Hello, fellow Durarara! fans. This is going to be my first story for this series, and soon I will be working on another one. If you are interested, check out my profile. :)

This story will be a T rated one, because it's not going to be like very fluffy, and a bit violent. It's based off of The Lion King 2, with big changes. This will mainly be a DeliHibi, with Shizaya on the side. I hope you will enjoy it, and leave a review, so I know what I am doing right or wrong.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Durarara or the plot from Lion King. They belong to their respectful owners.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, large land, divided into two kingdoms. The kingdoms were ruled by wonderful kings and queens, who were the best of friends. Soon the queens of both kingdoms were expecting a child. The kings were ecstatic and hoped that their children would become friends.

Soon there were born two young princes. A handsome, blond boy with light caramel eye's. He was a very peaceful baby, never disturbing his parents with unnecessary crying. He also was gifted with tremendous physical power. They named him Shizuo, for his peaceful attitude.

In the other kingdom, a raven haired, healthy baby boy was born. He had unique red ruby like eye's. He always was the quietest around a crowd of the palace people and always looked at them, observing. They named him Izaya.

As the kings hoped, soon the two met and became great friends. They spent almost every day together. The young princes grew more handsome every day, and when they reached the age of 18 they had become two beautiful young men. They always hunted together, ate picnic together and went exploring together. They were the best of friends. And soon it grew to more than friendship. One night Shizuo invited Izaya to their picnic meeting spot and confessed his feelings for his best friend. And Izaya accepted his feelings and the two soon became a loving couple. Their parents weren't against their relationship and were happy for their sons.

But their happiness didn't last long, The kingdom needed a successor, and they were both males. The kings and queens knew that they needed to find a princess to marry their son, but they didn't want to make their sons heartbroken.

One of the palace's doctors, Shinra Kishitani, one of Izaya's friends was working on a experiment to make male reproducing possible. The closest he got, was combining the two DNA and making a clone of them.

The experiment was tested on animals, and other humans and proved successful. Shizuo and Izaya were ecstatic about the news, and knew that their future looked bright. The kingdom cheered and wished for the two prince's happiness. Soon, they were engaged.

But in the castle of the Orihara family, a dark and jealous soul laid. A personal maid by the name of Namie, was in love with prince Izaya. She sabotaged a drive with the both kings and queens and Shizuo, since Izaya staid home sick. The carriage went of a cliff, Shizuo trying to save them.

Finding out that Shizuo survived, she went straight to her master and lied to him, that his beloved was the fault of his parents death, and as soon as Shizuo returned she turned the lie around, leading the two lovers to a gigantic fight, which led to tears, yells and false accusations. Shizuo's temper broke and for the first time he used his strength not for defending but hurting, hitting his loved one, so hard lost in the anger, giving Izaya broken ribs. As soon as he saw the horrid state he left his beloved in, he dropped to his knees, begging for forgiveness. But Izaya's words broke him.

'' You are no hero, Shizuo Heiwajima, but truly a monster hiding under a lying mask. I, Izaya Orihara, hereby exile you from my land forever. You may not set your foot in this land for the rest of your days, otherwise you will be sentenced to death. Now collect your belongings and leave this castle and land at once.''

Shizuo cried, pleaded, screamed but nothing changed Izaya's mind. Shizuo left the Orihara land forever, drowning in his anger and misery. Soon, two children were born from Shinras experiment, but Izaya refused to take care of them, so the doctor sent them to Shizuo. He never treated them as his children, but more as his servants. The blond's castle slowly withered away, and soon his land looked like a dying desert. The animals soon died out, as well as the water supply, it;s king blaming his once lover for building a stone wall, to separate the lands. He swore revenge to the raven haired king, forgetting his love for him.

8 years later.

In the Orihara land, the new king announced great news. A prince was created for his kingdom.

'' Dear people of this wonderful land, bring your hands together for the new prince of this land- Prince Hibiya Orihara!''.

In the Heiwajima land, a young prince too was born.

'' His name is Delic Heiwajima, and he is my successor. That is all.''

Both lands prayed that the children would restore the former peace in their fathers hearts and in both lands.

And it looked like this time, the heaven's answered their prayers...

This is their story...

Thank you for getting this far. I you liked it or if you didn't, please leave a review or like. This story will be fairly long, so this was just the prologue. I will try to update it often. More reviews equal faster updates. Thank you, dear reader!
