"Mommy, watch me!"

Evie walked down the small ramp that connected to the U-haul that she was currently unloading all her and her son's belongings out of to look at her son.

At the end of the paved cement driveway, her five year old son Andre was bouncing the basketball his father got him for his birthday last year, lifting his leg to make the ball go underneath it.

"Baby, I thought you were going to help mommy."

"I did help you. I unlocked the door," he replied, running up the driveway, losing control of the ball.

Evie caught it in mid bounce, holding the ball above her head as Andre stood on his tippy toes to reach it.

"Mommy, give me the ball."

"You can play with the ball after you start helping mommy. And if you work really hard, we will go out for ice cream later."

"Mint chocolate chip?"

"Is there any other flavor?"

"Okay!", he ran up the ramp, squeezing himself between boxes, using his whole body to move one of them toward the end of the ramp.

"That's my boy."

"Mommy, is daddy coming to live with us too?"

"No baby. Remember I told you, me and daddy aren't married anymore. He's with Jasmine now."

"I don't like Jasmine. She's mean."

"Yeah, I agree. But, your dad loves her."

"Will he come to see me?"

"Yes. He will come get you on Fridays so you can spend time with him the whole weekend."

Evie and Andre's father Ben made their divorce official about three months ago, but have been seperated for nearly two years. Shockingly, it wasn't one of those messy divorces where they would try to fuck the other out of everything and anything. They just fell out of love. From Evie's standpoint, there was no more passion in their marriage. She had a strong feeling that was one of the main reasons of the split. She worked out everyday by going for a morning and evening jog, running ten miles to keep her body in shape for her guy. She would wear the dirtiest lingerie she could get her hands on to get a rise out of him. It used to drive him crazy to the point he would tear her clothes off right at the door when he came home from the office. But, he just didn't seem interested anymore, and neither was she. She had a feeling Jasmine was the cause. But, wierdly she wasn't angry. You can't help who you are attracted to. Why force something to work when it's not going to get better than what it was?

Evie made her way up the ramp, bending her legs so she can pick up the box that was labeled with black permanent marker, kitchen.

Her fingers gripped the bottom of the box, lifting it up as she stood to her feet. Andre went to the next box that came into view in the truck, pushing it to the end of the ramp.

She walked into the open front door, placing the heavy box on top of the kitchen counter. She looked out the small window that was above the kitchen sink, her jaw nearly hitting the counter when her eyes landed on the most beautiful naked man getting out of his shower.

That perfect human being was living next door to her? She must have done something right in this life to get to live next to him.

She internally cursed out the steam created from his hot shower because she wasn't able to see is he was well endowed or not.

Jesus fucking christ, Evie! You seriously need to get laid. You've become the ultimate creep. A fucking peeping tom. She tried adverting her lust crazed eyes elsewhere only for them to go straight back to the window. This time, the stud was staring right back at her with a small grin playing in the corner of his mouth.

Evie quickly turned around, heading outside to grab the next box from the truck.

Fuck Fuck Fuck! That did not just happen! She will never be able to introduce herself to him now. He's probably married or has a girlfriend, which makes this situation about a hundred times more awkward.

When Evie made her way outside, she saw Andre playing basketball with a young boy with blonde hair.

She strolled over to them, trying to wipe her memory clean of what just happened to her in that damn kitchen.

"Hey Andre, who's your friend?"

"This is Abel, mommy. He lives next door."

Oh no. Andre is playing with the sexy stranger's son? Can the universe be any more cruel?

Abel waved to Evie who in return gave him a small wave with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Abel."

"Mom, can I play with Abel for a little while, then I'll help you?"


"Please mommy," he stuck out his bottom lip. She was always a sucker when he stuck out that damn bottom lip.

"Okay only for a little while."

"Yes!," both boys exclaimed, continuing their game.

Evie bent down, grabbing her next box.

"You're moving this shit in all by yourself, darlin'?"

Oh no.