Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've been really busy T^T. Okay then I'll update!


"Bro! Can you make me one! Please please please!" Mikey begged, falling to his knees and grabbing Donnie's now human feet. "It's so cool.." He whispered giving Donnie more puppy eyes.

"Mikey! Get off me! And no I will NOT make you one! Besides, what would disguise nun-chucks as huh?" Donnie remarked, kicking Mikey's away. The turtles plus human ninjas were currently standing on one of the roof tops in New York. Leo and Raph were discussing the night's patrol, while Donnie and Mikey were currently bickering about Donnie's new invention: The Bo pen? I guess that's what he could call it.

"I DONT KNOW! You're the smart one not me!" Mikey whined again and stood up on his feet.

"I'm not making you one. And that's that." Donnie said pointing his finger downwards, trying to prove his point.

"But-" before Mikey could say anything else to try to convince Donnie to make one, he was cut off by Leo.

"Okay guys. We're all gonna split up tonight. Donnie will head West, Mikey East, Raph South, and I'll go North. Got it?" Leo ordered. They all nodded their heads and headed towards their given direction.

As Donnie was leaping from one building to another, he began to realize that he was heading towards the direction of April's house. He began to blush at the thought, but his new human body kept moving. Maybe one little glance in her window wouldn't hurt. I'll leave right after to continue to patrol. He reasoned in his mind.

A few buildings later, Donnie landed on the fire escape gently and tiptoed over to the window, trying not to make so much noise to accidentally wake April up. He looked in the window, and noticed that April wasn't sleeping at all. She sat at her desk, facing the opposite direction of window, doing something on her computer. He squinted and tried to lean in closer to see if he could find out what she was doing, but he leaned in a little to much. He quickly lost his balance and fell to the ground, causing a loud crash and a yelp.

April jumped from her seat startled as she moved her way cautiously to her window. She grabbed her fans on her bed and hesitated. She quickly opened the window, looking from left to right. She hymphed and shrugged, thinking that she had just imagined the whole thing.

"For second I thought I heard Donnie." She said, and accidentally left her window open as she left her room to use the restroom.

Meanwhile, Donnie sighed in relief. The entire time he was under the fire escape and swung himself up back onto it. He looked around him and swiftly enter April's room. He began to open her computer, and looked to see what she was up to. He sighed and mentally facepalmed as he saw some research on the Kraang. I quickly closed her computer and left her room, to finish his night patrol.


Man, I'm such an idiot. Why did I think April was doing something suspiscious? I'm the worst friend ever. How can I ever be in a relationship with her? Donnie was mentally scolding himself as he paced his room in the hideout. He sighed as he fell back onto his bed. He was no longer wearing his ninja gear, and was now currently wearing a plain t-shirt with gym shorts. Donnie grabbed his phone and brought it in front of him.

He had just gotten a text message from April.

From: April 3
Subject: (nothing)
Message: Hi Donnie! Were you buy my home earlier tonight? Or at least someone was? I might've just imagined it though. All well.

Donnie sighed. He didn't want to lie to his crush, so he decided to just give her a half truth.

To: April 3
Subject: Mhm
Message: Hey April! Actually tonight on patrol we seperated into groups, and I might've been by your home.. You probably just heard me trip and fall or something. Sorry if I woke you up! ;-;

Donnie put his phone down and continued to stare at his ceiling. He had just finished eating pizza with his brothers about an hour ago, and man was he wiped out. Right now all he wanted to do was sleep. He rolled over to his side, still clutching his phone. He was about to drift off into dreamland but then he heard his ringtone ding as he had gotten another response from April. He looked at his phone and read what it said.

From: April 3
Subject: Oh no!
Message: Oh no it's totally okay! XD I actually did think it was you, and besides I was already awake doing research on the Kraang. XP

Donnie smiled at her respsonse. Of course he knew that already, so he texted her back.

To: April 3
Subject: Gn
Message: Oh thank you April! But you should go to sleep. I am anyway. Goodnight April! XP Zzzz

Donnie put his phone down and nuzzled into his pillow. His breathing became lighter and steadily evened out as he was about to fall asleep, but once again his cursed phone dinged one last time. Donnie sighed as he opened up his eyes. He reached for his phone as he squinted at the screen to read what it said.

From: April 3
Subject: Oh yeah!
Message: Alright Sleepyhead! XD. Goodnight!

P.S. I'll be coming to the hideout to talk to you about the Kraang! Good Night! XP

Donnie was about to put his phone down again, but then he froze in a realization. Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no no no. NO! April was coming over tomorrow! What was he going to do! First of he's human! And second he still has a job! OH NO! Donnie grabbed his head in frustration, as tried to think of ways to get out of this. All his plans would be ruined! What on earth was he going to do!

She would hate him so much for this! Hate him for not telling the truth about so many thing! Donnie could no longer sleep, and all of his tiredness slipped away from him. Donnie growled as he stood up and went to go inform his brothers of the situation. Oh dear.


Well that's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it and please review! I will try to update a lot sooner than I did last time! Thanks and goodbye! 3!