The tall leggy blonde that ushered me into my current private hell opened the door with a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes. I struggled to remember her name but my attention was once again captured by the man with grey eyes that did not waver from my form.

"Cancel it."

'What was he canceling?' I wondered. Blood rushed to my checks and bloomed across my chest as it slowly dawned on me that I had overspent the allotted time with Mr. Grey. "Please don't, Sir. I have other appointments to keep."

'What a bold faced lie,' I thought.

His eyes narrowed slightly but still waved the blonde away. "Give me a few more moments with you. I'm curious."

Alarm rushed through me; tension coiled in my shoulders. I felt as if I was being hunted. Wide eyed, I gathered my belongings and quickly stood to leave. Exasperated that I behaved as a wounded animal, I channeled my inner Kate.

"Nothing to be curious about. I'm pretty simple."

Mr. Grey stood but didn't take a step forward. I was grateful for this small mercy. He made me want to flee his dominating presence.

A lazy smile stretched his mouth. "I doubt that, Miss Steele. Since you have pressing places to be, why don't we continue our conversation later? There is a new restaurant that opens tonight. I will pick you up at 7."

My eyebrows pinched together at his demanding tone. I couldn't even look in his face. "I'm sorry, Sir. I will not be in Seattle this evening. I thank you for your time. Good bye."

I turned on my heel and made a bee line for the door. I knew he was following not by the sound of his foot falls. Those were silent. I knew because I felt his presence burn into my side. I almost made it to the door but a large hand reached out and grasped the knob. He didn't open it for me. I shifted my body away from him and peered through my bangs into his eyes.

He looked flustered as if he didn't know what to make of this turn of events. I bit into my lip and watched his eyes travel my face before finally resting on my lips. He leaned slightly into me, his eyes never leaving my lips. "I will be conferring your degree within the next few weeks. Will you have a free night then?"

Shocked at his pursuit, I blurted the first thing that came to me. "Not really. Between work, finals, and moving I won't be able to get away."

His eyes snapped to mine and I could see alarm creep into them.

"Moving?" Mr. Grey questioned.

I lowered my eyes to his tie feeling a sense of forbidding slip into the back of my mind. He wasn't going to let me leave till he knew. "To Seattle," I whispered. "I'm sorry, Mr. Grey. I must be going now."

He smiled. His hand was still on the door knob blocking me from a quick escape. "Are you intimidated by me?"

My eyes snapped back to his face while tension fill me. My mouth dried and gaped but no sound came out. It was as I thought when I first stumbled in his office. A shiver of excitement laced with fear jolted me out of my silence. He was the most handsome man of my acquaintance. Excitement was natural.

"Are you a dom?"

Mr. Grey jerked and stepped one foot back, I swore his eyebrows were about to touch his hairline. Shit. Surprise conveyed in every aspect of his being, he comically gaped at me. His hand had fallen from the door. I took the opportunity almost flying out of his office red faced and heavily breathing. Stupid me. High profiled Doms don't like surprises.

I made it to the elevator before his office door opened and Mr. Grey stormed out. The look of determination on his face terrified me. His assistants scrambled to appease their god but he had only me in his sight. I could feel drops of sweat trickle down my clammy back.

The Lord has blessed me today with another act of mercy. A ping sound announced the arriving elevator and I rushed into its safe haven. I pressed the ground floor button as Mr. Grey reached the waiting room. He reared to his full height as the door begins to close.

"Miss Steele."


The doors shut and I leaned forward to press my face against the cool metal. I can almost taste freedom. I looked up and see a camera. Shit. I may have to literally run out of Grey House.

I mentally prepare myself for a battle that may await me at the ground floor. Physically I can do nothing but pray I'm quicker than whatever goon I know he has waiting to intercept me. It is a third small mercy that no one else boards the elevator with me. The silence is deafening but welcome. I need time to prepare.

Another ping awoke me out of my trance and the ground floor has arrived. I stepped out and observe my surroundings without pause in my gait. I need to act fast. I spy two black suited beasts headed my way and I pick up my pace. Luck is with me today. A whole group of people dressed in their finest unload out of an adjacent elevator giving me the cover I needed to escape. I make it out the front door and head down the street using my petit height as camouflage in a sea of well dressed giants.

Freedom at last.