment of Fun. I am also a Winter Spirit, meaning I had the ability to control and conjure ice and snow whenever I pleased. And like I said, I am the physical embodiment of fun. I love to have fun! I am also a Guardian; we protect and give joy to the children of this planet. We're consisted of…

Nicole St. Claus, she is a fellow Guardian of mine. We usually call her Nora, for short. She is known around the world by the term 'Santa Claus' or 'Lady Claus'. She is known as the jolly woman who, on Christmas Eve, delivers gifts to all the good sleeping children around the world. And for the rest of the year, she hides out in her workshop in the deepest depths of the North Pole, making toys with the aid of her fellow yetis, not elves. The elves do nothing but bake cookies and fondle with electrical wires. She looks like she's in her mid 40's, with a kind old face. She's kind of skinny, and most people think she's fat, which infuriates her. She has old gray hair with a bit of white in them. She also has blue eyes, like me. She wears a puffy sleeved white blouse, with brown shorts on that reach under her knee. She also wears a wide black belt around her waist. She also wears these high heeled boots. Like, really, she's really tall. She's basically the tallest among us. I don't get it why she needs extra height. But anyways, these are her inside clothes. When she goes out to deliver presents or whatever, she puts on a long red coat with a black fur trim. Also, she wears a Russian hat, also black fur. Also, she talks in a sort of Russian-ish accent, sort of. She might seem innocent, but she can go from 'Innocent Goldilocks' to 'Worried Mother' and finally into 'Killer Bear' in 1.02 seconds. And, she's like a mother to me. She is also a proud owner of an awesome sleigh that has an even more awesome secret. Her battle weapons are 2 giant swords. Don't mess with her. Once you do, you'll either run and hide for your life or stay in the infirmary for months.

Nicole St. Claus is her name, and being the Lady Claus is her game. Wonder is her title, and children she protects.

E. Asteria Bonniemund is another Guardian. We call her Bonnie, for short. She is known around the globe by the words 'Easter Bunny' or the 'Spring Giver'. She is known as a little bunny who hops around on Easter, hiding these little painted chocolate eggs for kids to find. And besides that, she has a whole Warren to herself underground, that's where she paints all these little eggs with these adorable little legs. She's sometimes helped by her egg golems. People think of her as a little rabbit that hops around with a ribbon tied around her ears, which makes her face palm. She's actually a giant rabbit, almost as tall as Nora. She also has purplish grayish fur. She has 2 long giant ears that could hear anything. She has bright green eyes, too. She has a sexy Australian accent, which makes every man in the room drop to the floor, their balls exploding. She wears an upholstery strap that goes across her chest, and it holds magical boomerangs. She wears a leather belt around her waist that holds magical throwing daggers. Also, she can run very, very fast. I mean, she's a rabbit of course. Rabbits are fast. No, I mean, like superhuman fast. She has the speed of light! Heck, I even saw her run on water. Do not mess with her; she can skin you alive in seconds. We used to be frenemies; I called her a kangaroo once. It didn't turn out well. Now we're okay. We're sort of best friends, though. I mean, she's like a sister to me. Literally. Neither of us would admit it. But… she reminds me so much about Anna…

E. Asteria Bonniemund is her name, and being the Easter Bunny is her game. Hope is her title, and children she protects.

Tootheo is another Guardian. We call him Theo for short. He's known around the world by the 'Tooth Fairy' or the 'Fairy King'. He's the one who goes into your room late at night and collects the tooth that you've put under your pillow. In exchange, he puts a dime, a quarter, or maybe even a dollar if you brushed well. He has a fortress suspended high in the sky, that's where he keeps the teeth. He has billions of little minions that help him collect the teeth. I had my personal favorite, Small Tooth. I saved him from an attack, so we're pretty close. He looks like half hummingbird, half human. He's the only boy in the group. His whole body is covered in feathers, except for his face. His feathers are in colors of green, blue, and purple. Flaps of tail feathers go down from his back until his ankles like a fancy coat tail. Feathers adorned his head and are formed like a spiky hairdo. He's slightly muscular, with deep violet eyes. He has transparent wings that can be used to slice through things. He's mostly fawned over by sprit girls, and he mostly fawns over my shiny teeth. If he's mad, don't let him get a hold on a weapon, because he's secretly a killing machine. But likewise, we're friends.

Tootheo is his name, and being the Tooth Fairy is his game. A memory is his title, and children he protects.

Cassandra McSnoozie is my fellow Guardian. We call her Sandra for short. He's known around the world by 'SandWoman' or 'Little Miss Sweet Dreams'. She's the one who gives you the beautiful dreams you get each time you close your eyes. She can control and create beautiful olden sand that gives you the good dreams. She can conjure it up to anything that she wants to. She can't talk, though. She uses the dream sand to make pictures. We have to guess what she says, like a fun game of charades. She almost looks like she's made out of golden sand. She has soft light golden skin, with sparkly light brown eyes that looks at everyone with understanding. She has a beautiful dress with a golden swirling design; it almost looks like a robe. She has long golden hair that flings around her rather gracefully like long silken ribbons. She has a small butterfly barrette in her hair. She uses golden whips as her weapons. She's the most caring of the group; she helped me through tough times.

Cassandra McSnoozie is her name, and being the SandWoman is her game. Dreams are her title, and children she protects.

And me? Well, I have light platinum blonde hair. It almost looks white. I keep it in a messy French braid and keep my bangs up. I have crystal blue eyes. I wear a light blue hoodie, which fits me perfectly. I have brown short shorts that show off my skimpy legs. I carry around a hooked wooden staff; it helps me transmit my ice and snow powers. It also helps me fly. And it feels like a part of me… Without it, I'm vulnerable. I'm the one who makes all the blizzards and snow days you kids all love. I live in my ice palace at the deepest depths of Norway, a place there where it always snows.

My name is Elsa Winters. Look past my happy face and you'll see a broken memory, shattered hope, nightmares mixed with dreams, and wonder all gone away. I had something I couldn't control, leaving me trapped in my own fears. I had a choice, to conceal it, or to fear it.

I am not who everybody thinks who I am.

Elsa Winters is my name, and being the Guardian of Fun is my game. Fun is my title, and the children I protect.