Dear All Readers and Reviewers,

I'm sorry. It's been a hell of a long wait for you, especially if you're a big fan of this story. Honestly, I haven't been able to write any more because I simply don't like it. I love the story, as it took a lot of time to piece together (this fanfic so far barely covers the beginning of the plot I have in my head), but as I re-read through it, I really can't stand my writing. I don't believe this story deserves the reviews it's gotten, so I'm deciding to end it here.

However, I am not abandoning the story itself. I'm more or less doing a rewrite, which will not stray far from this fanfic's content, but will hopefully be much better.

I don't know when the rewrite will be up, but I'll do my best to work on it as much as I can, if any of you are still interested in reading it.

Thank you to everyone who's read and reviewed this fic, it means the world to me.