A/N: I'm here, I have returned. Apologies for the absence, but alas, I am back and raring to go. So, enjoy my dears.


"Dammit Jim, slow down."

The music was far too loud for Leonard McCoy's liking. He'd rather be tucked away, enjoying a quiet whiskey and watching the latest football-game; however, luck certainly wasn't on his side tonight. His roommate and closest ally, Jim Tiberius Kirk, had dragged the southern doctor down to the rowdy and usually dangerous 'student-bar.' Jim turned back to face his best-friend, grinning madly as he did.

"Oh, lighten up Bones. Think about all the girls here. Short, tall, blonde, brunette, pi- Hello there." The blonde cadet ceased his rambling, veering off to see a busty-redhead standing at the nearest table; obviously wearing her best flirty-smile.

Bones sighed, running a hand over his tired face; maybe a drink at the bar would be sufficient. Moving to the crowded bar, Bones hailed the nearest bartender and order a double-whiskey. The noise grew louder as another 'modern-classic' began to play over the system, causing an array of students to make a mad-dash to the small dancefloor. Bones looked over to where Jim currently stood and chuckled quietly, watching as the over-confident was 'shot-down' by another female cadet. He could never understand where Jim's originated from, the suave and masterful flirtation; a topic Bones couldn't even begin to comprehend. It was no secret that Leonard McCoy had a way with the ladies, it almost made Jim jealous. With the southern accent and his gentleman-like manners, no woman could resist the well-presented doctor. However, Bones didn't see the situation this way and in his own-mind, was waiting for the 'right one.' After his divorce, the need to do things 'right' a second time around was evident; but no such thing had occurred in the three years he'd spent at Starfleet. Lifting the tumbler to his lips, Bones drank the remainder of his whiskey and thanked the bartender, before heading off to find Jim. After another five minutes of searching the vast-student bar, Jim was found in the darkest corner snuggled up against a brunette; who obviously was too drunk to even recall what her own name was. Bones groaned and moved towards the pair.

"Jim!" He exclaimed loudly, trying his hardest to be heard over the music.

The younger-male seemingly heard his friend and grinned wildly, waving the man over; whilst spilling his drink in the process.

"Bones!" Jim greeted, his voice slurred. "Bones... Where'd ya' go? Thi-This is Katia... Katia, this is my grumpy-friend Bones, he's a doctor."

As Bones rolled his eyes at his drunken-friend, the 'so-called' Katia unraveled herself from Jim's grasp and pointed in Bones' general direction; he eyes wide and aware. Bones wasn't too sure if she was pointing at himself or something that stood behind him.

"Eva's a doctor... She's just like you, you know, grumpy and hates fun. I'm not supposed to be drinking, I-I can't handle my alcohol very well and Eva hates me smelling like booze. I left before she could find me-" Katia's slurring stopped, he eyes wide with a sudden fear. Bones followed the drunk-brunette's petrified stare, unsure of what she would be scared of in the bar; but his brown-orbs scouted out the issue immediately.

Between the flashing strobe-lights and drunken cadets, a blonde girl stood with an unreadable expression plastered across her features; was it anger, or disappointment? The blonde, who wore a nurses outfit and clearly had just arrived from a late-shift (Bones knew that look too well); pushed a fellow cadet from her path and moved towards the table.

"Eva, please... I-It's not-" Katia stammered pathetically. The woman, now known as 'Eva', stepped next to Bones and placed her hands upon her hips; almost mirroring a mother and her naughty child. Bones could almost see the steam rolling from the young-woman's ears.

"It's not what it looks like? Is that honestly your excuse?" Eva questioned sternly, taking a short moment to breathe and carry on with her speech. "Katia, you promised me this wouldn't happen again."

The shame in Katia's features were evident as Eva stared at her friend expectantly, however, as the brunette began to tear up Eva's stern exterior seemingly started to crumble away. Eva sighed in sorrow and pulled her friend in for a comforting hug, before setting her down a considerable amount of feet away from a very drunk Jim Kirk. Once her friend was safe, Eva spun on her heels to face the two men behind her; Bones noticed the anger once more, gulping in anticipation, whilst scared for what was about to come. Jim started to stand and move towards Eva, who began to watch and calculate his every move.

"Relax Eve-Ev-Eva, that's it, Eva. Relax, she's allowed a drink; she'd allowed to have fun." He shouted obnoxiously, waving his hands around in an absolute show of exaggeration.


The club fell silent, the chattering around the four ceased; waiting for the next moves of the blonde-bombshell. Jim held the nearest table and his cheek in shock, it wasn't the first time, but the thought still stung. To the side Bones watched in silence, but held no sympathy for his counterpart. Eva took a step back and sighed, still seething from the harsh-slap.

"How dare you, my God, how dare you. She's got a liver condition. Too much alcohol could kill her, God." Eva ranted, running a stressed hand through her messy blonde locks.

Bones, now feeling the need to intervene, placed a hand upon Eva's upper-arm; causing the blonde to spin his way. With a great deal of force, Eva spun around and was almost stunned to see Bones standing behind her. As Eva looked up, the eyes she saw were not drunk and cold, but warm and understanding; meaning that a sense of relief could be felt.

"I'm sorry about Jim, he's an ass and not usually this bad." Bones started calmly, feeling almost at home talking with his new acquaintance. "About your friend, if you need me to check up on her, I'm happy to do so."

Eva smiled warmly and shook her head, reaching to run her hand through Katia's brunette locks; watching as she slept soundly on the armchair. Bones and Eva shared a knowing look and chuckled softly, the awkward-tension getting to the pair.

"It's ok, I'm in the stages of becoming a doctor; so, there's not much that I don't know. But thanks-?"

"Leonard McCoy. Bones if you please, Doctor if we're being professional." Eva smiled warmly and shook his hand, lingering those last-few seconds.

"Well, Leonard, I'm Evangeline Pike or just Eva. I do prefer Eva. I'll be Doctor Pike when I graduate, but until then, I'm known as Nurse Pike."

The name sounded familiar, but Bones shrugged it off and picked Jim up by the forearm; Eva doing the same to Katia. The four began to make their way into the summer-night, where many cadets milled around; each one chatting about their day or recent events. Some even spoke to Eva, who in return sent a warm and friendly smile; Bones couldn't help but feel funny. Along the way, Bones and Eva chatted about their studies and hobbies; ultimately halting when they approached the dorms. As Katia leaned up against the wall, Eva turned back to see Jim slumped upon the ground and Bones trying to pick him up. Eva moved closer to Bones and continued to aide the man in the pick-up. The southern-doctor gave his 'thanks' and together, the two began to prop Jim against the nearest wall. A comfortable silence fell between the two as they stood back and admired their work.

"-so there's this place downtown that you'd definitely love." Bones nodded and smiled, watching as Eva produced a Biro from her blue-satchel. Taking Bones' hand, she wrote her number upon his pale skin and smiled. "Call me when you're free. I know the hospital can be a right bitch; but just, give me a bell and we can talk." A cough could be heard from behind, bringing the pair away from their 'staring-contest.' Eva smirked sadly and rushed to grab Katia before she fell onto her face, but before heading into her building, she turned back to Bones. "Bye Leo."

"Goodbye Eva."

As Bones watched the blonde carry her friend inside, he began to wonder, did he need a little Eva in his life?


Bones sat beside his desk and smiled, he often enjoyed reading his past-logs and seeing what lied within them. A noise brought him from his thoughts, the distinct sound of tears echoed throughout his medical-bay. Seeing as it was only supposed to be him present, it made the noise-intrusion even stranger. Bones turned in his chair and his heart-sank, in the doorway stood a sobbing Evangeline Pike. Dropping his PADD, Bones dashed to the entrance and engulfed Eva in a large embrace; and that's how they remained for a few moments. Eva clinging onto Bones like he was the last man alive, but of course, the doctor didn't mind; so, he held her and soothed her with sweet-nothings. The two broke away and moved to stand near Bones' desk.

"I went to see him."

This made Bones stop his actions. He spun and grasped hold of Eva's hand, a questioning look in his brown-orbs.

"You did what?" He asked softly, trying to keep calm.

"I went to see Harrison. He threatened me, he threatened you. I wasn't going to let that stand, Leo... He killed my father and I guess now-now, I'm only sad that he's gone. I don't want to feel sad anymore..." Eva whispered, almost feeling lost and afraid; a feeling she wasn't so familiar with.

There was a short silence before Bones spoke again.

"Dammit Eva!" Bones exclaimed through gritted teeth. "Dammit. You can't go talking to terrorists and expect to get a result. Hell, if he even had said one thing I-I-I, hell I don't even know. You mean so much to me Eva, God, you don't even-"

Bones' ranting was cut off by a pair of soft-lips being placed upon his own. Eva had kissed him. Raising a hand up to cup Eva's face, Bones brought his companion closer and began to deepen the kiss. The pair moved in motion with one-another and the atmosphere, although chilly, became heated quick. Feeling overwhelmed, Eva gripped onto Bones' blue medical shirt and pulled away. Bones pushed a loose strand of Eva's hair behind her ear and smiled warmly.

"Get some sleep, darlin'; I don't want you passing out on me." He jested softly. Eva nodded and placed another chaste kiss upon Leonard's lips, before moving away and exiting the medical-bay.

As Eva exited the room, Bones grinned madly and banged his hand on the table in delight; he really did need a little bit of 'Eva in his life.

A/N: I Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know I had much fun in writing it. Let me know what you thought and I'll see you next time. Live Long and Prosper my friends.