Vastra had been making hints towards Jenny for weeks about her feelings for the young maid, but it didn't seem to be getting her anywhere. But things had been getting stranger recently and all clues were pointing towards the Doctor. She needed a secret meeting with two people closest with the Doctor, so her flirting and hinting with Jenny just had to wait. Vastra stood by the door watching as Jenny prepared everything they needed for the induced sleep. She couldn't help but smile while watching her, Jenny always made sure that everything was absolutely perfect. 'I'm nearly read ma'am, if you would like to come and sit down. Or would you like to have something to drink first?' Vastra smiled at Jenny's caring attitude 'I'm fine thank you my dear.' Vastra sat down to Jenny's left waiting for her to finish the preparations. Jenny flushed at Vastra's attention placing the final match next to the candles for lighting later. She walked over to the door leading to the hallway and closed it she reached into her pocket for the key 'Jenny come and sit down let's get this started.' Jenny dropped the key back into her pocket quickly forgetting about locking the door.

Jenny smiled lighting the final candle that would induce there sleep. Vastra leant over and gently held her hand smiling at her 'You okay my dear?' Jenny smiled looking back 'Yes ma'am' Jenny felt herself sliding into the dream scape. Vastra looked at Jenny 'Do you like the new background' she smiled brightly 'I decided it needed a change' Vastra looked down at the table in front of them where a tea pot and cups had just appeared in front of them 'Our visitors should be here soon' Jenny looked across at Vastra 'Would you like me to make the teas ma'am?' Vastra shook her head 'No my dear' There was a feeling of air rushing into the room and Vastra looked up as Clara appeared in the room 'Hello dear' Vastra smiled, River and Strax where fairly quick to follow and Vastra began what she had brought them here for, discussing The Doctor.

Jenny felt panic fill her something was off. Not in the dream scape but in the room where the actual bodies where. She felt as though all the air that was in her body was being sucked out of her. She looked across at Vastra and she didn't seem to show any expression of there being anything wrong. Jenny flinched as it clicked in her mind, she had forgotten to lock the door. Something had actually gotten in. 'Ma'am' Jenny really felt as though she needed to get Vastra's attention but Vastra for once wasn't listening to her. Usually the reptile would hang on Jenny's every word but now when it was most important she wasn't listening. 'Someone's broken in. Someone's with us-' she felt her voice hitching 'I can hear them.' That got Vastra's attention but she knew by now it was too late, she had failed her mistress. 'Jenny are you alright?' Jenny could hear the shake in Vastra's voice. Jenny felt tears welling in her eyes at Vastra's voice, they had made a promiseā€¦.well she had made a promise to Vastra. She had promised that she would never leave Vastra and she could tell that that promise had been broken. One tear fell from her eye 'Sorry ma'am, so sorry, so sorry, so sorry...I think I've been murdered .' She managed to glance one last time at Vastra watching her beautiful face contort into panic before she felt herself slip away.