Hey Guys.
I know I said I'd be taking down my stories and then re-uploading them in a better form but I've been having a troubling couple of months as I have ran into some health problems which has then led to many different appointments, and that just hasn't left me with enough time.
Not to mention my grandmother was in hospital a few months back, she's home now and fine, thank god, but that had our family really worried and left me with no motivation to write as I was spending all my free time with her.
This isn't a note of abandonment but it's to inform you that my stories will slowly be getting rewritten. I will put a notice in the title of each chapter (e.g. blah blah blah – rewritten) when each chapter has been completely rewritten.
On a happier note I have been writing other stories in the time I do have (including partially rewriting chapters) and I should be updating and publishing in the coming months as long as everything goes to plan.
P.S I will be taking down links to outfits as polyvore has been shut down and all my outfits and drafts for characters have been deleted. I am currently looking for an alternative and will write another authors note once I have.