Widow walked through the moonlit pumpkin patch after her back to skull shopping, holding a few bags on her arm from various stores. She was a happy 16 year old ghoul with stitched up white skin and long red hair tied in a black bow; wearing a gothic black jacket over a spider web designed dress with matching black high heels. She giggled under her breath with the thoughts of the new scaremester.

She was ready to take this year by storm; she was on the fear squad, she would pass her Scary Apititude Test, she had the greatest fashionable ghoul friends ever, and it was the countdown for her chance to prove to the world that she was ready to become the next pumpkin king in Halloween Town

It was all too exciting, she couldn't wait.

From her purse, she heard a crackling sound of a witch which made her pull out her iCoffin and saw the screen flashing 'mom'. She smiled and answered the call.

"Hey mom."

"Hello Widow. Did you have a good time with your friends?" Her mother answered softly.

"It was the beast! Wait until you see the new dress I got for my first day of school. I'll be home in a few minutes."

"Oh, does that mean you're in the pumpkin patch?"


"Would you be a dear and gather some scorpions for me? I was so busy today I forgot to pick some to make Mummy Scorpion Pie."

Widow's mouth drooled from the sound of Mummy Scorpion Pie, it was her favorite dessert of all time! "Mummy Scorpion Pie?"

"Of course."

"Say no more. One fresh batch of scorpions coming right up!"

"Thank you dear, I'll see you soon." Her mother hung up with a giggle and Widow ached for her mother's pie. She put her bags down and stepped over a few pumpkins, lifting a small pumpkin to reveal two scorpions. The scorpions hiding place was revealed and they prepared themselves to attack their new enemy.

Suddenly Widow thought of something; how was she supposed to carry them home?

She looked at her purse hanging from her shoulder and pouted immediately. She just bought this purse last month and now she has to hold scorpions inside it? Groaning and hoping that the scorpions wouldn't tear up the inside, she kneeled down and one by one picked the scorpions by their stingers to dump into her bag. Lifting pumpkin after pumpkin, she counted almost 10 scorpions and shut her purse before they crawled out. Grabbing her shopping bags, she left the pumpkin patch and made her way home.

Her house was on top of one of the tall hills in Halloween Town, the staircase led up to a slender shaped house with a tower ascending over the house. She ran up the stairs and entered her home. Widow could already smell her mother's delicious homemade cobweb spaghetti and eyeballs, thank gore she didn't eat yet. She closed the door behind her and announced; "I'm home."

"In here, Boo." Her mother called out. She came further into the house, passing various closed doors until she came upon the kitchen. It was a rather wide kitchen with cabinets filled with ingredients and spices, walls with hanging pots and pans, there was a stove with a roaring fire under a bubbling cauldron where Sally was stirring the last minute ingredients.

Widow was the spitting image of her rag doll mother, with her long red hair and stitched up blue skin. Her mother wore a long dress with different rags stitched together with a dirty apron.

"Hey mom." Widow dropped her shopping bags on the ground and set her purse on the counter, unknowingly that the top flipped open and the scorpions escaped her purse. Widow came over to kiss her mother on her cheek. "Something smells really good." She cooed.

"Dinner is almost ready." Sally smiled. "Did you gather the scorpions?"

"Yes, I did." Widow turned around, only to see the scorpions escaping her purse. She gasped and grabbed a bowl off the wall and quickly started gathering the escaping scorpions. Sally giggled as she stopped stirring the cauldron to help her daughter gather the scorpions.

"Is daddy home yet?"

"A little while before you did, he went upstairs to finish signing some papers the mayor gave him today."

"Really?!" Widow caught three scorpions and dumped them in the bowl to rush upstairs. Sally chuckled and worked on gathering the rest of the scorpions to start on her pie.

Widow leaned her ear against the old wooden door, trying to listen for the sounds of her father. Today was the day! She was going to scare her father…Jack, the Pumpkin King.

She carefully turned the rusty door handle and stepped inside her father's study. To her surprise, she saw her father's desk empty. So her attention was brought to the sofa, Jack snored away with pieces of paper splattered around him; many with her father's signature at the bottom while some were crumbled up in a ball. Widow tiptoed over to the sofa and grinned to flash her fangs and crawled on the ground before lifting herself up on the sofa to hover over her father. She hissed and was about to awake him but Jack smiled; "Good evening, my little boo."

Widow pouted to the fact her father woke up before she could scare him. "No fair! You didn't even give me a chance!"

"Just the presence of a pumpkin king would be terrifying enough." Jack opened his eyes and pulled her daughter on top of him and brushed his boney fingers on her waist. She laughed from the tickling sensation as her father chuckled from gave her no mercy.

Finally he stopped to let his daughter breathe. "How was your shopping trip?"

"It was great." Widow giggled under her breath, still recovering from the tickle attack and sat on her father's lap. "I would've come home earlier but there was this last minute sale and wait until you see these new shoes I got. It's worth dying all over again."

"Are they not just shoes?"

"Just shoes? Oh daddy, if only you knew." Widow shook her head and picked up some papers from the ground to read over them. "Is the mayor in a panic again?"

Jack groaned; "That man is ruthless, he needed my approval on the new decorations and countless other plans for Halloween."

"Well he is 'only an elected official and he can't make decisions by himself'."

"He should, he's a mayor for a reason."

Widow giggled and got off her father to start picking up the papers around the floor. Jack watched his daughter, sinking deeply into his thoughts. After Widow finishes school, she would be doing his job. But this year, Widow would turn of age and when Halloween comes, she would be given the chance to prove to herself that she has what it takes to become the next Pumpkin King. Of course Jack worries for his daughter like any other father; she was bright young ghoul but sometimes he believes that she doesn't have what it takes to become a Pumpkin King.

Widow finished picking up the papers and placed it on the table until she heard the door knock downstairs. She saw her father get up from the couch to answer the door but she stopped her father just in time. Widow knew if it was the mayor, her father would literally fall to pieces by how tired he was. She went down the hall again and went to the front door, calling to her mother that she was going to answer it.

She looked through the peephole, expecting it to be the mayor, asking for her father's help again. But instead she saw a...goose?

She opened the door to make sure and it was a large white goose wearing goggles and a vest with a backpack containing several packages and envelopes. In its wings, he held a clipboard in one and a purple envelope in the other with her name on the front.

"Honk, I have a delivery for a Widow Lucifer Skellington." He looked at the clipboard to make sure he was pronouncing it correctly.

"Um...that's me."

"Please sign at the X. Honk." Widow signed her name on the clipboard before the goose handed her the purple envelope and flew off to make other deliveries. Widow looked at the purple envelope; her name and her address in the front and in the back, it had the insignia of EAH.

"EAH?" Widow asked herself, she closed the door and continued to stare at the envelope as she made her way back into the kitchen where Jack was helping his wife set the table.

"Who was it?" Jack asked.

"N-no it was...a delivery." Widow opened her mail and took out a parchment and scanned through the inked words that were elegantly written.

"Wh-what?" Widow couldn't believe what she read. It was an invitation to attend Ever After High, a school for princes and princesses to follow their destinies in the steps of their parents.

"Ever…After High?" Widow repeated as she sat on the chair and read the letter over again.

Sally placed dinner on the table and saw Widow's concerned look on her face. "Widow, is something the matter?"

Widow didn't listen to her mother, nor could she understand. Why would they invite her to attend this school? She wasn't human; she was a ghoul, a creeper, a monster. She wouldn't fit in.

But how did they know she wanted to be the next pumpkin king? She wouldn't exactly call it destiny, she didn't believe in such thing. She believed people should follow their own hearts and not be told what is planned for them...

Now she is questioning it, is there such thing as destiny? Would this school help her on her path to be pumpkin king? But what if she was meant to be something else and her dreams of being a pumpkin king would be crushed?

A little glossary just in case you didn't understand some vocabulary, trust me, I'm still trying to understand the entire language myself.

Back-to-skull: Back-to-school
Beast: best
Ghoul: girl

iCoffin: iPhone'

Scaremester: Semster