When Luna saw Kayia she smiled and said, "Rajura is here and wishes to see you."
Rea replied, "I will follow you."
Luna knew that the mortal must have been in control since her voice was softer than Kayia and she was sounding kind of confused about what is happing. Rea understood why Kayia wanted her to be in control but why with Rajura she would know how to handle it better than she could. When they got to where Dina was standing Rea saw Rajura look at her. He had a gleam in his eye that promised pain in what Rea was sure that it would be in her life soon. Rajura was glad to see that they had Kayia redressed in proper clothes than those ridiculous outfits that he had seen Rea wear. He knew that Arago would also be pleased to see her in the kimono. As Luna and Rea stopped in front of Rajura, Luna turned in gave Rea a hug before Dina did the same. Rea knew how much this hurt the woman and said, "I'll be fine and I promise to keep you safe I understood why you gave me up."
With that being said Rajura started to walk away with her silently following. He knew that Arago would hurt her and she was going to be in pain and wondered if he should warn her but decided against it. When they made it back to the castle Rea was pale and was about to turn around and run but Rajura had grabbed her arm and dragged her along with him. He knew that she would try to run since he knew that the ronin girl was in control.
He said, "Rea, I know that Kayia can talk to you, how else would, you know where the true dynasty is. This means that she told you about the deal with Arago meaning that you are to work with Arago."
Rea glared and snapped, "I know about the deal but I will not help Arago kill my brother's and lover."
Rajura stopped and said, "We don't want to kill the ronin brats, Arago just wants the armor and us dark warlords want the ronins to live in the dynasty like we do but you and the ronins keep fighting us."
Rea stopped and looked at Rajura and said, "Explain what you mean?"
Rajura sighed as he looked at the feisty girl and said, "When the ancient one made the ronin armors from Arago's body he didn't realize that the armors still felt the pull from the Dynasty. The warlords got the armor years ago that if we leave the Dynasty for days on end and didn't come back to the Dynasty then we will begin to weaken. You and the other Ronin's were fine before in the mortal realm. You were never in the Dynasty so you never felt the pull of the armor, but once you six had stepped foot on the Dynasty…"
Rea interrupted, "Are armors felt the pull and now the armor could weaken us if we don't live in the Dynasty. Thou then wouldn't it counter out if we gave up the armor."
Rajura laughed and replied, "No it wouldn't you, silly girl. You just can't give up the armor now because your armor gave itself to you when you accepted the armor you accepted it as your fate. It is your fate to live in the Dynasty not in the mortal realm. We tried to tell you that but you won't listen to us. Anubis knows about this and if he did live then he is good at hiding in the Dynasty or if he is in the mortal realm then he is either really weak or the ancient one is helping him stay strong somehow. Now enough we need to meet with Arago."
Rea sighed she was able to stall for a little time she didn't want to meet with Arago she never forgave the demon for fusing her with Kayia.
When they got to the throne room Rajura had to grip the girl harder as Rea tried to escape and when she was jerked forward Rea knew that she was going to have a mark on her arm for this. As the door opened she saw the monster sitting on his throne acting like he belonged there. She knew that she was glaring at him. She was so lost in mind that she didn't even realized that they had stopped in front of him and Rajura had his hand on her back forcing her into the proper bowing position.
Arago was shocked when he heard knocking on his throne room he called them in and noticed that Rajura was walking in with a girl being jerked in. When he got a closer look he noticed that it was the human girl that held his warladies armor and was fused with his favorite warlady. He wondered what she was doing here since he knew that neither she, nor the ronins were going to come here voluntary. He glared at her when she didn't bow to him but smirked when Rajura quickly put her in the position. He looked at Rajura who was back into a bowing position.
Arago said, "Rajura explain about our guest?"
Rajura replied, "I was feeling restless and decided to go and visit the true Dynasty as you know I was adopted and can go whenever I want as long as no one attacks it. Well when I got there they were talking about a visitor and I felt compelled to meet the person. That was when they brought Phoenix to me. Right as I saw her I knew that she must have been able to hear Kayia to be able to find the true dynasty."
Arago looked at the girl and decided to hear how she got here. He knew that she was lost in thought and decided to wake her up. He raised his hand and let his eyes glow red as lighting hit the girl who was unexpected the attack and screamed in pain.
Rea woke into reality when the pain struck her. She screamed in pain and when Arago realized that she was fully aware and awake he stopped.
He said, "Phoenix, let's get down to business. How did you get here?"
Rea said, "I don't know how I got here and I won't help you destroy my friends, family, or the mortal realm."
Arago glared at the girl who was defying him. Rajura stood there keeping still but at the same time he really wanted to shake his head at her. He had known that the girl would not take this sitting down but he really wished that she would just shut up and think about others then just her friends and family.
Arago said, "Phoenix I really don't care what you want but I can be reasonable. As you most likely know I made a deal with Kayia which now is passed onto you. I will give you a week if you join me then I will leave the true dynasty alone. If you don't then I will attack the true dynasty. The choice is yours Phoenix. I will not allow you out of this castle until I know your answer. Rajura will be your guard for the week since he found you he can also keep an eye on you."
Rajura wasn't surprise since he was the one who caught her and also he knew all of the dynasty back streets along with knowing Kayia very well. As the two left Rea was glared at by Rajura as she followed him to her room for the time. Rajura decided that she should be in the room next to his since Rea already shown that she could easily be sneaky to escape. He also didn't want to use Kayia's old bedroom because he knew that Kayia one bobby trapped her room and second Kayia had more escape routes in that room that they didn't know where they led.
Rea walked in to the room to notice that it was bare it only held a bed, dresser, desk with chair, bathroom, and closet. She sighed as she sat on the bed and wondered if this is what Kayia meant then she didn't want to live in the Dynasty. She sighed since she couldn't call on her armor since she forgot to pick up her orb which was still in her pants pocket back at the true dynasty which also made her smirk since Arago couldn't use her to gain the armor if she didn't have it. Rajura left the girl in her room as he went to go and find one of the other dark warlords to talk to. Rea went to meditate and found Kayia who was still fuming about what Rea said.
Kayia noticed Rea and angrily said, "I am so royally pissed with you don't you know what you just did. I had that deal for so long and now it could all go down the drain."
Rea looked at her and said, "If you are done complaining I do have some news that could bide us sometime but it might just bring us some pain. I currently don't have the phoenix armor orb it was in my pants pocket that was left in the true dynasty."
Kayia really wished that she didn't have that wall of fire between them since she really wanted to smack her host upside the head since that just meant that one they would be in a lot of pain when Arago found out and two he would send Rajura to go find the armor orb since Arago isn't actually allowed in the true dynasty. She also didn't want to blame herself since she also had control of the body and she forgot about it for the whole four days that she was there.