TB: *starts diving down towards the studio* LEEROOOOOOOOOOY JEEENKINS! *makes a perfect three point landing*

KKD: Okay, overkill, much? *walks in*

Silver: *appears in an inferno of flames next to the Persona from 2 chapters ago, known as Pyro Jack, before taking a pose* No, THAT is overkill. XD


TB: *in Keanu Reeves voice* Whoa.

KKD: *facepalm* You almost burnt the place with that entrance.

Silver: Yeah, well you can't rush a good entrance. It must be precisely planned.

TB: Does that explain why your butt is on fire?

Silver: …*He turns around* AHHHHHHHHH! *runs around with his butt on fire*

KKD: *groans* I'll get the fire extinguisher. *walks off to get it before calmly walking to where Silver it, and spraying him with the extinguisher calmly.*

Silver: Whew… thanks. Anyways, it's time to introduce a new character to the Xenoverse cast!

TB: This one Silver tweaked himself.

Silver: Yes indeed, and this one will be an interesting character to say the least… and not to spoil too much, but he's gonna have some transformations akin to Zarbon and Frieza…

KKD: Okay, I sure hope this turns out to be a good chapter, and we're heading back into somewhat familiar territory for me. The Frieza Saga.

Silver: Alrighty, shall we get to this, then?

KKD: Yea!

TB: Disclaimers…

All: PUNCH! *They punch the screen, shattering it to create the Disclaimers*

DISCLAIMERS: Nothing of Team Toku Riders owns anything in this story except for the original cast members. The rest belongs to Namco Bandai, Dimps, Akira Toriyama, Toei Animation, Funimation, etc.

"Okay, you both are doing splendidly with your training. I'm sure that you will master the Ki to your fullest abilities," Piccolo complimented Luna and Hakugin.

"Thank you, Piccolo-sensei," the two nodded and bowed, as Yoko continued to watch.

"That's really amazing," Yoko smiled.

"I wonder if I'll ever reach the status of Super Saiyan like my ancestors," Luna wondered.

"I'm pretty sure you will. You've trained harder than the rest of us, so I'm sure you'll reach it," Hakugin figured.

"Yeah, I hope so…" Luna replied, before she suddenly felt a surge of energy from elsewhere, "Huh? Did you guys feel that too?"

"Feel what?" Yoko asked, a bit confused.

"Yeah, I feel it too. An unknown energy signature. It's definitely not Supreme Kai or Trunks…" Hakugin noted, looking in the direction of the Time Nest, "I think something's going on over there."

"Let's get going. If someone's in the Time Vault, this could be serious!" Yoko responded before they got up and rushed over to the Time Nest.

Meanwhile, in the Time Nest, a mysterious figure wearing a cloak walked toward the Time Vault, a pair of white horns coming out of the top of the cloak.

"This must be it… the place where I will go back to change history…" the figure stated, grinning underneath his cloak, as he walked forward.

"Hold it right there!" he heard as Trunks rushed in with the Supreme Kai of Time, soon joined by Yoko, Luna and Hakugin.

"Tch. Do you seriously have to get in my way?" the figure groaned, before running into the Time Vault, our heroes chasing after him. Luna was by far the fastest, catching up and trying to tackle the figure, but only getting his cloak. As the figure's cloak was removed, Luna was then able to see his face, yellow eyes with patches of green on the sides of his face and his head having azure gem patches on top. His arms and legs were also green, and he had a long reptilian tail with a blue tip.

"Wh-what? Who are you?" Luna gawked, before the figure swung his tail around to knock Luna back, before grabbing the Scroll of Eternity and opening it to a certain page.

Flashback: Age: 762

Goku stared down Frieza, Goku currently shirtless and having his normally black hair spiked up and golden yellow along with greenish eyes, and Frieza, currently with his skin all white with purple gems all over his body, his muscles bulging. They continued powering up before they charged at each other.

The figure gave a small grin as he looked at this image. "There he is… Frieza," the figure murmured before turning to the Time Patrollers, "Don't get in my way, Earthlings! I have a personal score to settle!" With that, the figure disappeared in a flash of light, travelling through time.

"H-He's gone!" Yoko gasped.

"He must've went back in time…" Hakugin guessed, as he picked up the Scroll.

"...who was that guy?" Luna asked, as she slowly got up and began to process what happened...

(Cue Theme: Cha La Head Cha La by Flow)

*The opening scene opens on 5 warriors standing in the shadows, before two of them vanish into thin air, the other three step forward as the theme song starts playing*


Egao uratora zetto de (With a smile that's Ultra-Z)

*The three are revealed to be Luna, Yoko, and Hakugin, as they stand proud before running forward*

Kyo mo ai-yai-yai-yai-yai~ SPARKING! (Even today is ai-yai-yai-yai-yai~ SPARKING!)

*As they run, the three start to glow with Ki before flying into the sky, as the Title appears onscreen*

DragonBall: Ore-tachi no Xenoverse!

*As the instrumental plays, we see multiple DBZ characters fly by, before catching up to Luna, who banks towards the camera as the scene shifts*

Hikaru kumo o tsukinuke Fly Away [Fly Away] (Piercing the Shining clouds I Fly Away [Fly Away])

*The scene shifts to show Luna fighting against a villain-infused Frieza, as she blocks him blow for blow*

Karadajû ni hirogaru panorama (While a Panorama spreads through my body)

*Just then, she is joined by Yoko, who shoots a cryo-powered arrow at Frieza, before the two girls stand back to back, preparing energy attacks*

Kao o kerareta chikyû ga okotte [okotte] (Kicked in the face, the Earth gets angry [gets angry])

*We then see Hakugin fighting against a villain-infused Cell, dodging energy blasts before sending forth a Special Beam Cannon*

Kazan o bakuhatsu saseru (and makes a volcano explode!)

*Meanwhile, Trunks and Supreme Kai of Time are watching Hakugin fight and cheering him on*

Toketa kori no naka ni (Within the melted polar ice)

*We then see a shadow of a mysterious figure looking out into the horizon from a mountain, as lightning strikes in the background*

Kyoryu ga itara tamanori shikomitai ne (If there's a dinosaur, I want to train it to balance on a ball)

*The scene then shifts to show two more figures, both blue-skinned with white hair and wearing red and black outfits, before the scene shifts to a dark dimension, with a figure with tall red hair and near pale-white skin wearing some sort of golden crown around his forehead, a dual shaded blue outfit lined with gold, white, and red, holding a staff made of bones with a red crystal on top, before the figure cracks a malicious grin*

CHA LA! HEAD CHA LA! Nani ga okite mo kibun wa heno-heno kappa (CHA LA! HEAD CHA LA! No matter what happens, I feel like it's no big deal!)

*We then see our three heroes facing against multiple other villains, including Turles, Slug, Cooler, and Majin Buu*

CHA LA! HEAD CHA LA! Mune ga pachi-pachi suru hodo (CHA LA! HEAD CHA LA! Just as loudly as my heart pounds)

*Just then, the trio look to see Great Ape Vegeta attack at them, before they land on the ground, charging up their attacks*

Sawagu Genki-Dama...Sparking! (The Genki-Dama roars...Sparking!)

*Fully charged, the three launch their special attacks at the enemy, the scene freezing as the beams are mid-way between them and Great Ape Vegeta*

"Who the heck was that?!" Yoko wondered as Trunks and Supreme Kai were checking where he had gone…

"That was a Friezian. They are the inhabitants of Planet Frieza, and are a race of humanoids that can evolve themselves by changing forms," Trunks informed.

"So when he said he has a personal score to settle…" Yoko wondered before gasping, "He's gonna go back and kill Goku!"

"You sure?" Luna gasped, "This is serious… we need to help Kakarot and his friends!"

"He must be trying to team up with his ancestor, Lord Frieza, to take him down. Goku was the one who took out a good majority of the Planet Trade Organization, after defeating Frieza… though I was the one who finished off him and his father, King Cold, the ruler of Planet Frieza, and later Frieza's brother Cooler," Trunks informed before they felt an odd energy, causing Trunks to rush over and pick up another scroll, this one letting off the dark energy like before he opened it to reveal more text was changing, "Looks like we got a history change on top of this. Take a look."

"Oh boy, what could it be now?" Luna groaned.

Flashback: Age 762

On the world known as Planet Namek, which appeared to have green skies, sea-green waters and skinny trees with blue leaves, Krillin and Gohan, the latter sporting a bowl-cut look, were laying on the ground, defeated as nearby, five differently sized figures stood staring down at someone, one of them being identified as Vegeta.

The first of these figures, a tall man with armor similar to Vegeta's, had some red hair, and short sleeved (both shirt and shorts) black spandex under the armor while wearing white gloves, boots and having the green scouter, gave off a rather dramatic pose.

"Recoome!" this man shouted before a blue skinned alien with a brown topped head, red eyes, and in similar armor, but with no shirt, black spandex pants, and brown tipped boots pulled off a mirrored pose.

"Burter!" he introduced himself as a shorter man with red skin, long white hair, torso armor like the others, white gloves and boots, a black spandex shirt and trunks bent down like he was about to play football before raising his arms.

"Jeice!" this man shouted as an even shorter, fat, bald green alien with four eyes (two on the sides of his head), no nose, and wore a full black spandex suit under the torso armor with white gloves and boots pulled off a similar pose.

"Guldo!" he declared as Vegeta looked down on one more figure.

This figure was an alien with purple skin, his head looking like a visible brain with black horns sticking out, wearing armor similar to the other four, boots like Burter's, and had only the spandex trunks aside from the armor. Vegeta then knelt down and plucked the scouter off the alien's head before putting it on his own, smirking, and turning around before leaning over and… posing dramatically so his face and hands could be seen under his butt… between his legs.

"Ginyu!" he shouted in a voice completely not his own.






Then, all five posed similarly to a Super Sentai parody.

"The Ginyu Force!" they all announced, leaving the only one watching in that time period, Goku, dumbfounded.

"What… the heck… did I… just watch?" Yoko asked, completely at a loss of words at what she saw.

"Shush! It's not over yet," Luna responded, getting Yoko to be quiet.

"Let's go!" "Vegeta" shouted, he and the other four standing like they were in a cartoon about to charge.

"YES/HAI!" they all shouted before the five took off, flying at Goku before "Vegeta" dealt the first punch, forcing Goku back, Jeice and Burter going into a flurry of blows, forcing Goku to block them all when…

"SOIYA!" Recoome shouted, suddenly above them about to slam his hands down on Goku when Goku just suddenly teleported above them before elbowing the giant redhead to the ground, quickly spreading his arms and punching Burter and Jeice away.

However, Guldo was above, preparing something as he made an ice crystal form into a sort of javelin before throwing it down at Goku. The Saiyan dodged the blast, but didn't see "Vegeta" glowing purple with his limbs spread out like he was preparing something.

"CHANGE NOW!" "Vegeta" shouted, a beam of energy flying towards Goku.

"NO!" the Saiyan gasped as the area was engulfed with a bright light.

The next thing that happened, Goku was now wearing the scouter, and smirked evilly as his eyes flash red and his body quickly glowed the same dark purple energy that the other villains did, indicating that the villain, Ginyu, was now in his body. The other Ginyu Force members, now recovered enough to fight, got right back up before charging at their new target: Goku trapped in Vegeta's body, who was still trying to get used to the new decrease in power that he had. With Vegeta's body weakened, Goku was no match for the Ginyu Force members as after several clashes that he lost, Burter punched him in the gut before Jeice launched him skyward with a powerful kick, and "Goku" was charging up the Kamehameha.

"Ka...Me...Ha...Me...HAAAAAAA!" he shouted, actually firing the signature blue ki blast out, leaving the real Goku shocked at what was happening.

"W-What?! Father?! Father is Ginyu!" Trunks gasped, still trying to wrap his head around what Vegeta did before the visible body change, and now looking rather stressed as he tried to make sense of it, "No! I-I mean… Ginyu is Father?!"

"Wh-what was that?!" Yoko gawked.

"The Ginyu Force. They're Frieza's elite team of soldiers…" Trunks informed, still being unable to believe what happened.

"Wait… did Vegeta… switch bodies with Kakarot?! How is that even possible?!" Luna gawked.

"Well, Captain Ginyu has the special ability to swap bodies with whoever he blasts that attack with," Trunks explained, "Either way, you need to stop my father… I mean, Ginyu before this happens!"

"Right! Let's get going!" Yoko stated, before…

"Wait! It appears there's another change in the timeline!" Supreme Kai gasped, showing the scroll again.

Flashback: Age 762

At an earlier point on Namek, some large pink bulky alien with a spiked head and body wearing armor similar to that of the Ginyu Force approaching a small Namekian kid, with the two of them surrounded by multiple dead bodies. As well, Gohan and Krillin were both lying on the ground, defeated.

"Prepare to meet your maker, squirt," the pink alien smirked as he started glowing dark purple energy before he held his hand up and fired a purple Ki blast.

Age 850

"Wai-what the?!" Yoko gawked, "Who's this now!?"

"Dodoria, one of Frieza's right hand men. He was gonna kill that poor little Namekian, Dende, but Gohan and Krillin saved him. But here, it looks like history has changed and Dodoria has gotten a major power boost..." Trunks informed.

"But how can we take on this, and the issue with the Ginyu Force at the same time?" Luna asked.

"Well, the two events are within a similar timeframe as each other, so we'll send you back to the second change, which happens before Father gets his body switched by Captain Ginyu," Trunks explained, "Once you deal with Dodoria, you can just wait there and keep going until the Ginyu Force shows up," He then reached into his coat before pulling out three odd-looking devices that seemed to clip onto one ear, with a colored lens stretching out to the front of the face, one being blue, one being purple, and the third being red.

"These are Scouters. They are useful for detecting power levels from far away and finding Dragon Balls. Dodoria and Frieza will be searching for the Namekian Dragon Balls, so you should be able to lock onto the Dragon Balls with these. Be careful, though. Frieza is not to be trifled with, and Dodoria is no pushover either."

"Roger. We're on it" Luna responded, as the three took a scouter (Luna taking the blue one, Yoko taking the purple and Hakugin taking red) before they gave a salute and grabbed onto the scroll, travelling back in time.

Age 762

It wasn't long before the group arrived on Namek, however, when they did, Luna noticed something.

"Hey, where's Yoko?" Luna asked, as she and Hakugin looked around.

-Nande?! You mean she's not with you guys?!- Trunks gasped.

'We just got here, and she's nowhere to be seen. I can barely sense her energy, too,' Hakugin added, looking around.

-Alright. I'll try to contact her. You two go ahead and go after Dodoria. Also, this is really important… you cannot kill Dodoria. History states that Vegeta is the one who has to defeat him.- Trunks informed.

'Gotcha. We'll just stall him until Vegeta gets here. Good luck in finding her, Trunks,' Luna replied before she and Hakugin began to fly towards the Dragon Balls, which were located using their new Scouters.

At the same time, elsewhere on the planet, a bright light emitted before Yoko fell out of the bright light and rolled on the ground.

"Ouch… mou…" she winced before looking around, realizing what happened, "Well… at least I'm on Namek."

-Yoko! Yoko, can you hear me? Where are you?- she heard Trunks ask her.

"I hear you fine, Trunks. I'm on Namek, but I seem to have gotten separated from the others," Yoko replied.

-Well… that's a first. Just… don't worry, okay? Luna and Hakugin are going after Dodoria. Go and join them when you can,- Trunks told Yoko, making her blink and sigh for a moment.

Yoko just looked at the terrain for a moment, slowly walking forward, giggling slightly at the soft feel of the grass. It felt softer than the grass on Earth somehow, and the planet as a whole felt peaceful…

"This place… feels nice," she admitted, seeing a small lake of sorts. Yoko walked over and giggled, "...a small dip wouldn't hurt,"

She then sat down and placed her feet into the water, taking off her Scouter before smiling, looking around at her surroundings. However, she suddenly heard the ground shake, ripples appearing in the lake.

"Eh?" she responded in surprise before she looked to see a giant lizard that looked like a T-Rex eying her, "Uh… h-hi…"

The rex just roared at her, making her panic, grabbing her Scouter before running away from the reptile, who started chasing her, thinking of the girl as some sort of snack.

"Crud crud crud!" Yoko gasped, as she started to run, too panicked to try to fly, as the T-Rex just kept getting closer, about to eat her before…

"Death Beam!"

Suddenly, a beam of energy hit at the T-Rex's leg, causing it to fall to the ground. It roared, before starting to limp away, as Yoko looked up to see the Friezian from earlier.

"Hmph. That's what you get, you dumb lizard," the alien muttered, before floating down and landing before Yoko, "I thought I told you to stay out of my way."

"S-Stay back, you!" Yoko shouted, pulling out her crossbow, "I'll never let you hurt Goku!"

"Tch! You really think that's why I'm here? I'm not here to destroy that foolish ape, Earthling. I'm here to kill Frieza…"

"Wait… kill Frieza? Why?"

"He and his family are nothing but a stain on my race's history. After their family took over Planet Frieza, their ancestors decided to take their reign even further throughout the galaxy, creating the Planet Trade Organization. The people of our planet were forced into a totalitarian government, while the Cold family took over countless planets. When Frieza was defeated in this time, however, this threw my kind into a state of disarray that it took years for us to recover from… No other races would want to help us, and times were dark for my people. All because of that bigoted fool who DARES to call himself the lord of our people… Frieza."

"Oh my… I… I-I'm sorry…" Yoko gasped, feeling sympathy for the Friezian.

"Your sympathy is unneeded. Once I kill Frieza here, I will usher in a new era of peace for my people! And you and your friends are not getting in my way of achieving this better future!"

"It may be better for your future, but what about the universe? If you change the past here, it may have major repercussions on future events!"

"That is of no concern of mine… now leave me to my business!" the Friezian snapped before taking off.

"H-Hey, wait!" Yoko shouted, before flying after him.

Back with Hakugin and Luna, they managed to locate the village Dende was said to be in, as they looked to see a most horrifying sight. Dead Namekians were spread across the ground, as three figures were seen there. The first of them was a Friezian, who had lavender skin on his face, hands and feet, pink limbs, black trunks, white and burnt orange armor over his wrists and ankles, as well as torso armor similar to a Saiyans, but the main color was purple, and his head had a bone-like appearance with black horns poking out the sides of his skull, and a large purple gem on top. With him was the spiky, pink-skinned alien, Dodoria who was rather fat and wore dark blue Saiyan armor with black pants. The other being was a rather skinny man with pale green skin, green hair that was tied in a braid, wearing blue leggings, trunks, brown and white Saiyan armor and a pale pink cape with arm coverings.

"That must be Frieza and Dodoria. Don't know who the green guy is, though…" Luna noted, before she looked over at Hakugin, who was shaking in anger.

"...how dare they. So many Namekian lives… taken so soon! My kin… Frieza will pay for what he's done!" Hakugin roared, which luckily was out of earshot of Frieza.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Settle down there, Silver. We can't give him the smackdown just yet. Remember, they get defeated in their own way… we have to follow the timeline…"

"B-But my people…"

"They'll be fine. Remember, there are Dragon Balls on Namek too, which can revive them. Besides, Kakarot will avenge them later, right now, we're just here to help Vegeta take down Dodoria," Luna replied, calming Hakugin's rage. However, the two then looked to see a younger Namekian that Dodoria had approached, "Dende! Okay, we gotta keep him from getting killed…"

Suddenly, the two heard a scream before seeing Gohan charge right at Dodoria.

"STOP IT!" the young boy shouted, before punching at Dodoria. However, Dodoria didn't move an inch from Gohan's punch, starting to glow purple.

"Heh. Big mistake, kid," Dodoria smirked, before punching Gohan backward.

"G-Gohan!" Krillin gasped, before coming out and standing between Gohan and Dende, and Dodoria.

"Hmm? Who are these two?" Frieza asked aloud, looking at Krillin.

"Appears one of them is a Saiyan or something… except without his tail," the green-skinned one chuckled.

"A Saiyan? But that's impossible! I destroyed Planet Vegeta myself!" Frieza shouted, which caused Luna to gasp, before clenching her fists.

"Hakugin… it's go time," Luna stated, coldly.

Hakugin just nodded, understanding Luna was getting serious, before the two flew and landed next to Krillin, staring down Dodoria.

"I-It's you guys!" Krillin gasped.

"Don't worry about this guy, Krillin. We'll handle him…" Luna stated, "Take Gohan and the Namekian and get outta here."

"R-Right," Krillin replied, flying off holding Gohan and Dende, leaving Luna and Hakugin ready to battle.

"Wh-What?! Another Saiyan?! And a Silver Namekian?" Frieza gawked, before noticing the escaped Krillin, "What are you doing, you fool! Stop him!"

"On it!" Dodoria responded, about to chase after Krillin before Luna dashed in front of him, glaring at the alien.

"You… You destroyed Planet Vegeta… killed off my own race… I… I will never forgive you for that!" Luna roared, before charging straight at Frieza to attack him.

"Luna, no! Our target is Dodoria!" Hakugin shouted, but it was too late.

Thankfully, the green guy blocked Luna from getting to Frieza.

"Outta my way, greenie!" Luna roared, trying to get the green man to step aside, but the man just smacked Luna to the side, knocking her into a rock.

"Oh no, Luna!" Hakugin gasped.

"Well, looks like that takes care of one Saiyan monkey. Dodoria, go after the one who escaped," Frieza ordered.

"Yes sir!" Dodoria nodded, before flying after Krillin.

-Blast. We need to go after Dodoria! If he kills Krillin, it's game over…- Hakugin heard Trunk speak.

Hakugin nodded before rushing over to Luna first, reaching into his bag to find a Senzu Bean, before realizing he was all out.

"Damn… there's no more Senzu Beans…" Hakugin muttered, before sighing and picking up Luna before flying away, the green-skinned man shooting at them.

"Let them go, Zarbon. The Saiyan is gravely injured, and they have no chance of catching up to Dodoria…" Frieza ordered.

"Of course, Lord Frieza," the green alien, Zarbon, nodded, as he stopped firing and let the two go.

Back with Yoko, she somehow managed to catch up with the Friezian, before flying in the alien's path.

"Get outta my way!" he shouted, "I WILL defeat Frieza and change the future! You're not going to stop me, no matter HOW much you beg of me!"

"...I get that you have a vendetta against Frieza, but is killing someone to avenge your people really the answer? You'd be no better than Frieza…"

"...SHUT UP! You don't know anything about me! You have no idea how I have suffered, and no Earthling is gonna tell me what I should and shouldn't do! My people begged for help, but no one listened to our pleas. The people of this universe are selfish and greedy, only thinking of themselves. They all deserve what comes to them…"

"Th-That's not…" Yoko murmured, before they looked to see Dodoria flying in the distance of Krillin.

"Damnit… That annoying Saiyan kept me away long enough for me to lose that Earthling and his Saiyan friend. It's gonna take forever for me to find them without my Scouter…"

"Dodoria… well, one good way to get Frieza's attention is to take out one of his personal guards," the Friezian stated, before flying toward Dodoria.

"Hey, wait!" Yoko shouted, before noticing someone flying towards Dodoria as well, before Dodoria got kicked in the back and landed in the water, "What the heck?!"

It turned out, the person to kick Dodoria down was none other than Vegeta, who landed in front of Dodoria before smirking.

"Y-You!" Dodoria gawked, "What do you want?!"

"Is that any way to greet an old friend, Dodoria?" Vegeta asked.

"Grrr… why'd you gotta hit me in the back like that?! You think you can blindside me and get away with that?!"

"Funny. You actually think you can take me on! I've gotten stronger, Dodoria, even without my tail."

"Oh, that's real funny, Vegeta. There's no way you could be stronger than I am," Dodoria scoffed, "Now hand over your Scouter, and no one has to get hurt…"

"Hmph! I don't think I even need it. But here," Vegeta responded before taking off his Scouter and throwing it to Dodoria. However, as Dodoria tried to reach out for it, Vegeta blasted it with a laser blast from his finger. "...Oops."

"Grrrr! Vegeta~! You're gonna pay for that!" Dodoria roared, about to attack Vegeta, before the two were interrupted by the Friezian that Yoko was talking to, "Huh? Who the hell are you?"

"I am Shake of Planet Frieza… the TRUE Planet Frieza! And I plan on destroying you once and for all!" the Friezian informed before he charged in and started attacking Dodoria.

-What? That's the one who snuck into the Time Vault! Wh-why is he fighting against Frieza's own men?!- Trunks gawked.

'I'll explain later, Trunks,' Yoko informed.

-Grr… whatever. Look, Yoko, make sure Vegeta is the one to deal the finishing blow to Dodoria. If this guy finishes him off, it'll disrupt the timeline!-

Yoko nodded before rushing in and attacked Dodoria, too, but she was quickly swatted away as Shake was putting up more of a fight, Vegeta watching him fight.

"Why would one of Frieza's own kind be going against his troops? Is he plotting to backstab him and take over his empire?" Vegeta replied to himself before he turned and noticed Yoko getting back up, "Huh? The Earthling woman who helped Kakarot. What's she doing here?"

Yoko then rushed back towards Shake and Dodoria, attacking to weaken Dodoria a bit before shoving Shake aside. This gave Vegeta the chance to rush in and attack Dodoria, while Shake growled at Yoko.

"What is with you?! I could've killed him off with one blow! Why must you interfere with my quest for justice!?" Shake demanded of Yoko.

"What you call justice is nothing more than petty revenge. Besides, Dodoria's life is not your's to take," Yoko informed Shake as they looked to see Vegeta beating the crap out of Dodoria.

"Wait, Vegeta, I can tell you what happened to your planet," Dodoria gasped, being held by the arms by Vegeta.

"Hmm?" Vegeta muttered, dropping Dodoria as the alien recovered.

"Y-You see, Frieza felt that the Saiyans were getting too powerful… that they would eventually make an army that would overthrow Frieza's rule… so he blew up the planet… wiping out the Saiyans… except you. He wanted you for a special role… that you may be loyal to Lord Frieza."

"Hmph," Vegeta grunted after hearing this, as Dodoria began floating away from him.

"Now then, I fulfilled my end of the bargain, now you go ahead and let me go…" Dodoria murmured, preparing an energy attack behind his back.

"You're not going anywhere."


"You will pay for this just as Frieza soon will," Vegeta stated before he began powering up, "But know this, I do this, not for my planet, not for my race, but because you thought you could make me, the Prince of all Saiyans, a slave to your will!"

"Grr… you won't defeat me!" Dodoria shouted, before shooting a beam of energy at Vegeta, who swiftly dodged out of the way, "Wh-what?!"

Vegeta smirked as he prepared his next attack before firing a HUGE beam of energy at Dodoria, vaporizing him on impact.

"Know this, Frieza. Your death will be at the hands of a Saiyan," Vegeta smirked, basically declaring this to Frieza, flying off and leaving Shake to clench his fist in anger.

"No… Frieza will die by my hands!" Shake roared, attempting to fly off before Yoko grabbed his tail, "H-HEY! Let GO!"

"No, you will not alter history! Frieza IS supposed to be defeated by a Saiyan, just let it go!" Yoko insisted, Shake pulling his tail out of her hands.

"Tell that to all those who died at the hands of that madman," Shake replied coldly before flying off, Yoko still managing to hang onto his tail until she eventually was forced to let go, falling into the water.

"Dang it… I lost him," Yoko coughed when she got out of the water, 'Trunks, did you get all that?'

-Yea, I did. This Friezian clearly has something against Frieza himself, but we can't let him kill Frieza. Use your Scouter to find the others before you three try looking for Shake again, I'll let you know if another history change is about to take place,- Trunks told Yoko, -For now, just hang tight, make sure that Father isn't interrupted by the Friezan.-

Yoko nodded in response before she put her Scouter on to locate Vegeta, scanning for where he might be before she zoomed off in the direction her Scouter was pointing to.

Back with the other members of the traveling trio, Luna managed to get up before Hakugin rushed over to her.

"Take it easy, Luna. You still need to recover after getting attacked like that," Hakugin told her, Luna struggling to get up still, "That was very reckless, going after Frieza like that. Besides, Goku was supposed to kill him."

"I know, I know… but… you were just as mad at him for killing so many of your race. Wouldn't you get mad if you heard your entire race was slaughtered by one man?" Luna grunted, still trying to get up.

"You're right, but we mustn't let petty things like anger get the better of us. But right now, we have to help you recover as best as we can," Hakugin told Luna before contacting Trunks, 'Trunks. Any signs of Yoko yet?'

-Yeah, she helped stop Dodoria from killing Gohan and Dende, and Father came soon after and finished him off. Now she's making sure that Father isn't interrupted by the man who used the Scroll.- Trunks informed the duo.

'Right… wait… that guy's here, too? I thought he would've gone immediately to the time when Frieza would take on Kakarot,' Luna responded, confused.

-I assume that his strategy was to go back to the earliest point to kill Frieza while he was still in his first form, preventing any more deaths, but this will damage the timeline as without a specific death, Goku will never be able to access his Super Saiyan form, and thus won't be able to stop future threats.-

'So what'll we do when we find him?' Hakugin asked.

-Just keep him from delivering any final blows to any of Frieza's men, and whatever happens, don't let him kill Frieza himself. But for now, as soon as Luna is fully recovered, you two need to find Yoko. It's better for you three to stick together so the mission goes easier.- Trunks instructed.

"Got it/Understood," the two answered before Luna stood back up.

"I think I'm all good to go now," Luna informed, checking her Scouter, "Let's go find Yoko."

At that moment, Yoko was flying around, trying to locate Vegeta when suddenly she look over to her left to see Vegeta battling against Zarbon, who was currently glowing the dark purple energy. She looked nearby, suddenly spotting Shake about to attack Zarbon from behind before Yoko rushed over and tackled him away, leaving Vegeta and Zarbon to continue duking it out.

"You again?! What do I have to do to get you off me?!" Shake shouted in annoyance.

"Listen here, I cannot allow you to change history, but we also need to make sure Vegeta actually defeats this guy. If we don't, history could change drastically, and it would make it less likely for us to get at Frieza at all," Yoko informed, making Shake scoff in response.

"I am not taking orders from an Earthling, I work alone," Shake snapped, but regardless flew up and kicked Zarbon right in the back, getting his attention.

"You! You're one of Lord Frieza's kind. How dare you go back on him?!" Zarbon shouted before Vegeta teleported in front of him.

"You left yourself open, Zarbon," Vegeta smirked before giving Zarbon an uppercut, quickly following it up by slamming his fists on top of Zarbon, knocking him to the ground. It wasn't long before the three descended to the ground as well, "Pathetic. And you call yourself one of Frieza's right hand men? Ever since I got here, I've done nothing but slaughter you fools! First Cui, then Dodoria. And now… you're next."

Zarbon just chuckled in response as he got back up. He glowed with the sinister purple energy before Zarbon stuck his right arm out and fired a large yellow beam of energy at the group, Vegeta just chuckling at first as Yoko moved Shake out of the way, Vegeta just standing there before he roared before swatting the blast aside with a simple backhand like it was nothing, making Zarbon gasp in shock before the blast hits a nearby mountain and exploded.

"You surprise me, Vegeta. You and your little companions there as well," Zarbon smirked.

"Naturally. I have trained long and hard, and have become much stronger than you could imagine," Vegeta smirked, before Yoko and Shake got back, ready for battle, "You two again? Well, I suppose if you're against Frieza's men, then you're worthy of fighting alongside me. Feel free to land some blows, but I get to finish him off. Understand?!"

"What do you mean you'll finish him off?! I get the final blow and-" Shake started shouting back before…

"O-Of course, Vegeta," Yoko interrupted, "We understand, you get the final blow."

"Good," Vegeta smirked, making Zarbon scowl in response.

"You three have no idea what you're getting into," Zarbon calmly responded before smirking, "Have you three ever heard of the phrase 'Beauty is only skin deep'? Well… what you're seeing right now is the Beauty."

"What're you talking about?" Yoko responded.

"He's got more than one form," Shake informed, making Yoko do a double take as Zarbon fixed his hair.

"Now, now, don't be so hasty. Patience, you wouldn't want to spoil the surprise. Because it's a good one," Zarbon smiled confidently.

"Show us!" Vegeta shouted, as Zarbon began glowing that dark purple energy again.

"Very well, but consider yourselves warned."

With that, the wind kicked up before Zarbon's body suddenly bulked up DRASTICALLY, before his face turned to resemble that of some sort of monster with the large chin line, lack of nose and sharp teeth.

"What the heck is that?!" Yoko gasped, Vegeta just gasping in response.

"I warned you," Shake sighed in annoyance, as Zarbon finished transforming.

"As I said before, you've only seen the Beauty side of me," Zarbon smirked, "Now… with great pleasure, I introduce you to the Beast!"

He then ran towards the three, Yoko and Shake getting ready, but Vegeta was the first to receive a knee in the stomach before getting tossed around like a ragdoll.

"What happened to that big talk earlier, Saiyan?" Shake scoffed before Zarbon ran up to him and kicked him right in the face, sending him up in the air before Zarbon grabbed his ankle and slammed him down.

"Uh oh," Yoko gulped as Zarbon stared Yoko down, before the latter rushed right at him giving him a flurry of punches and kicks that didn't seem to affect him.

Zarbon just laughed at Yoko's attempts before grabbing her head and starting with a series of headbutts, busting her open, before he threw her to a nearby hill.

"Grr… that's it. No more games!" Vegeta shouted, being the first to recover as Shake got up too, they tried to double team Zarbon, only for him to swat them away like they were insects.

Zarbon then picked Yoko up, raising her over his head before slamming her back down onto his knee, making her scream in pain before he tossed her aside, making her plop onto the ground unconscious.

"One down," Zarbon smirked before turning to Shake, grabbing the Friezian by his tail before he slammed him to the ground and proceeded to give a punch to Shake in the head, causing him to collapse, "That's two. One to go. Face it, Vegeta, you can't defeat me."

Vegeta then yelled before he rushed at Zarbon and they exchanged a flurry of punches and kicks which eventually brought them in the air. After a few more clashes, Zarbon grabbed Vegeta before they were both diving down at rapid speed. He then let go of Vegeta before the Saiyan landed in the water and Zarbon fired a large energy blast at Vegeta, causing the water to blow upwards before landing back in.

"Tch… so much for the Prince of all Saiyans," Zarbon scoffed, before transforming back into his normal state, "Well, that takes care of that."

With that, Zarbon then flew away, taking an unconscious Vegeta with him, while Shake was the first to recover and get up.

"Damn… thought I had him there… I'm gonna need to get stronger if I want to defeat Frieza…" Shake cursed, before looking over at Yoko, "Tch. What a weakling. May as well help her… it'd be unfair if I just let her die…"

Having already made up his mind, he grabbed Yoko by the ankle before raising her over his shoulder before taking her to somewhere safe.

Yoko slowly opened her eyes before she found herself in some kind of black limbo.

"Huh? Wh-where am I?" Yoko gawked, before seeing a bright light in front of her.

'Yoko, you've grown so strong...' she heard a voice call to her, a voice that she recognized.

"I know that voice… Okaa-san?" Yoko gasped, as she looked to see the ghostly image of her mother, revealed to be an older woman with blonde hair like Yoko, blue eyes and wearing a long white dress, "Am I… dead?"

'No, you're just unconscious at the moment. I see that you have made some great friends on your journey,' Yoko's mom replied.

"How do you know about that?"

'I know because I'll always be with you. My soul has become a part of you the moment I gave you that necklace,' Yoko's mom stated, smiling.

"Wait… y-you mean you're still with me?!" Yoko gasped, looking at her necklace.

'Stay strong, Yoko. Your friends need you to help them save the world. I believe in you, my sweet little girl… and I love you with all my heart…' Yoko's mother murmured, smiling as she started to vanish from sight.

"N-No! Okaa-san, don't go yet!" Yoko gasped, falling to her knees, tears falling from her face.

'Stay strong, Yoko… the future depends on you...' Yoko's mother stated, as she disappeared from sight.

"...I-I will. I will not falter… until the timeline is restored…" Yoko responded, clenching her fists before standing up, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I promise…"

Yoko slowly opened her eyes before looking up, seeing Shake standing above her, using some of his energy to heal her.

"Y-You're helping me?" Yoko murmured, looking up at Shake weakly.

"Hmph. I couldn't just let you die. There's been enough blood spilt of innocent people as is…" Shake responded.

"Heh. Y'know, you're actually a pretty sweet guy…" Yoko replied, smiling.

"Don't think too hard on it. I'm still going to destroy Frieza once and for all…" Shake stated.

"Not while I'm here you're not. Listen, I get that you have beef with Frieza, but this is a fixed point in history, buster! If we change things too much, then the Space-Time Continuum will collapse."

"What makes you think that I could care about stuff like that?"

"Well, it'd be the end of you, that's for sure."

"Tch. Whatever. Stay out of my way…" Shake muttered, before flying off as Yoko got up, recovered but still exhausted.

"...Yeah, nice chatting with you too," Yoko said sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Luna and Hakugin continued flying throughout Namek, searching for Yoko.

"We still can't find Yoko. How come everything on this planet looks the same?" Luna groaned.

"You're not using your Scouter, Luna. I'm sure that we'll find her. We just need to look for a strong power level," Hakugin noted.

"I hope she's alright…" Luna murmured, before her Scouter started beeping, "Huh? The Scouter's sensing 3 powerful energy readings close by! Two of them are really powerful…"

"You think one of them might be Vegeta?" Hakugin asked.

"Possibly…" Luna responded, before gasping, "Hold on… there's a 4th energy signature heading that way! Power level is reaching around 100,000. That might be that Friezian who used the Scroll of Eternity to come back here!"

"Let's hurry before he tries something stupid," Hakugin noted, before the two flew in that direction.

Meanwhile, Zarbon and Vegeta were fighting each other once again, Vegeta holding him own against Zarbon before he noticed Zarbon was glowing with purple energy, like Dodoria.

"You stand no chance against me, Vegeta," Zarbon laughed, knocking Vegeta aside, "I am more powerful than you can ever imagine!"

"D-Damnit…" Vegeta groaned, trying his hardest to get up.

"Mwa ha ha… this is the end for you!" Zarbon laughed, before he began transforming into his monstrous form again.

With that, Zarbon was about to finish off Vegeta, charging up some sort of energy attack.

-Oh no… Father!- Trunks gasped, as Zarbon was about to finish the job before getting slammed in the face by Shake, knocking the green alien backwards.

"Wh-What?! You-?!" Zarbon gawked.

"Hmph. You honestly think you're the only one who can transform? Let me show you my REAL power!" Shake scoffed, before starting to draw in energy.

He continued to power up until his body started to grow larger in size, bulking up to intense levels, his horns becoming curved as the transformation finished, Shake now being just as tall as Zarbon.

"Now… looks like it's my turn to take you on. I haven't used this form in a long time…" Shake stated, smirking, before charging at Zarbon, being an even match to the alien.

"N-No way! That Friezian's power level just doubled!" Luna gasped, herself and Hakugin unable to believe what their Scouters were saying.

"We gotta hurry, quick!" Hakugin shouted, before they increased their flight speed to catch up.

Shake and Zarbon continued to battle before Vegeta got in and gave Zarbon a kick to the gut, pushing him away. Zarbon was then able to counterattack Shake, knocking him away into a hill.

"Hmph. All bark and no bite…" Zarbon scoffed, about to leave as he turned his back before he felt a beam of energy pierce through his back.

"Wh-What?!" Luna gawked.

-No… No! This isn't supposed to happen! Father is supposed to destroy Zarbon!- Trunks gawked, as Zarbon struggled to get up, gravely injured.

"That's what you get for underestimating me… now, say goodbye," Shake shouted, before being tackled by Luna, dragging him away from the battle.

"Wh-What the-?!" Vegeta gawked, as he saw Shake getting taken away from the battle, as Zarbon staggered towards him.

"V-Vegeta… please… help me…" Zarbon pleaded, but Vegeta just walked over, and then… rammed his fist right through Zarbon's gut, making the green alien grunt in even more pain.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over that hole I made in your stomach!" Vegeta scoffed.

"V-Vegeta… please… spare me,"

"Is it just me or does it sound like you're begging for your life after all, Zarbon?"

"P-Please… just hear me out… w-we could work together… we could both destroy Frieza." Zarbon pleaded, but Vegeta didn't listen as he fired a Ki blast right through Zarbon, creating a hole in his chest before sending him flying into a nearby body of water.

"Okay buster, it's time we talk this out," Luna told Shake, having dragged him far from Vegeta and Zarbon's battle, "You use the Scroll for your own selfish reasons and now you try to fix history the way you see fit! We've had it up to the moon with you!"

"Look, I already told your friend, I'm not here to kill Goku if that's what you think I'm doing!" Shake snapped, making Luna and Hakugin do a double take, "Frieza… Frieza and his family… betrayed their own kind… my kind... for what they did… and I want the pleasure of killing him myself. I was going to kill off his henchmen, and you and your friends keep getting in my way! You're starting to become annoying!"

"I'm telling you that it won't happen while we're here," he suddenly heard a voice from behind him before turning to see Yoko, "We're here to restore the timeline, not destroy it!"

"I don't CARE about your stupid timeline! I'm just using the opportunity I was given after being taken from my home by some weird dragon thing!" Shake scoffed.

"Dragon…? Wait… you were summoned to Toki-Toki City by Shenron, too?!" Hakugin gawked.

"Don't know who this Shenron is, but the fact of the matter is I was brought here against my will and now that I have an opportunity to change the future for the better of my people, I'm taking it! And you three punks aren't gonna stand in my way!" Shake shouted, before charging at the trio and attacking them.

They quickly avoided his charge before they rushed in and gave him a series of punches and kicks, the Friezian blocking the attacks as they did. Shake then knocked Luna to the side with his tail before taking on Hakugin and Yoko two on one.

"This is getting very annoying very quickly," Shake stated before rushing at the two, charging a punch before Yoko stepped forward.

"Sumitai (Freezing)," Yoko said before Shake threw the punch, Yoko grabbing it and causing it to freeze, surprising the Friezian.

"Wh-What?!" Shake gawked before preparing to throw a kick.

"HYAH!" Yoko shouted before grabbing the leg, freezing it as well.

"Grr… onore…" Shake growled, before shattering the ice and punching Yoko in the face, knocking her away.

"YOKO!" Luna gasped, seeing this, having recovered enough to launch herself towards Shake and give him three uppercuts, sending him skyward, before front flipping in the air to kick him back down to the ground.

However, Shake just stood up again, as the three charged straight at him. However, time suddenly began to slow for all four of them, surprising the time travellers.

"N-Nande?!" Hakugin gawked, before they were all attacked by energy blasts, knocking them to the ground.

"Wh-What was that?!" Luna gawked, before turning to see the five aliens that the trio saw back in the Time Nest.

"Men, roll call!"











"THE GINYU FORCE!" the five declared, Ginyu quickly glowing with that dark energy.

"Th-The Ginyu Force… oh no…" Luna groaned, trying her hardest to get up.

"From what I hear, you four have been causing a lot of trouble for Frieza and his men… helping those rebels take down Dodoria and Zarbon. I think it's about time that we bring you in for questioning. Boys, grab them and take them to Lord Frieza!"

"Yessir!" the four replied, before Guldo moved his hands, creating a green glow around the four fighters, suspending them in midair.

(Insert Ending Theme: Yeah! Break! Care! Break! by Takayoshi Tanimoto)

*As the song starts, we see our main trio; Luna, Yoko, and Hakugin standing on a cliff looking over the horizon*

Live your life, don't stop until it's done

Once you live for love then you've already won

*The three then turn to the camera and smile, before jumping up and flying off, before shifting to the next scene*

When I look up through the infinite sky

I never thought that it could come to this

*We see Luna walking alone, before Yoko runs up beside her, causing Luna to smile*

Just take my hand and together we'll fly

*The two then fly up into the air, their Ki energy surrounding them*

Let's go, I know, how high?

*Hakugin then flies next to them and gives a salute, as he follows the two of them*

Soar above the clouds and see such beauty all around

*The trio continue to fly, right through the clouds*

This irreplaceable world needs us now

*We then cut to see Trunks and Time Kai looking at a Time Scroll, a bit concerned*

We have to join in the fight

*They are then interrupted by TokiToki who flies past them, as the camera shows him zooming into the sky*

Live your life like a KameHame-Ha

*We then see the trio of heroes fighting various foes, trying to defend peace*

Give your all, don't ever give up!

When we're together, I know we can win

*We then see the three sitting on a balcony, talking and smiling*

I have you to believe in!

*Yoko then smiles at Luna, who gives a soft smile back*

Live your life, don't stop until it's done

*We then see the three running to where they are now needed*

Give your all, don't ever give up

*The camera changes to show the three giving their energy to Goku for a Spirit Bomb*

All you need is love and to believe in yourself

It's easier when you believe

*We then see our trio holding the Dragon Balls together, smiling, as multiple DBZ characters as well as Shenron are in the background behind them*

KKD: Okay… why the FAIZ are we pulling a cliffhanger at this part of the story?

TB: Captured by the Ginyu Force? What the hell, man?!

KKD: Yea! I mean, seriously?! I mean, I know we plopped them a bit before the Ginyu Force appeared, but why have them get captured, Silver?!

Silver: OI! Trust me, you guys! Besides, I have a plan for this.

TB: If you say so, regardless, this was a good way to introduce the fourth warrior summoned by Shenron.

KKD: Yea, I guess I have to agree with that. Though I'm still not keen about ending the chapter right there. What, does this mean we got a three-parter on our hands?

Silver: I can handle this, okay? Don't worry about it.

TB: If Silver has a plan for this, than he has a plan for it. Anyway, favorite parts time.

KKD: Right… well, I guess my favorite part would actually involve that last bit with Zarbon. Now before you get on my case, I haven't seen TFS' DBZ Abridged in full, but I have clips of it on YouTube, and I'm sure you've seen bits and pieces of it from parts TB wrote, but… yea, the hole punched in the gut line by Vegeta was my favorite part.

Silver: Gotta say, I really liked that part with Shake going into his Second Form.

TB: I liked that, but I also liked Yoko's dream and interactions with Shake.

KKD: Well, those are all pretty good parts. Though I sure hope this plan of Silver's works. In any case, we'd better close out. Until next time, this has been KKD Silver…

TB: TokuBrony…

Silver: And Silver...

KKD: And we'll see you next time. Jaa ne!


Silver: Stand up the Vanguard!