A/N: I will never stop making more Big Four fanfics. I have so many ideas and this happens to be one of them.

WARNING: May trigger some, beware.

November 12, 2046

The soles of my feet touched the cold cement. Shivers shocked up my legs to my hands, sending the cold breezes towards me to feel more freezing. I let out my breath, watching it dance along with the air.

My arms wrapped around each other and rubbed the sides, creating friction. My legs wobbled as they started to moved along the road.

My short purple dress clung to one side as the wind blew my hair in one direction. I wasn't supposed to be out during this time, I wasn't supposed to be out at all. The disease was spreading, rather quickly. My lime green eyes seemed to wonder to the fog covering up the end of the road.

I clenched onto a frying pan I always seemed to bring for protection. It did help in this case, but the way it smelled like rusty metal grew with the dried up blood still stained on it. The world had fallen since this disease had spread, killing some only to make them come back alive, well mostly.

Their gray-like skin was punctured with rotten flesh, their veins popped out with their countless moaning and groaning. Their yellowish teeth grazed with blood made fear wash over you.

I never had a real family, I remember being taken in by this woman. She always was fascinated with my long blond locks. Soon men started to realize my features and took hold of me.

The lady saw me as money maker and took advantage. I was beaten if I wouldn't obey her, I woke up sometimes covered with blood I seemed to cough up. Her once hopeful eyes, filled with kindness turned to anger and rage. I was a doll to this world, being ripped apart piece by piece.

Then the disease started and she protected me, told me to never leave. I always listened, never wanting to get beaten again. I always read books to block out the screams and sounds of flesh being torn from another body. I remember the woman giving me a book and it held answers to the end of this.

I needed to find four elements, once they were all brought together, they would stop the disease and heal all who had been infected. But the ones who had turned could not be revived. The lady had soon disappeared one night when she left to go get more supplies, I took that chance to run away, to be free.

Once I did that I had learned the hard way of what had been out there. My feet had gotten tired from running and running. I had only few food and clothing, no shoes and only three bottles of water. I survived, it was hard, but I don't think I have much time. Once winter comes the disease will get stronger, it will kill more faster. Till this whole world dies and thanks to the ruler, Alistair Pitch.

I reached the woods, where my shelter had been built. The blankets drooped over a few stray branches as one candle illuminated it all. I knew with this dim forest the candle could be seen from anywhere, but these zombies weren't that advanced, yet.

I climbed, the bark pinching at my fingertips as I gripped onto the edges. I pushed my self onto the curving in the tree. The branches stuck outwards as the candle was place in the middle. I slid downwards, my heels skidding into the tree. They burnt as they scraped along my way into the curve. I stopped before knocking over the candle. My eyes shifted over to the setting sun, tomorrow will be the day I get to safety.


November 13, 2046

I remember it all. I had ripped jeans on, with just a black tank top covering my skin. My combat boots still intact, but muddy and scratched from my days journey. The car came speeding towards me, it was white, but now probably splattered with my blood. It made contact with my lower side, puncturing my vulnerable skin.

It hurt, like someone stabbed you seventy times in the same spot, then threw you down a cliff where a sharp rock hit you again. I remember a girl, her hair a strawberry blond as her eyes glimmered a green. She wore a faded baby blue and white tank top with a maroon hoodie thrown over it. She had grayish yoga pants on with brown boots and red laces.

She looked frightened as she frantically called for help, I wish I was just conscious to slap her in the face. She'd give away her location to the walkers and get herself killed. She'd get me killed too. I have been able to survive for the last year, since this disease spread. I've survived a winter which is lucky, but I don't know if I can get through this one.

Food is scarce, water is probably too infected to drink. New Zealand is where everyone is trying to go, it's the safe zone. But airplanes are no use, with all the skilled pilots dead there's no use.

I killed my family, yes I did it. Only because they were turning, they were too weak. I had to face my mother, my father, even my brothers in their darkened eyes and shoot them. Hearing the bullet slice through their skulls made me choke back tears.

Now here I lay with darkness surrounding me, awaiting for light to swallow me whole and bring me to a safer place. A safer place where I can breathe fresh air, eat food I've been dying to eat and drink the water that is ice cold and doesn't have blood mixed in it.

Here I lay hoping I get to see my family again, praying that they forgive me for what I have done.

Here I lay waiting for a better tomorrow.

November 12, 2046

My hand combed through my ghostly white hair as I managed to breathe out a chuckle. My hair reminded me of the good old days, where I got to pull off the best of pranks. Where I got to wake up every morning and see my mother greet me and my father have new ideas for tricks to play, much to my mothers disgrace.

Now everything's screwed up, everything that used to be worth living for isn't anymore. I should be happy, having my mother still by my side. Her sweaty hand,clutching my ice cold one. She was getting sicker and winter wasn't going to help. She's infected, I just know it. She hasn't been bitten which is a good thing because that would react faster, making her turn even quicker.

The warm soup set upon the rugged coffee table still showed the rising smoke. My mother refused to eat, saying she couldn't, she knew this food would be brought to waste from her. She was dying and she was accepting it, she was facing the facts that I would live and she wouldn't.

I didn't want to though, my childish ways still thought nobody would die, but days like these I've faced the facts that I have to grow up. My father left 5 years ago to work for the government and hasn't sent us a letter or anything. After the disease my mother had been worried, saying he might've died from the the walkers.

I wouldn't accept that, no. But after seeing my sister get ripped to shreds from one of those beasts, I have considered believing it. Having seen my family getting torn apart makes me believe there is no end to this. I've tried to learn the reason for all this, for who started this, but it's no good.

Maybe I'll live the day to see this war end, to see no zombies staggering in the middle of the road, to see my father come home safely and greet my mother like any normal day. To have a proper burial for my sister, I want to see hope, but there is none. Yes, I've read stories of how to defeat something like this, I've read my occasional Walking Dead comics. I've played Left for Dead, but none of it helps.

We were never prepared for any of this, I wasn't prepared. I've learned from the past year how to defend myself and I've learned that the safe zone is New Zealand. I just can't push myself to read something on how to fly a plane or how to safe someones life. No, everyone's too weak to fight for someone else, it's all about survival.

I'm fighting, I'm fighting for my mom, my dad, and my sister. She may be long gone, but she's watching us, cheering for us to get through. I hope I can, but I also hope I could see her again.

My eyes traveled to my Mom's intertwined hands, she was coughing up a storm. I would help, tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will bring us all to safety,

to hope.

November 13, 2046

My fingers drummed against the small wooden desk I was leaning on. My other hand had my head resting in it as my elbow rested against the desk. I sighed, my hand pushing farther up my cheek. My eyes followed the clocks movements, as my ears remembered the tick it made every second.

I was located in New Zealand, the safe zone. My father, being in the military sent me as quick as he could to the safe area once he heard of the disease. We have a very secure system, you get placed to one of the islands, North or South. North is for the skilled, prepared, professionals. South is for the training, weak, or helpless.

Yes, I may be placed at the South, but hey I'm not completely useless. I've been training to be a scientist, to figure the cure for this deadly disease. But I've read a book, about finding four elements and joining them together to stop this disease, but I didn't all believe that. So I searched it up, what you don't believe that?

We still have internet, being in New Zealand feels like any other normal day before this virus spread. Anyway, once I learned enough from it I found out it won't cure the whole world, only half. So here's what I'm set to do, fix up this cure so it spreads out to the entire world. I'll be famous then, I'll be the one who saved them all, I mean how hard can finding four elements be?

My thoughts vanished when the tiny TV switched from old 50's cartoons to the News. Sure some countries still had things the safe zone did. North America was completely wiped out, so has South America and Africa is completely gone. The north of Asia is infected while Europe is doing better than most of the other continents.

Australia is also known as the safe zone, even though New Zealand is apart of Australia, we are farther away from the virus than any other country, state, or city.

I couldn't believe my eyes, a beautiful redhead with a sea of curls was face down on the road. It was somewhere in Scotland and she could be seen bleeding from the left rib. There were at least two men helping her into a usable ambulance car. The news woman looked worn down, her messy dyed blond hair certainly did match her dark brown eyes, as bags could be visible below her bottom lashes.

She wore a ruffled brown blouse, as her black pencil skirt was ripped slightly at the edge. Her muddy brown shoes were shown just above the cut off of the camera. Her ankles looked bruised and so did her arms. I can't help, but feel sorry for the citizens who have to live through horrible days in a place like that.

The woman's voice was raspy as she spoke about the girl who was known to be hit by a car. The injured girl's name was unknown, knowing they didn't have the technology like that anymore. Another girl stood by the side of the news woman, she looked slightly shaken. Her eyes were a green like mine as her hair looked orange-ish and was thrown into a ponytail.

Her clothes like any other normal teenager, her arms pressed against her stomach as her head was facing the ground. The news woman shoved the microphone near her mouth, she asked the teenager a couple of questions.

"Miss, what is your name?"

"M—Mary Katherine."

"Might you know this girl you hit?"

"N—no Ma'am."

The camera shifted over to a white Honda, it's front was painted with blood as the windshield was shattered into a thousand pieces.

"Are you with anyone?" The camera woman was getting pushy and I could tell. The girl gulped and turned away from the microphone. Slowly shaking her head then whispering quietly, "I don't want to answer any more questions."

Familiar groaning sounds could be heard in the distance. The camera was turned towards the noise as it showed walkers approaching.

"Shit." The woman whispered near the camera.

The teenage leaped to her car and jumped in, sounds of glass shattering against the rugged road were heard. The car took off in a hurry, as the sounds of the ambulance taking off was also heard.

The camera was filled with motion blur, and soon turned off making the TV go blank, till the cartoons turned back on.

I sighed, why was this world so hard to survive in?

A/N: So I kinda added Hiccups part like a diary, I could do that for most of the parts, but enjoy their POV'S for now, later I'll do third person. Rapunzel is in California, Merida is in Scotland, Hiccup is in New Zealand and Jack well...not sure.

Hope you enjoyed it, updates come slowly. :( Don't worry, I'll have time during my breaks, enjoy life because it could come crashing down any second. Reviews and Favorites are appreciated! ~Rain