Here is the next chapter - hopefully I will be able to update again soon. :) x

The following weeks were even more tiring for the team. Relentless meetings, conferences, tricky cases, unpleasant patients and more. It had been especially hard on Rita. She tried desperately to hold everyone together, but it was becoming harder and harder each day. She could see things slowly falling apart. She'd been sent home many times, from being sick, and sometimes just from being exhausted. Connie was no help at all, ignoring Rita and her complaints. She was beginning to wonder if they would ever be able to see eye-to-eye.

Adding to her troubles was the pregnancy. Her bump was starting to grow. She worried that rumours would start to spread as it became more visible.

The only person who made it easier was Dixie, who checked up on Rita frequently, always there if she wanted anything at all. It was great to have someone looking out for her.

Just after Dixie had given Rita a cup of tea in the staff room, Charlie came in, informing them that Connie wanted to talk to everyone. Rita sighed, she had obviously found something else to complain about.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Connie shouted.

Silence fell. Judging from the tone of her voice whatever she had to say was not good news.

"I'm sure you can all remember how much of a disaster February's inspection was. It certainly wasn't our finest hour. Luckily, Mr Self assured the trust that it was a one-off, us coping with staffing issues. Unfortunately, the trust were not convinced and have ordered a follow up inspection which is going to be taking place next week,"

This was just about the worst news possible, and everyone knew it.

"It is vital you all show up on the day. I don't care if you are so unwell that you can't stand up, you will be present, or all of you will suffer the consequences. I hope you know just how important this is," Connie continued, shooting an icy glare at Rita and Cal in particular.

She had not forgotten Cal's antics on the last inspection, or the times Rita had been sent home as a result of some sort of 'illness'.

"Well, don't just stand around! If I remember correctly, this is a hospital, and there are patients to treat,"

Connie said turning around and striding away down the corridor,without answering the many questions posed by her team.

Rita was quite possibly the most irritated member of staff at this news. Another inspection was not what was needed just now. They needed a few weeks to get back on their feet after everything they had been through in the last few months. She couldn't see how it would be of any use.

She decided now was the time to give Connie a piece of her mind. Rita was acting on impulse, but she knew if she didn't say anything, no one would, and then nothing would ever be done.

She knocked on the door of Connie's office. Suddenly she began to doubt if this was such a good idea after all. She knew they would just start shouting at each other and Connie would make her life even more miserable. However, it was too late, as Connie looked up from whatever she was typing on her computer. It was clear she was unimpressed at the sight of Rita.

"Come in," she said with a sigh.

Rita walked in as calmly as she could, before letting her anger take over, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Another inspection? Do you honestly think this is a good idea?"

"It was out of my hands, neither Guy Self or I could find a way to get around it,"

"Could he have tried a bit harder? Could you have tried a bit harder? Because from where I'm standing, it looks like you, or him for that matter, don't give a damn about the whole situation, or how this will affect the department,"

"It is my priority to improve this department, to make it the best it can possibly be. I have had enough of you coming in here, accusing me of these things! I'd like to see what happened if you were in my position - how would you cope? What would you do? You wouldn't be able to keep being sent home early because of - what was it? A headache? You'd be absolutely terrible! I still can't believe you managed to get this far, with your impulsive and reckless nature,"

Connie's words were like a sharp knife in Rita's heart, each one cutting deeper and deeper. Just now, it felt as if the knife had been twisted, and Rita couldn't bear it anymore. She ran out of the office, wiping her eyes as she went.

Would Connie ever realise what she was doing to Rita?