Author's Note: My first fan fiction for Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE! With only two episodes left, this seems like a possible way for it to end.

Major Character Death

Animal (Alien) Cruelty/Death

Spoilers for Episode 10 and the trailer for Episode 11

No romantic ships, but there is the friendship between Kinshiro and Atsushi.

Please enjoy!

- BFF #1 -

"Lord Zundar, are you sure about this?" Kinshiro asked. In his white gloved hand he held the green alien. In the other, he had a Zundar needle. Ibushi and Akoya also had Zundar needles, and were looking at each other uncertainly.

"Are you questioning me, dar?" The green hedgehog leaped from Kinshiro's hand and onto the student council desk. "Once it makes contact with your neck, you'll get a power boost, dar. With it, you will be able to defeat the Battle Lovers once and for all, dar. Your camouflage will stop working because it will no longer be necessary, dar. You will turn into the three most powerful beings in the world, dar."

Kinshiro was the first to stab the nape of his neck with the needle. Ibushi and Akoya followed suit. At first, it seemed like nothing happened, but then they felt the evil seep under their skin. For some reason, the process was slower than when they would make monsters. The burning pain lingered as the Zundar needles dissolved.

Meanwhile, the Earth Defense Club was lazing about in the clubroom, doing their usual routine. Mr. Tawarayama leaned stiffly against the newly revealed door, which was still locked tight. Suddenly, the Battle Lovers' bracelets flashed.

"Ow!" Yumoto cried.

"The Love Alert?" Ryuu questioned. "So soon?"

"We might as well transform," Atsushi said. They quickly did so, and went onto the campus. Waiting for them was Caerula Adamas, their backs to the Battle Lovers. Something was off about them, and Wombat was quick to notice.

"Their camouflage technology isn't activated!" The Battle Lovers gasped collectively.

The trio slowly turned around, revealing the student council dressed in all black. Their faces were covered in veiny, black lines. They shared the same pained expression.

"Please," Kinshiro begged, "Kill us."

"You lied to us," Ibushi whispered. The student council was on their knees in front of the desk. Zundar looked down on them.

"All of the former incarnations of Caerula Adamas surrendered themselves to the power of the Zundar needle and were able to kill the Battle Lovers, dar. Afterwards, the evil engulfed them and they themselves died, dar. It is a responsibility you must have, dar." The hedgehog pointed his snout to the air. "This pain won't last long, and it will go away as you start transforming into your more powerful selves, dar."

In a fit of rage, Kinshiro mustered up all his strength and grabbed the hedgehog. "I refuse to do anymore of your work!" With that, he threw Zundar at the wall, causing a sickening splat accompanied by a splotch of green blood and alien organs. The three of them looked away and painfully made their way outside so the Battle Lovers could find them easily.

Caerula Adamas was on their knees in front of the Battle Lovers. "Don't trust them!" Wombat shouted, jumping in front of them. "This must be part of their master plan! If a Battle Lover kills someone, their powers will darken and be used for evil!"

"Please!" Akoya shouted, before he keeled over and coughed up a black goo. "I didn't want to become this! In our quest for beauty and ruling the world, I didn't notice how ugly we were becoming!" The trio started screaming as their skin began to bubble, signaling their transformation into powerful monsters.

Scarlet looked at Wombat and the Battle Lovers. He raised his Love Stick and shouted, "Sparkle, Lumiere of Love!" Everyone followed suit.

"Flash, Purifying Aqua!"

"Pierce, Gallant Hurricane!"

"Roar, Raging Gaia!"

"Thrill, Blazing Ignit!"

Caerula Adamas watched as the Love Sticks came together, hoping for an attack that would kill them and bring an end to their misery. They were extremely surprised when Scarlet held it in his hands and happily said, "Love Shower!"

Pink clouds materialized in the sky and hearts rained down on the trio, causing their skin to return back to normal. The black on their uniforms washed away as if it were oil, and their rings morphed into different shapes, almost as if the evil inside them was confused.

"Love is over!" Scarlet lowered his staff. The mist cleared and the Battle Lovers approached the healed Caerula Adamas. Their magical uniforms were now a pure white, and upon closer inspection, their rings were engraved with hearts.

"Oh my!" Wombat exclaimed, "The Lost Lovers!" This earned a confused noise from the Battle Lovers. "When the war originally started, there were actually eight princes on the Throne of Love! Three of them suddenly disappeared without a trace! Could it be that the villains kidnapped the three of them and converted the technology they were carrying to spread evil?"

"Probably." Cerulean raised his hands in a careless shrug.

Kinshiro slowly opened his eyes and looked up. "Atsushi," he murmured, looking at the green Battle Lover. "You always did say you wanted to be a super hero."

Atsushi laughed. "So did you!"

The next day, the council members came to school in the same uniforms everyone else wore as opposed to their pure white ones. Atsushi and En found out when they were passing by the principal's office, the trio about to enter.

"We have decided to resign our positions on the council," Kinshiro announced.

"Huh? Why?" En asked. "If you should decide anything, it should be to stay on the council." This shocked the council.

Atsushi nodded in agreement. "You can use your authority to look for the Loveless. Wombat said that he and Lord Zundar weren't the only aliens to come to Earth."

Kinshiro closed the door and smiled. "You're right, what were we thinking?" He motioned toward the end of the hall. "I almost forgot something important in the council room. Follow us."

"For some reason, it was behind a wardrobe." They were staring at a brown door in the middle of the pristine wall. Kinshiro reached out to touch it. "I wanted to find out what was behind it..."

"Hey, Atsushi. Doesn't that look exactly like the door in..." En drawled, his words tapered off before he finished.

"You're right," the bespectacled boy replied. They looked at the council members. "There's a door exactly like this one in our clubroom. It was hidden behind a book case that toppled over."

"Move," En said to Kinshiro. The tall boy hurled himself at the door. The wood gave way, and he toppled into the adjoining room. It was dark, the only light shining through the hole in the door.

"That was school property..." Ibushi said. Everyone stepped into the room. En stood.

In the middle of the room was a column of light. It appeared that there were glimpses of every battle that they had, and then some that they didn't remember.

"O sole mio! You aren't supposed to be in here!" Turning around, they saw Wombat panicking at the door. "Get out! Out!" Wombat spun around. "The order! The order!"

"What's he talking about?" Akoya asked, twirling his hair in his fingers. "This isn't your club room, so how would he know about the door?" Wombat suddenly looked distressed that he hadn't thought this through.

En walked over to Wombat and picked him up by the nape of the neck. "You'd better tell us what the hell is going on right now, or so help me..."

"Mr. Tawarayama! Will you be our club advisor?" Atsushi asked, holding out the paper. The teacher took it.

"The Earth Defense Club, huh? What do you plan on doing?" He read the paper. "Random activities that promote fun?"

En crossed his arms behind his head. "Yeah, we already have five members. We just need an advisor."

Mr. Tawarayama nodded his head. "Alright. I'll be your advisor."

Later that day, the five club members and their advisor went to the room they had decided on, only to be met with something strange.

"What is that thing?" Ryuu and Io pointed at a pink animal in the corner of their clubroom. Mr. Tawarayama patted their shoulders.

"Don't worry. I'll investigate." He knelt down next to form and poked it. The animal unfurled itself, surprising the teacher and causing him to jump backwards, hitting the back of his head on the edge of the table and collapsing. The five Earth Defense Club members rushed to his aid, but found he had no pulse, and was bleeding out from the wound in the back of his head.

Yumoto looked over at the pink animal that caused this. "Is that a wombat?" The wombat walked over to Mr. Tawarayama's body, and the corpse sprung back to life. The five members were completely shocked at this turn of events.

"I am from another world. Please, will you help me spread love throughout the world?"

"Did the wombat just talk?" En asked.

And so, this was the first time the Earth Defense Club became the Battle Lovers.

Wombat reset the timeline when only Scarlet was left standing. The four other Battle Lovers had been eaten by the monsters Caerula Adamas had become. Scarlet used the Love Attack on them, but it was too late.

"Follow me," Wombat said. Scarlet slowly walked behind the pink alien, rubbing tears from his eyes with his gloved hands. They ended up in the clubroom. Wombat jumped up and tapped the blank wall where they had found him. A brown door appeared.

"Will this bring my friends back?" Scarlet asked.

"In a way," Wombat said. "Please, open the door for me." Scarlet opened the door. Inside was darkness and a column of light. "As soon as I go in, close the door behind me."

"Can't I cuddle you one last time?" Scarlet asked. Wombat shook his head and stepped inside the room. Scarlet closed the door.

Countless timelines ended in the death of either the Battle Lovers or Caerula Adamas. Wombat and Lord Zundar continued resetting time, hoping for the next timeline to be in their favor. Two doors, one in the clubroom, one in the council room, remained in every timeline and would only unlock with an alien's permission.

"This is the first time that the Lost Lovers have been found, though. I believe that's a positive, but you found out about our operation, which is a negative. O sole mio!" Wombat cried out. Atsushi and the student council followed En as he carried Wombat to the clubroom.

"It wasn't just the two doors that remained constant, though," Atsushi said, indicating the sign on the clubroom door. "I'm also guessing that Mr. Tawarayama dies in every time reset and you use him as your puppet?" Wombat laughed sheepishly.

"Maybe the timeline being reset is why Gora recognized Yumoto when we were transformed, too," En added.

They told Ryuu, Io, and Yumoto what Wombat had told them, and together decided there was only one thing that could be done.

"Let's transform, then!" Yumoto shouted. The normal five Battle Lovers transformed, but the student council looked around confused. "Kiss your rings and say 'Love Making'!" Scarlet shouted.

"It sounds too vulgar for my liking," Kinshiro replied. Hesitating, he said, "Love Making!" He kissed his ring and transformed into the white version of his Caerula Adamas uniform. "The Golden Prince. Battle Lover Aurite!"

"Love Making!" Ibushi shouted. "The Silver Prince. Battle Lover Argent!"

"Love Making!" Akoya said. "The Pearl Prince. Battle Lover Perlite!"

"I wonder what powers your Love Sticks have?" Scarlet wondered out loud.

"T-That's really vulgar!" Perlite covered his mouth.

Vesta laughed. "Are you sure you have what it takes to be a Battle Lover?" The five veteran Battle Lovers made their Love Sticks manifest out of the jewels on their bows. "See? It's easy!" The three rookies manifested their Love Sticks out of the medals on their collars.

"W-What are you doing?" Wombat shrieked as the eight Battle Lovers pointed their Love Sticks at the pink alien.

"We want our normal lives back!" Epinard shouted. The eight Love Sticks combined into a staff more powerful than when there were only five. Scarlet felt the power radiating off of it as he held on tight.

"Goodbye, Wombat," Scarlet whispered before shouting, "Love Attack!" The roof and windows blew outward as the room was filled with a pink light. A winged heart enveloped Wombat. When the dust from the wreckage cleared, the alien was nowhere to be seen.

"Did we win?" Sulfur asked. There was a large, wet flopping noise outside. The entire school shook. It was clear the fight was not over.

"A giant koi fish monster?" Scarlet exclaimed.

"Aurite, did Caerula Adamas make one last monster before you were reformed?" Epinard asked.

"The last monsters we made were us," the white haired boy replied. He looked up at the fish. I think Lord Zundar may have mentioned him..." Argent and Perlite shared a look.

"You mean..." Argent started.

"That's Commander Hireashi," Perlite whispered, mesmerized by the giant fish. On top of the fish were two boys in strange, gray uniforms that were a combination of the Battle Lovers' and Caerula Adamas. One of the boys had short, almost purple hair, and the other had long, wavy black hair.

"The press society?!" The Earth Defense Club exclaimed.

"Battle Lovers!" Kou Kinosaki shouted, waving his hands. Masuya Tazawa snapped some pictures.

"It's time for the final part of the plan, Kou," the fish gurgled. Kou and Masuya looked down, their eyes glowing redder than usual. They smiled evilly.

"Are... Are they also aliens?" Cerulean asked, looking up at them.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Scarlet asked. He jumped up with the staff twirling in his hands. "Love Attack!" Commander Hireashi swatted the Battle Lover to the side before the energy could leave the staff. Scarlet crashed into another part of the school. The staff spun out of control and fell to the ground, snapping in half. The individual Love Sticks returned to the Battle Lovers' hands.

The veteran Battle Lovers looked at each other and nodded in unison. They jumped out of the wrecked clubroom, but Epinard hesitated when he noticed the council members standing around. He turned around. "Aurite, Argent, Perlite, there's something you should do."

"Don't worry, we're going to fight with you," Aurite said, smiling at his friend.

"No!" Epinard shouted. He turned his head in the direction of the fight. It didn't look like it was in the Battle Lovers' favor. "The three of you should stay here. From what Wombat said, the timeline doesn't get this far. Either we die or you die. If the five of us die, you three need to go back in time and fix all of this. Find us before we become the Battle Lovers, and before you become Caerula Adamas. You'll remember all of this, and so you can prevent all of this."

Epinard was about to take off before Aurite hugged him tightly. "Good luck, my friend." The green Battle Lover pulled away and jumped into battle.

Half of the school was destroyed in the battle. The alien fish commander was still on a rampage. Aurite took a chair from the clubroom and smashed it through the brown door. As expected, there was a column of light with visions of battles from previous timelines. The trio looked around the room, but that was all that was there.

"How do we reset the timeline?" Perlite asked, twirling some of his pink hair in his fingers. "There aren't any buttons to press."

Aurite paced around the column, looking at each individual moving frame until he found one that appeared to be from earlier in the school year, before any aliens appeared. He reached out and placed his hand on the image, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "I found it," he whispered.

"Ah, Mr. President!" Yumoto exclaimed. The five members of the Earth Defense Club looked up from their own activities to find the student council standing in the doorway to their clubroom.

"What brings you here?" En asked, leaning back in his chair.

"Have you ever heard of the Throne of Love?" Kinshiro asked. The club looked extremely confused. There were no signs of Wombat, and no signs of Mr. Tawarayama, dead or alive.

"That sounds really vulgar," Io sighed. "Why would you bring it up in a school environment?"

"If you find yourself in the same room as a talking pink wombat, run," Akoya added.

"Sure, we'll do that," Ryuu murmured, going back to texting.

"Everything's normal, so why are you on edge, Kinshiro?" Ibushi asked, pouring tea. They were sitting in the council room. This was where they had woken up after time had been reset. They had been wearing their white school uniforms, and there was no sign of their transformation rings or a green alien hedgehog. After they had paid a visit to the Earth Defense Club, they changed into their spare uniforms that matched all the other students'.

"Something seemed off about them," Kinshiro replied, nervously fidgeting with his tie.

Akoya sipped his tea. "Don't worry about a thing."

A strange sound was in the corner of the room. The trio turned to investigate. There was a furry pink creature on the floor. "Will you help me spread the power of love?" It asked.

"That was strange," Yumoto said. "What did they say about a pink wombat?"

A green light shimmered from within Yumoto's lunchbox. "I think they're onto us, dar." The lid popped open, and the alien hedgehog who approached the Earth Defense Club jumped out. "They may be our enemies, the Battle Lovers, dar."