Thought it would be a nice idea to try out a Rita fic. I'm hoping to include a lot of Connie and Rita (or Rinnie/Freechamp/whatever you like to call them) because they are amazing together.

Enjoy :D

It was the end of yet another long shift for Rita. The last few days had been exhausting.

What had she been thinking? Going out all night on Friday, hanging around with that guy... Having to go into work on Saturday with one hell of a hangover. Connie was not impressed but could not afford to send her home on such a busy day.

Today had been particularly busy as well, and she felt as if she hadn't stopped all day. It was lucky she had a day off tomorrow.

Rita took a final sip from her coffee before throwing it away and calling a taxi to take her home. She knew all too well from Lily's experiences last weekend that driving when this tired was not a good idea. She had been drinking coffee by the bucket but she knew it still wasn't worth the risk.

By the time the taxi reached her house, Rita was feeling quite nauseous. This is just what I need right now, she thought to herself, before making her way inside. She decided to go straight to bed, despite knowing it would not be easy to get to sleep with all that caffeine in her system.

Before Rita could take a step up the stairs, the nausea overwhelmed her. She ran to the bathroom and threw up several times.

She sighed before getting herself a glass of water. What was wrong now?

A thought suddenly popped into her head. Friday night with that man. She met him at the bar, got a bit carried away and they ended up in bed together. She hadn't had time to think about it, besides, the memories were hazy as a result of the drinking.

Rita had to check. She found the drawer where she kept a couple of pregnancy tests. She sighed before taking it out of the packaging. These next few minutes could change everything.