Hello, everyone ! This is my first Scrap teacher fanfiction. I wanted to read one but they were very little stories on this fandom so I decided I would make one (I'm hoping someone will read this and also write a story actually !).

English isn't my native language so I hope I didn't make too many mistakes.

I hope you'll envoy this fanfiction ! Don't hesitate to leave a review, it's always nice to know that someone actually read your story.

Disclaimer: Scrap Teacher isn't mine sadly.

Context: Set during the 8th episode. AU. Little spoilers for the episode 8 and 9. Nothing was said about Takasugi's, Irie's and Yoshida's backgrounds so I took the liberty to imagine them, you'll see :).


Chapter 1:

"I can't agree with you this time" Irie said.

"Sorry," Yoshida added, lowering his gaze.

"I can no longer associate with you, guys," Takasugi replied with a steady voice. He was deeply hurt. He felt so betrayed... his two best friends, almost only friends actually, had turned their they backs on him.

He left the gymnasium in a hurry, needing to get away from the source of his pain as quickly as he could. He briefly passed by his classroom to retrieve his school bag and exited the school. Takasugi didn't want to go back home. To the flat he shared with Yoshida and Irie. He couldn't even look at them right now. So he decided to head towards the city centre. He could find a hotel for the night.

As he walked away, he started to feel tears of anger and sadness flowing down his cheeks. He could not stop thinking about what had just happened. The scene kept replaying in his mind. Again and again, like a slow torture.

That's probably what kept him from noticing he was being followed in the street. And so it was too late when he felt a cloth pressing against his mouth and saw two men closing in on him, moving to tie his hands and legs.

He immediately acted on instinct and put his martial arts and self defence skills to good use. Takasugi grasped the hand on his mouth, planted his feet firmly on the ground and turned around quickly. He then bumped violently into the man behind him to push him against his two other opponents, freeing himself in the process.

His opponents were three middle aged men, all dressed in black and wearing balaclava to conceal their faces.

Good, they want me alive then.

"Help!" the boy shouted. In vain.

He barely sidestepped when Enemy no.1, alias Cloth Man, lunged towards him with a knife. He tried to counter attack, to kick them, to punch them… However, the blows were coming too quickly. The only thing he could do was take evasive action.

Dodge. Dodge. Kick. Dodge. Dodge. Lower yourself. Punch. Dodge.

Sadly, he couldn't do this forever, he screamed at the top of his lungs. Again. But no one answered. He moved to kick the closest man but was stopped when a searing pain went through his stomach. As his eyesight became blurred, he saw a knife sink in him. Takasugi felt his legs giving way beneath him.

"What the hell man ? We need him alive ! What are..." the boy heard as he passed out.

Yoshida watched Takasugi storming out the gymnasium. He could feel his heart breaking little by little. The boy had been his best friend for more than twelve years.

They had met in kindergarten. At the time, Yoshida was bullied because of his looks. Boys made fun of him because he looked feminine and girls didn't want to play with him because he was a boy. However, Takasugi was not like the other children. He played with Yoshida and protected him. He was like his guardian angel. As they grew up, he took capoeira and self defence lessons so he could protect himself.

And then, it happened. They started junior high school where they met Irie. The teachers were really bad teachers. Takasugi's and his father had wanted to transfer them to another school but his friend had convinced them to let them stay two more months. To punish bad teachers and convert them into good teachers, he had explained. This was how they began their "missions": the education department had been impressed with their results and had transferred them at the end of the year to another school in the same situation.

Over the years, they had built a deep friendship. Hell, Yoshida had more than friendship feelings for Takasugi. He loved him. He had realised that when they started senior high school but he hadn't said anything. He could not bear to lose him.

And now, he had hurt Takasugi. Deep down, he knew the boy was wrong but couldn't help feeling he had betrayed him.

Irie, Takasa and Yoshida left the gymnasium ten minutes later. None of them spoke. They went to their classroom to retrieve their stuff. Takasugi's were already gone.

"Let's go back home, Yoshida. Don't worry, he'll come back to his senses. Besides, he can't stay angry with you. You know that." said Irie.

"Hum, goodbye Takasa-kun." the boy replied, nearly whispering.

Takasa nodded and went home.

The two boys also headed home. They lived in a three bedrooms flat on the last floor of a brand new building owned by Irie's father. And just as they feared, when they arrived Takasugi was not there.

Did you envoy it ?