"Garrus," EDI says softly over the comm, waking Garrus from sleep. On Jane's insistence, he was forced to use his own bed while she took a cot in the small guests' bunk - a rarely used room as he tends to work alone. "Garrus. We are closing in on the Citadel. Docking procedures are estimated to take an hour and a half."

He comes to with a groan, opening his eyes and expecting everything to have been nothing but a dream. A soft chirp of happiness echoes through his room as he sees the blue ceiling of his room, feels the soft bed under him and hears the satisfying hum of the ship's engine. Garrus rolls out of bed, feeling a lot better now after the treatment. "Thank you. EDI. Wake up Jane? And… do we have some levo food stocked?"

"We do not, but we do have neutral chivalry rations." A click sounds, marking her cut of the comm.

"At least something… show her the way to the mess hall. I'll prepare food for us." He can't remember dressing himself, Must have been EDI… or Jane? Stop! So he just steps out into the hallway, slowly walking towards the rear of the ship, grabbing two rations, one for him, one for her, and heating it up, waiting for Jane to join him.

Jane comes to at a sound of chimes, much like an alarm clock, but much gentler. "Jane," EDI says, proving to be the source. "It is time to awaken. Garrus would like to see you in the Mess to eat before we dock with the Citadel."

Frowning, she closes her eyes. So this is it. This is when my future is determined by aliens I've never seen but through Garrus' arm computer. "Okay, EDI."

Hearing the click of EDI going, Jane sits up and sighs heavily. Her blood stained clothes itch against her skin, but she understands the urgency to get back instead of go shopping, so she doesn't dwell on the fact. With a groan at the uncomfortable ache in her back from both yesterday's exhaustion and the too firm cot, she frowns at the remembrance of the crappy mattress her people gave Garrus.

With a last run of her fingers through her grimy, blood caked hair, she leaves the barracks and sees dim lights flickering on the floor. It's obvious they are meant to be a navigation aid with how they begin at her position and run down the short hall, so she follows. They lead to a door that swings open at her approach and she smiles as she sees Garrus at the stove in the Mess.

"Good morning, Garrus."

He spins around at the sound of her voice, nearly dropping the plates filled with steaming paste. "Hey! Good morning! Hey! How was your first night… in space? I…" He looks over his blood stained friend. "I'm sorry for all this… blood. As soon as we're at the Citadel we get you some clothes… uh… do you want to take a shower? I… I'm sorry . Not used to have company here…"

She smiles in reassurance, a flicker of sadness in her eyes. "It's okay," she whispers and looks down at her clothes, hands picking at her dirty shirt. "Better than what we did to you."

"Jane, stop dwelling on it…. You saved me. That's all that matters." Garrus sets the plates down on the table, taking her hand. "Come. Eat. And then you take a shower, we'll get you some clothes delivered to the ship and then I'll take you to the Council."

She nods and squeezes his hand. The guilt will always remain, the regret that she couldn't do more or act sooner, but she doesn't want him to worry about her while he has so much on his plate - plates? - now that he's coming to his home.

Following him to the table, she sits and looks down at the greyish paste. "What is it?"

"Military rations… sorry. I fear it's not really delicious, but… at least fills your stomach. We get you something decent once we're on the Citadel, okay?" He rumbles and plays with his food, pushing it around with a spoon.

She chuckles shyly and smiles at his playful approach to eating. "Looks like you don't even like the look of it."

"Never liked it… just got used to it." He purrs and starts eating, nudging her with his elbow to urge her to eat as well.

Jane blushes at his touch and clears her throat. Picking at the food with her fork for another moment, she lifts some to her mouth. She sniffs it and shrugs when she finds no smell coming off it, tasting it at last. "Oh!" She drops the fork to the table with a clang. "That's so…" She looks to him to see his amused smirk. "Nevermind," she corrects and picks her fork back up.

"So disgusting?" He chuckles, eating a little more. "How does it taste to you?"

"Like bitter dirt," she replies with a chuckle and eats some more and makes a face at the taste. "For you?"

A loud snort is followed by a loud, barked laugh at her reaction to the paste. "Like… very, very old and decomposing louza…"

"I don't know what that is, but I guess it's bad." Sighing, she pushes her plate away. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a stomach of steel like you." She smiles and looks down to her shirt, playing with the hem. "Thank you for cooking for me. It was very sweet."

"Yeah. It's bad…" Watching her playing with her shirt like that makes his stomach feel weird and he gulps heavy before chuckling. "I… guess it was rather disgusting, huh? Don't mention it… it was the least I could do." He as well pushes his plate away. "How about you take a shower? By the time you're done we'll be docked and I'll have a fresh set of clothes for you."

"Oh! Uh…" Jane bites her lip and glances his way, too embarrassed to look in his eyes. Being naked? On his ship? "I…"

"Uhm… EDI will help you? Deliver the clothes… you know? Uhm… okay?"

"Of course, Garrus. I will request the delivery as we wait through the docking procedures."

Jane looks at the ceiling as the AI speaks and nods as she looks back to him. "Okay. Okay…" she says as she offers a smile and stands, smoothing out clothes that are beyond hope. "I'll just… where is it?"

After Garrus stands up he tours her through the ship, ending with the shower in his room. "I'll be in the cockpit, overseeing the docking. Uhm… yeah. Just join me when you're clean and dressed?" He smiles at her, winking before turning to leave.

Jane nods as she watches him go, blushing the entire time. Glancing at the shower, she takes a deep breath. Here we go?

Setting the warm to a nice, steamy hot, Jane focuses on her clothes that seem to peel and chip off. She looks at herself in the mirror, frowning in self-consciousness. Would he want me?

She stops and blinks in surprise. Wait… what? Staring at herself in the mirror, she stares at her memory before shaking her head. If course he wouldn't. I'm human… And, what's worse, I'm one of the ones that imprisoned him.

Why am I even thinking of this?

Shaking her head to clear her head, she turns from the mirror and steps into the shower. The water pours over her as she closes her eyes and relaxes.

As Garrus sits down in the cockpit he tries to occupy himself with the landing procedure but his mind is always dragged back to the image of Jane under the shower. He growls in frustration, tugging his now too tight pants and leaving the docking procedure to EDI. After another few seconds he sighs in frustration and opens his pants and reaches in, finding himself throbbing and hard. Stress, lack of blowing of steam and now the image of Jane in the shower? Just hurry…

Jane approaches the cockpit, lifting up the long dress from her feet so she doesn't trip. EDI couldn't find anything else? She can't admit she feels prettier than she did before her shower, but she still can't think of how out of place she now is.

Stepping into the seemingly empty cockpit, she hears shuffling behind her back and turns to find Garrus. She smiles, oblivious to the activities here, and holds out her hands to present her look. "Well?"