Bellamy doesn't get to be with Clarke until she's ready to push, he had been out in the woods on a hunting trip for most of the day.( and Clarke had failed to mention that she had been in labor since late last night. So, it's not really his fault that he couldn't be there for most of it.)

Clarke's a screaming, crying mess and Bellamy is a well welcome sight in the dimly lit room they were using to deliver. (she squeezes his hand so hard he's pretty sure it's going to break but when he see's Clarke's daughter he decides that he'd go through that a thousand times just to experience a moment like this again.)

Sure, he had been there when Octavia was born, but this was different. This was going to be his child.

Clarke doesn't expect it when Bellamy begins to cry when she hands him her daughter. Big, fat tears roll down his cheeks as he smiles down at the little girl in his arms, and Clarke feels herself begin to tear up as well. She wipes furiously at her eyes as Bellamy openly cries in front of her, speaking gently to the baby. (she catches something along the lines of 'I'll protect you' and she knows that she made the right choice when she didn't tell Finn he was the father. )

She reaches up to wipe the tears off of Bellamy's cheeks, and when their eyes finally meet he leans down to kiss her. "You did good." he mumbles into her lips. (and they both tell themselves it's only because her mother was in the room, but they both know it was for a different reason.)

Their both woken from their sleep the next night by shrill cries. Clarke mumbles an, "I got it." to Bellamy and pushes herself up out of bed and scoops her daughter out of the crib before moving to the chair in the corner of the tent.

Bellamy sits up in bed as Clarke begins to breastfeed her, and he begins to watch. She doesn't really mind, because he's not being perverted, he looks like he's in awe as he watches.

"We need to name her." he says, keeping his voice low.

"How about Abby Octavia?" she hums, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Abby Octavia Griffin." he tests the name out, and smiles. "It's beautiful."

"I was thinking, Abby Octavia Blake?" she suggests, watching as his eyebrows furrow in confusion before he breaks out into smile.

"I like that one too."

"I thought you would." (Clarke will never admit that she thought he looked adorable when he was excited. )

A comfortable silence cloaks them, but it's soon broken by Bellamy.

"You look beautiful Clarke." he tells her, and she snorts in disbelief and amusement.

"I look like a mess." she counters, raising a brow in challenge.

"No- you look like your glowing, like a mother. Your beautiful." Clarke feels her heart swell as she moves to stand, placing Abby in the crib.

She climbs into bed, kissing Bellamy on the cheek before moving to lay on her side. "Thank you."

He waits till she falls asleep to reply.

"Welcome, Princess."