
River stretched lazily in the hot water. Time to get out. She rose slowly from the bathtub, her back to the door. As she stepped out she heard it bang open. The Doctor crashed into the bathroom, stopped, and wheeled around away from his naked wife.

"Ah, sorry, I, err…"

"Hello Sweetie," River chuckled as she pulled a large fluffy white towel around her. "You can turn around," she smiled. "It's safe." But when the Doctor turned back around he found that it was very far from safe. The towel was held very loosely around her so that it dipped low, revealing her smooth back, steam rising off her body, her curls piled carelessly on top of her head. God why did she have to do that! Even when she was soaking wet and covered only in a towel, actually, especially when she was soaking wet and cover sparsely in a towel, she could wind him up without even saying anything! Two words. Just two little words, and he found himself blushing like a little girl! She turned around and smiled at him, chuckling, that deep throaty chuckle that made his blood rush, and he felt it sprint again to his face. She sauntered over to him, and, leaning in very close, she put her lips to his ear and said,

"I'm going to get dressed. Want to come?" He gulped, and followed her blindly towards their bedroom.