On a bright and sunny day at Ever After High, Widow finished her school work for the weekend and texted her ghoul friends about meeting them at the maul today. After having breakfast, she went back to her dorm with Yue to get her purse and her phone.

"When is your competition today, Yue?"

"Um it's at 5 today." Yue replied as she sat on her bed to take off her shoes. Widow curiously looked at her when she noticed the hesitation.

"I think I'll still be with my friends so I might miss it. But I hope you kick Darring's butt, he needs a lesson or two."

"I will, don't you worry about that. Heh-heh." Yue nervously chuckled which made Widow worried.

"Yue, is everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

"You look a bit nervous, I could stay with you if you want. I can cheer for you on the bleachers."

"No!" Yue snapped and Widow jumped from being startled. "I mean, it's fine. You haven't seen your friends in forever after, right? Go and be with them. It's just a boring competition anyway, I'll send you a hext later."

"Well, alright if you say so. Scare you later then." Widow gave Yue a hug before leaving their dorms. Something still didn't sit right with her, usually Yue would be throwing punches in the air or doing cartwheels or sharpening her sword when she gets excited. Now she's just sitting on her bed before her first competition. Perhaps she was just nervous. She should come back a bit early for the competition and support Yue the best she could. Widow left Book End and went into the Dark Forest to follow the trail back home. The green grass was turning into a rocky environment and the trees blocked out the sun making everything dark and gloomy. The only light that lit her path was the green glow that was coming from the trees and from mushrooms on the ground. It didn't bother Widow though, she oddly felt right at home as she followed marked path and several broken signs pointing to several directions that lead darker and further into the forest.

Widow didn't mind walking, due to the fact that she had no muscles and listened to Ri-uhhh-nna from her iCoffin until the sun started gazing through the branches of the trees and she heard some chattering nearby. The rocky road turned into a brick road and flowers started to appear on the ground until she finally left the forest and jumped over a bush to hop back into civilization. The park was filled with monsters of all kind; sitting around talking, exercising, and walking their pets. She sighed with relief on getting to New Salem after taking a guess at the fork in the road with no sign. Home sweet home; well besides from Halloween Town that is. She traveled through the park and took the bus ride to the maul. She couldn't stop smiling! Today was finally the day she got to meet with her ghoul friends! Who knows? Maybe they could help solve the missing piece of the puzzle from the Bella and Brutta sister!

Widow: Are you ghouls at the coffin bean?

Clawdeen: Yeah. We're waiting for you! Hurry Up!

Widow: I'm coming!

Widow finally arrived at the maul and rushed to her favorite coffee shop of all time to see her ghoul friends sitting at their usual spot, chattering and giggling amongst themselves. Frankie was the first to see Widow come and waved at her with a smile before getting up to be the first one to hug her.

Clawdeen and Draculaura jumped up a second later to join in on the group hug. The girls giggled from finally being reunited for a brief reunion.

"I missed you ghouls so much! We need to catch up!"

"We missed you too! Tell us everything!" The girls gathered around the table and chatted up a storm about the newest thing at Monster High and talk about Frankie's recent boyfriend. Then Widow started talking about everything of Ever After High; she showed them what her friends wore at school, how the town looked like and she explained how things worked at her school. She talked about Legacy day and about the Storybook of Legends. If you didn't sign your name in the book, both you and your story will disappear from existence. Widow also told them about the sisters she looked with Raven and Apple, to prove that nothing bad would happen if they didn't sign only to have them end in a dead-end.

"Bella and Brutta?" Draculaura asked. "I've been around for centuries, I never heard of them."

"Do you think you ghouls can find out if there was any sign of them at Monster High?" Widow asked. "I think Monster High was around at the same time as Bella and Brutta. All we know is that they disappeared, it could be possible that they arrived at Monster High to be safe."

"We can check it out." Frankie stated. "But don't you find it scary that you might disappear as well if you don't sign."

"If I disappear, what is the worst that can happen? I'm already dead...technically speaking." Widow shrugged.

"What if you don't become Pumpkin King because of this silly book?" Clawdeen asked. "Aren't you at least a bit concerned that this would affect whether you become king or not?"

"Well...I am a little, but I worked too hard and my father knows it. I just think it's ridiculous that this book is in charge of our destinies. I don't believe in destiny, I believe in hard work. And I will tell you about des-" Widow immediately stopped when her eyes landed on a certain vampire strolling into the Coffin Bean and ordered his drink at the counter.

"A-Alexander?" She studdered as she blushed before ducking underneath the table so she wouldn't be seen.

"Alexander?"Clawdeen looked over and saw him with his back faced toward them. She gasped from surprised. "The Alexander Sterling?"

"The same one that goes to your school?" Frankie asked excitedly. "The same one that wants to be the new Dracula?"

"Ow!" Draculaura rubbed her knee when Widow hit her leg out of anger.

"You told them?!"

"I thought they should know, you can't keep that kind of secret from the rest." She explained.

"Draculaura tells us that you are thinking of getting together with him." Clawdeen cooed. "So we can all go on a group date."

"I did not!" Widow popped her head out to glare at them.

"Well it was obvious that you like him, don't be shy! Go say hi!" Draculaura commanded.

"No!" Widow exclaimed from embarrassment. It's already bad enough that she once turned him down on a hang out to help Raven, she didn't want to face him now of all places. The future Pumpkin King is afraid of a boy!

"Yo! Alexander!" Clawdeen called out. He finally got his order when he heard his name. Widow ducked back down under the table so she would not be seen. He went over to them as he sipped on his AB negative cinnamon latte. Widow saw his feet getting closer and closer; she hugged her knees to her chest as she hoped she would not be seen.

"Hi! You don't know us but we're Widow's friends. I'm Clawdeen and this is Frankie and Draculaura. We go to Monster High."

"Oh yes, Widow has mentioned you in school." His eyes spotted the empty chair that was between Clawdeen and Frankie. "Is Widow joining you soon?" He guessed.

"Oh she'll be here soon. If you want, why don't you join us?" Frankie suggested. Widow heard her and started pulling on her leg to stop her from suggesting it. She pulled too hard and Frankie's leg right up to her knee popped right off which surprised Widow, now she was thinking who was more fragile, her or Frankie?

"Thank you for the invitation but I have plans of my own with friends at the maul. Maybe next time, tell Widow I said hello."

"Oh we will!" Draculaura agreed. "We'll see you around then, ok?"

Alexander chuckled; "Very well, bye then." Alexander left the Coffin Bean and disappeared from sight.

The girls sighed as he left. "Isn't he bitable?" Dracula cooed.

"Too bad Widow has already called dibs on him." Clawdeen smirked.

"You three are so mean!"