SUMMARY: Haruhi, descends from a long line of famous actors/actresses, but their fame is faltering. So she creates and stars in a small series on the condition that her six male co-stars are orphans from orphanages. This way they could be given a chance at stardom. Her public sees it as an act of charity to to six underprivileged kids. But is this really charity or a publicity stunt?
STORY PAIRINGS: Haruhi+Tamaki, Honey+Mori, Kaoru+Hikaru
PLEASE NOTE: This story is rated M. According to the FF site, that means it has to be appropriate for ages 16+ WITHOUT explicit content, which includes adult language, themes, and suggestions. This story meets those requirements.
"You guys aren't ready yet!" snapped a voice and they all turned to find Haruhi's sister Renge standing at the bottom of the stairs looking cross. "Half of you are still in your pajamas. Get dressed so we can get going."
"We haven't even had breakfast yet," Hikaru snapped frowning.
"We'll pick up some on the way!" Renge nearly growled, her arms folded crossly.
"Why is your Sister so upset?" Tamaki asked frowning.
"My sister is a bit of an actress herself," Haruhi said smiling. "She's been in a number of plays so I've asked her to help me take you all to different sights to see great performers in action."
"And I've planned an entire days worth of activities so we need to move now!" Renge snapped.
Thus about thirty minutes later everyone was dressed and in the limo driving along to their first destination. Even Honey. He sometimes woke up early on his own, but they learned on the second morning that they had filmed that you shouldn't wake him up if he wasn't ready. Hikaru had gotten Honey's call button thrown at his head when he had tried. In fact, Takashi seemed to be the only one who could wake him without having something thrown at him because Takashi would sit on the side of his bed and run his fingers through his hair until Honey's eyes slowly opened. It reminded her of how some people would wake up babies in order to make them not cry.
Renge was in a much better mood now that they were on their way.
"First I thought we would see a play," she explained. "My old theater friends are holding a Breakfast Matinee. You can order your breakfast, just like at a restaurant only all the tables are facing the stage and you watch the play while you eat. It'll be great!"
"Good cause I'm hungry," Honey said frowning staring out the window. Takashi reached into his jacket and pulled out a small breakfast bar, which he handed to Honey. "Yea!"
"Uh, did you two know each other before you guys came here?" Tamaki asked staring at them as Honey had maneuvered around placing his head on Takashi's leg and letting his legs rest up against the window while he ate.
"No," Honey answered. "Why?"
"You guys just seem really close," Hikaru pointed out.
"Takashi's a good boy, so he's my friend!" Honey stated simply reaching up he patted him on the cheek as though he were praising a dog before returning to his breakfast bar.
"They're confusing..." Hikaru frowned leaning back in his seat he noticed Renge was staring at Kyoya who had his nose in a book he had borrowed their library bedroom.
As Kyoya removed his glasses for a moment to rub his eyes he noticed Renge was staring at him. "What?"
"Oh nothing!" she said grinning ridiculously.
With a frown he returned to his book but he could still feel her eyes on him.
The limo came to a stop and the driver got out opening the door for them. Renge (who seemed to have been here before) brought them to what she called her favorite table. It had a reserved sign on it which one of the workers removed when they sat down. It was clear the table was not meant to have this many people around it so they had to sit somewhat close together.
Twenty minutes after they had arrived and ordered food the stage curtain opened and a play began. Tamaki seemed the most excited by noise and the lights and how the characters on stage were clearly putting their very hearts and soul into delivering the best performance they could. As one of the musical numbers in the middle of the show was about to begin, the music was suddenly turned down and a man in a suit walked out on stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen. We are terribly sorry. Our star was descending the steps backstage and fell. She injured her ankle and regrettably will not be able to perform. Due to circumstances out of our control, her understudy was unable to attend tonights show as well. If you make your way to the entrance you will be refunded your money and offered free tickets for a future showing. Again we are—"
The clatter of dishes met their ears and the next thing they knew Renge was suddenly standing on their table, and... she began to sing.
Every head turned to look at their table. Kaoru even sunk a little lower in his chair clearly embarrassed that everyone was looking their way. Whispers rose like the sound of an avalanche coming closer. "Who is that?" "Could it be?" "No way I think that's—" "It is! It has to be!" "It's Renge Fujioka!"
When the name was mentioned it to rumbled around bouncing from mouth to mouth until even the guy up on stage heard her name. "Renge..." he whispered. Then suddenly his face lit up. He motioned to the band to begin playing. And by the time Renge finished the first stanza the music was playing. She quickly motioned for Tamaki and Mori to stand up and when they did she used their shoulders to safely hop down from the table. She started to dance making her way through the tables and she began the next verse.
One of the stage hands had run off to get her a microphone and he rushed up beside the table she was approaching, ducking low and holding it up to her so he wouldn't ruin the ambiance of her skit. She spun around, the skirt of her dress seemingly doing a dance on it's own, and it distracted most people enough so that they didn't see her grab the mike and clip it to her collar. The very next words she sang erupted through the speakers. Everyone in the host club was floored and speechless. Except for Haruhi who had interlaced her fingers and watched the scene with an admiring look that seemed to say: That's my sister.
Renge rushed to the stage as the background cast was doing their skit and held out both her arms. Two men in the cast seemed to understand what she wanted and they rushed forward grabbing her arms and pulling her up onto the stage. When her feet hit the floor she she immediately got into the spot in the dance that the actor was supposed to be in, and it was as though she had been rehearsing with them all along.
Renge was given a hat to throw into the crowd at the end of the number, which Tamaki assumed she would have been wearing the whole time had she not just been put in the play. When the number concluded the applause was deafening. The same man in the suit rushed out excitedly. "Ladies and gentlemen! The show WILL go on!"
Then the curtains closed so the scene could be set up.
"How the hell did she do that?" Tamaki asked blinking.
"Haru-chan, has Renge seen this play before?" Honey asked looking up at her.
"Seen it?" Haruhi laughed. "Renge was the star of this play for two years. She knows how it goes."
If their little group thought that would be the most exciting thing that happened during the day's play. They were wrong...
At the plays climax their was a scene where soldiers rushed the cast attempting to take them to prison. But to make it more exciting for the crowd, the soldiers didn't enter from the sides of the stage. No they entered from where the viewers entered and made their way through the crowd to increase the tension. Haruhi was initially looking forward to this part to see how the boys reacted. She remembered the first time she had seen this play she had actually thought the police had stormed in. But it never really took anyone long to realize that it was all apart of the show.
This time however Haruhi realized that maybe this was too much for one of them.
Honey had sunk back into his seat looking terrified as the soldiers with guns walked by them. So much so that Haruhi reached out and touched his shoulder. "Honey it's okay, it's apart of the show..."
Takashi had been watching him since the door opened even before Haruhi had noticed him freaking out, and he placed a hand on Honey's head to assure him he was safe. Renge let out a very convincing scream that made Honey jump slightly. His eyes were as round as marbles as she was pushed back onto the floor. It was all apart of the show of course, but... Honey didn't seem able to understand this, and they didn't really have the time to explain because it was happening too fast.
"Maybe we should take Honey outside," Haruhi suggested to Takashi who nodded.
But the next second Honey had launched himself from his chair rushing forward as one of the soldiers hit the floor with his belt (which had been angled to appear as though he had hit Renge). To make this even more convincing for the crowd, Renge has screamed at that moment.
Jumping up onto the closest table to the stage he landed right before the actor holding the belt and round house kicked him into two other guys. Renge sat up looking shocked and Honey ran over to her grabbing her arm. "Rei-chan c'mon! Let's go," he said quickly.
Renge stared at him thinking fast, and suddenly she hugged him. "Oh brother, you shouldn't have come home! It's too dangerous here!" she declared for the crowd.
Honey looked completely confused as she grabbed him by the shoulders. "You need to go upstairs okay, I don't want you to see this."
"Rei-chan..." Honey blinked wondering what to do.
"You have to go upstairs, let me deal with this okay little brother. I just want you safe," she moved him towards the fake set of stairs that had been set up to make the place look like a house. She opened the door thankful to see Haruhi and the other already waiting backstage. She covered her microphone and whispered to Haruhi, "Keep him HERE!"
Before she turned back and shut the door disappearing from their sites and they heard her over the speakers announce, "Sirs, please don't hurt my little brother. If you spare him I will go with you."
Her character got captured anyway, and it seemed to Renge that this was a way to get the play back on track.
Haruhi had grabbed Honey's hand taking him down the steps and backstage, and then rounded on him. "What were you doing!" she snapped. "You could have ruined the whole play, why would you go on stage like that!"
Honey looked rather hurt by her tone and he frowned. "They were hurting her..."
"No Honey, they weren't. This is a play. Do you understand what a play is!?" she snapped seeing his expression fall even more (were it possible) and then paused. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be yelling. But you can't go on stage when a play is in progress. Just like you can't walk on set when a shoot is taking place. You see? A play isn't like our show. If we mess up, we can do it over. In a play, you don't get the chance to fix mistakes. It's like doing a whole episode in one take. Remember when I explained to you about takes?"
Honey turned walking over to Takashi he hugged him burying his face in Takashi's jacket as though he were hiding.
Haruhi frowned. "Well, we'll cause too much of a scene if we go back to our seats. Let's wait back here until the plays over. It doesn't have too much more..."
When the final curtain call happened Renge took the final bow with the rest of the cast and stormed back stage looking furious. "Seriously! What the hell!"
Honey whined and started hugging Takashi again, who in turn patted his head softly.
"I already spoke with him," Haruhi assured her. "So don't worry."
She really looked on the edge of starting to yell, but the head of the theater tapped her on the shoulder the next minute and she spun around smiling.
"Thank you so much Fujioka-san!" he said bowing. "We would have lost so much money if you hadn't been here."
"No problem, how is the star doing?"
"She's fine, she's at the hospital, but is expected to recover quickly."
"Wonderful," Renge said happily. "I'll send her some flowers to cheer her up."
"She would like that, for now. Would you like to go sign some autographs? Many of the viewers stayed after just to see you."
"Of course," she said and she turned back to Haruhi for a moment. "I'm not going to make the concert. Go on without me, and tell Arai I said hello."
With that said she left with the owner and Honey peeked out of Takashi's shirt looking happy to see her leave. Haruhi took out her phone to call her driver and when she was done she asked the boys if they wanted to go across the street for an ice-cream while they waited for the limo to come back. Of course they all agreed.
"Haruhi," Tamaki said while he ate his cone. "Renge sure was amazing wasn't she?"
"Yeah," Haruhi agreed. "That's Renge for you... She's good at everything."
Their was very small tone of disappointment in Haruhi's voice when she said that and Tamaki stared at her frowning...
Quite a few hours later (it took some time to drive there) the boys found themselves in balcony seats for a concert called Airraid Arai, they were all talking about how they had never been to a concert before, and Haruhi found that very odd. But then again, maybe they lost their parents before they could take them to one...
The music started and the fog machines were turned on. The speakers were so loud Tamaki could feel the music in his feet. Screams erupted from the crowd. Everyone was cheering. Tamaki looked around excitedly as the dancers walked out and then the lead singer. He held his hand up for a three count and when he got to one he began to play his guitar which erupted around them. Sparks were shooting out from behind the back up dancers. At one part one of the girls behind the singer spun around quickly and began to dance with Arai. Haruhi looked down the row, the boys were all staring intently except for Kyoya who had removed his glasses and started rubbing his eyes.
During one of her twirls she arched her back only her toes were still on the edge of the stage and Arai caught her before she fell off. This was the same moment a burst of sparks erupted behind them showing the girl's silhouette perfectly. Arai pulled her back and she spun around until she was back in sink with the other girls dancing their choreographed dance.
The next time the chorus came around Tamaki got thoroughly excited and grabbed Haruhi's hand pulling her into the aisle way where he started dancing with her. Rather badly. It was very clear Tamaki didn't have a clue how to dance, but that was okay because Haruhi didn't either.
They got to go back stage when the concert was over. When Haruhi brought them back Arai was putting his guitar in it's case. "Haruhi! You made it," he said smiling walking over to her.
"Yeah, you were amazing. As always."
"I don't know about that," he said laughing nervously.
"Well, these are the boys I told you about," Haruhi said indicating the Host Club behind her.
"Hello," Arai said inclining his head. "How did your first episode go?"
"It went well, we just have to edit it and get the the network to approve. I'll let you know the air date as soon as I find out."
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Arai smiled as he latched his guitar case close. "I hate to leave so soon, but I have another concert in New York tomorrow so I need to catch the flight out tonight. I'll talk to you soon though."
As he passed the boys he nodded to them again, "It was nice meeting all of you."
With that he was gone, and Haruhi took them on a tour of back stage.
When all was said and done they climbed back in the limo.
"What did you guys think?" Haruhi asked. "Those were real performers in action. Did you learn anything?"
"I learned not to go up on stage," Honey said pouting.
"Well I learned that it takes a lot of time and dedication to be good at an art. I can't imagine how long they all had to practice for to be as great as they are! Tamaki exclaimed happily. "I'm going to work really hard!"
"That's the spirit," Haruhi grinned and Tamaki felt his face go red.
On the long limo ride home most of the boys fell asleep or started reading (that was Kyoya). Tamaki however was stairing at Haruhi the whole time. She had taken out a pen and paper to work on the script and summary plans for their show. He caught a glimpse of her dedicated expression as they drove under the traffic lights. She was using the light of her phone to read and write by.
She's working so hard, Tamaki thought frowning. I really hope this show works out for her...
So, been awhile for this one. Hope you're all still enjoying. And if you're new then I hope you enjoyed. XD I'm finding myself with a lot of free time recently so I've been able to update a lot more. I plan to update everything that hasn't been updated in awhile this month. *dances* Hopefully that works out.
As always review if you're interested. I'm already seeing a few stories I'll be deleting soon for lack of interest, so those probably won't get updated. But their is no sense in updating stories no one really wants to read when I could be devoting time and efforts to the stories people do. So if you like this story please review so I know their is still interest in it.