Author's Note: Akoya x Ibushi and Kinshiro x Yumoto in this chapter.
Kinshiro was flying through the air towards the dragon. He raised the Love Staff up over his head and brought it down in a Love Attack. The dragon that was once Yumoto swooped down underneath Kinshiro to dodge it, just according to plan.
"Now, Akoya!" Kinshiro shouted. The pink haired boy grabbed Yumoto's skin from the pile he was carrying and tossed it to the white haired boy. As Kinshiro caught it, he lost his momentum from the Love Attack and started spiraling downwards to the dragon's back.
He landed hard on his stomach and winced, trying to keep a good grip on the dragon, the Love Staff, and Yumoto's skin. The monster started flying in fast circles, trying to buck the Battle Lover off. Kinshiro laid out Yumoto's skin on the dragon's back.
"I really hope this works," he prayed to himself. Pushing himself onto his elbows, Kinshiro aimed the Love Staff at the back of the dragon's head. "Love Attack!" He shouted, watching as the winged heart hit the monster's neck.
Ibushi and Akoya looked on at the spectacle occurring in the air from the beach. Everyone had left in a panic, leaving only the two Battle Lovers. The dragons hadn't spotted them yet on the sand, so this was good. One dragon was flying around out of the synchronization with the others, so they immediately knew that was the one Kinshiro was riding.
Akoya looked down at the other skins he was holding. "I wish there were some other way we could help," he whispered, "But we're useless without our Love Sticks."
Ibushi thought to himself for a moment. "Maybe there's a way we can power up, also?"
"We don't need two more monsters on the loose," Akoya replied. They looked back up at the dragons.
"Our powers are based on love." Ibushi raised his hand to the heart-shaped medal on his chest. "I doubt that we would turn into monsters." The pink haired boy looked at the vice president out of the corner of his eye.
"So how are we going to power up?" Akoya asked.
Kinshiro pushed himself up, straddling the dragon's back as his legs dangled, and raised his arm into the air with the Love Staff. "Love Shower!" He shouted. The pink rain of hearts started coming down. The other dragons started spreading out, avoiding the cloud of love.
The white haired boy waited for something to happen, any change to the dragon at all. The monster swooped down to a clearing in the forest, which Kinshiro realized was where the lit up tree was located.
Kinshiro rolled himself off the dragon, which was now coughing up a black goo. There was a dark black light that engulfed the dragon, still being pelted with the raining hearts. Kinshiro closed his eyes as a high-pitched sound was emitted. He covered his ears, and almost missed a soft, gentle voice calling him.
Ibushi's hands were cupped around Akoya's very red face. The pink haired boy had placed the skins on the sand away from the tide and now had his hands clasped together behind his back, awaiting the upperclassman's actions.
"Akoya, on the chance that we survive all of this madness, will you go out with me?"
"Of course," Akoya gasped.
Ibushi leaned in, and Akoya closed his eyes in expectation for a kiss. Instead, he felt a tickling sensation on his forehead. Akoya opened his eyes, and looked up slightly, realizing Ibushi was giving him light butterfly kisses. The pink haired boy laughed.
As he embraced Ibushi, a silver and pink light engulfed them.
Kinshiro crawled over to the source of some smoke and the sound of the voice. He saw the silhouette of the boy standing on both feet. "Yumoto?"
Two dark shapes spread out behind the boy and cleared the smoke. "Kinshiro," he replied, tilting his head to the side, "Are you alright?" Kinshiro's eyes widened in fearful surprise. Two dark, leathery wings like that of a bat – no, a dragon – extended from Yumoto's back. His hair was jet black, and his eyes glowed bright red. The boy frowned, kneeling down to Kinshiro. The wings twitched.
"I tried to save you, but it didn't work," Kinshiro said, starting to cry.
Yumoto grabbed Kinshiro's hands. "You did save me! I'm not a Blue Diamond Dragon anymore!"
"You still have wings, though..."
The dragon boy looked behind him and shrugged his shoulders. He looked back at the white haired boy. "I'll get used to them. Besides, we still have to save the others, and you can't get up there without help!"
"Don't worry, we're here to help, too," a voice from the sky said. The two boys looked up, and saw Ibushi and Akoya descending from the sky. They, too, had wings, except they were pure white and feathered like angels. Their hair had changed color like Yumoto's had, except it was white. Their eyes were glowing silver and light pink, respectively. They came to a soft landing on their feet.
"How did you manage to do that?" Kinshiro asked.
"For starters, Ibushi is now off limits," Akoya said to the two boys. "We're going to have a nice picnic when this is over, just the two of us." Kinshiro and Yumoto exchanged a glance.
"Kinshiro," Ibushi added, "You just need to succumb to the power of love, and you can have the strength to save everyone."
"I don't think I can save everyone even with a power up," he replied. "I've lost too much blood. I should be dead right now, but I'm not!"
"It's probably Wombat's technology keeping you here," Yumoto thought out loud. "Just try to use your powers!" Kinshiro shook his head, tears falling fast. "Kinshiro, snap out of it!" Yumoto shouted, and pressed his lips to the older boy's.
Kinshiro was shocked. Yumoto started nibbling his bottom lip with sharp fangs. Kinshiro got into the kiss, and soon he felt two wings burst free from his back. He got to his feet and held Yumoto's hands in his. Kinshiro's eyes were now glowing bright gold.
"Let's love these dragons into the ground," he said.
The four boys were flying, literally this time. Each one held the shed skin of a member of the Earth Defense Club. The three Battle Lovers were unsure of how they were going to tell the dragons apart from each other, when Yumoto suddenly cried out each of the boys' names while pointing at them.
"How can you tell?" Kinshiro asked.
"Dragon eyes!" Yumoto replied, before swooping down to the dragon that was once En and sitting on his back. The dragon was indifferent to the boy. One by one, each boy sat on a dragon, having to be more careful than Yumoto. Ibushi waited on Ryuu, Akoya waited on Io, and Kinshiro waited on Atsushi.
Kinshiro raised the Love Staff to the sky and bellowed, "Cupid Love Meteor Barrage!" Large winged hearts descended from the sky and attacked the four dragons. As soon as the attack subsided, he raised the Love Staff once more and shouted, "Cupid Love Meteor Shower!" Hearts and stars rained down to the ground as far as the eye could see, calming the dragons and putting out all the flames caused by their hate.
The four dragons landed on the beach, side by side as they let the four winged boys dismount. Once again, there was a black light that enveloped the four beasts. Kinshiro tackled everyone to the ground, knowing about the shriek that would follow.
After the smoke cleared, four more dragon boys emerged from the shadows. Their eyes glowed blue, green, yellow, and dark pink. The eight winged boys stood on the beach in silence.
That is, until they heard the sirens in the distance, rescuers probably coming to stop the already ceased fires and see if there were any injuries. They did their reverse transformations back into their vacation clothes. Yumoto looked around, smiling at everyone, when he realized Kinshiro wasn't there. The blond looked down, and to his horror saw the white haired boy collapsed on the sand, lifeless. Everyone kneeled down in a panic, wanting to rush to his aid, but not knowing how. The paramedics rushed to the group, and carefully moved Kinshiro onto a stretcher.
"He's gone into hypovolemic shock! What's his blood type?" One of the rescuers asked the group as his partners wheeled the boy into the back of the ambulance. This was met with confused murmuring.
Yumoto raised his hand and shouted, "I'm blood type O! I'll go with you!"
The six boys watched as their two friends left in the back of the ambulance, unsure of what to do next.