~*~Thanks to some of THE best people in the world~*~

To Shay and her yami Sai: You didn't mind the using of the idea. Thanks ^_^ and you guys are so nice and funny. You also put me and Faith (yamachan) in your ficcie! Yay ^_^ Look forward to our usual chat. See? My pharaoh is very sweet! And he did warn Bakura about venturing into the tombs again. Oh well. As I said he can be so cruel at times. -_- But he apologized to you. Now if only Scarlet would forgive him -_-' trust me! If I had known about the cutting of the rose thing I would've spanked him ^_^

To Black K.: Well first, you put me in your sleepover story when crackers asked you not to. And we had some nice roles in them too. Thanks  ^_^ and you left long, nice reviews. Thank you so much. You too Yami Maletea and Lex…and I think those are the people usually with you. And I am glad you liked this. Update both your stories. The sleepover one and the Does Kaiba even wear jeans? (Read it people. They're pretty good.) Oh and I hope you didn't suffer too much when you were sick, and if you are still sick or ever get sick my best wishes to you.

To Kaibascutie: Damn, I know that well you're actually Yamachan's friend and all, but I was literally moved (my hikari pushed me off the chair) and yeah it was so touching. And don't be hard on yourself. I think you have talent and I like your story too because well…I like any story that has Yami (as long as he ain't with another girl.) But yours is really good (go check that one out too guys: "Faith's eye") and all you have to do is continue it. ^_^ Again, thanks for your reviews too and I hope you continue your fic and thanks for wanting to actually make a book about it. (Though it'd be a pretty short book) and I am no good at making people feel good and stuff so I hope this made you feel happy ^_^ and you have a nice vocabulary too.

To I love Bakura: Bakura was pretty nice to me by telling the Pharaoh a lie don't you think? Yeah, sorry if there wasn't much fluff, I'm not good at writing that and I do not know how to write a non-graphic lemon either -_- and how did I die? That monster Yami attacked with, I accidentally came in the middle. -_-' How was I suppose to know?!

To Topaz Rosales: Thanks for reviewing. And hey Topaz! Yamachan and me used to live on that street…uh-oh, now Yama's gonna start crying. * Sees Yama running to bathroom yelling I WANNA GO HOME * crap…oh! And give Minnie my thanks too because well I can't contact her in anyway. Nice to know that it was so touching (since ya cried and all)

To crys: Dude thanks for the support and wanting me to update ^_^

To Joselyn-Greenleaf: * sniff * you added me to your favorite stories list…I'm gonna cry ;_; WAHHHH!!! I feel so honored! And you also left nice reviews, like nice nice ^_^ and you e-mailed and wow! I think I will do a sequel. * hears yamachan screaming her head off * and I salute you for being a constant reviewer too…hmmm…* thinks of sequel ideas *

To Shadowguardian: Sorry Billie for the cliff hangers but I get more attention that way ^_^ and I should always be center of attention ^_^ Ok that was a joke. And hey! Shadow, you sound like my hikari. She does the whole biting of the hand thing too. -_-'

To water-demon: I'm sorry about the cliffhangers and yeah I don't like it when Authors do it to Yama and me. We just like it when WE do it ^_^

To Jackie: I hope you succeed in your dreams and I am glad you think this is the best romance novel you have ever read. * sniff * so nice just like KC * sniff sniff * sad yet happy? Well, I'll tell you one thing, it wasn't very happy for me. It was rather painful getting ripped apart…ouch. By the way, its spelled 'aibou'.

To Jie: actually, you're right! This is about my past and all so basically it is ready ^_^ and also I typed this up faster than you could read it. when you people were reading chapter 3 I was already done typing the whole story ^_^ just takes me a while to upload. I enjoy people begging me to continue ^_^

To Naliah Nephthys: Yay! ^_^ you read my fic. Thanks and continue your songfic thingy. (go read that too people: "Yugioh: Book of songs")

To Kuria: impatient eh? Haha, yeah I can be impatient too. Yeah maybe Qaseem shouldn't drown, kissed by Tea is good enough ^_^ but still…not even HE deserves that! No one does… * shudders at the mere thought of it *

To Josie: are you also joseyln-Greenleaf? I dunno…joselyn…josie…it sounds similar. * shrugs * Ah well, in case yar not. Thankies for loving it and not just liking it ^_^

To Darkelf: my hikari loves M&M's too…strange coincidence. Yes YamiDE…we both go through the same things…ya know about stupid hikaris…* eyes yamachan who is heard yelling "Hey!" * and, aw, don't cry.

To Yugi Motto: I'm just glad you took the time to review it at least once. I feel special ^_^ anyways, do you think there should be a sequel? Yes it is sequel and not sekuel. But, to answer your question, I'll only write a sequel if I get ideas. The real story of how me and Yami found each other is pretty boring. -_-'

And there was also an anonymous but I think you are K8DAGR81: Well as I said, I didn't know much. Maybe like a word or two. You pick it up when you venture around places. Mwahahaha!

Secret: * shuffles feet * you people don't have to review this. by the way, I have had requests for a sequel, so I'm thinking I will do one. I can tell you from now it's going to be about Yami and me finding each other, but that's the only thing I have so far. PLEASE gimme ideas. Email me at: [email protected] The email in yamachan's bio is her e-mail. E-mail me at mine please. I am desperate for ideas. No ideas no sequel. Got it?

Me: * pouts * I guess then I'll have to let you borrow my powers for a while…again. I'm gonna charge you though.

Secret: you know why this took so long? * Glares at her light *

Me: * whistles innocently *

Secret: she wrote 2 "illegal" fics and got her account disabled for a while -_-'

Me: ^_^;;;;;; heh heh, another thing. If you are new and review this after we post this, don't worry, you still gots our thanks…well my thanks. I'm the one who wrote this thing _. (Secret ain't nice enough for this-_-)