I pushed off the wall and grinned. Tadashi stood in front of Baymax, a disgruntled but content look on his face.

"It's progress. That's all that matters." He sighed, scratching under his ball cap.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and took a step or two closer to him and the giant marshmallow of a robot. "The flailing arms could have fooled me." I made a couple crazy arm gestures, imitating what the robot had done when Tadashi activated it.

"You know, you should watch out." I gave him a sceptical look. "If you say the," Tadashi lowered his voice and leaned in. "magic word, your personal care assistant might come to life to check if you're okay." I laughed and Tadashi shook his head at the robot.

"What magic word?" I came to stand beside him, gazing at Baymax, then back at Tadashi when he didn't answer. Tadashi smiled softly, and put a lock of my pale pink hair behind my ear.

"Ow!" I yelped, as his fingers pinched my neck. "What was that for-"

Baymax suddenly began to move, making a whirring sound and began to waggle his arms towards us in a similar way as before. I squealed and hid behind Tadashi as he fought to shut it back down. As I fell into fits of laughter into the back of Tadashi's hoodie, his chuckle rumbled through his chest and I felt it in my face.

"It's just something I've been working on." He turned around and I wrapped my arms around him, resting my chin on his chest to look up at him. "Something simple to wake him up to help."

"It's a good idea." I blinked slowly, then peeped over his shoulder at the machine. "You know, if you stuck him on a stick and roasted him over a fire I think he would make great s'mores.

"That's something Hiro would say." He circled his arms around my waist, and let them rest on my hips.

"Aaaah, so what I said was defiantly of child super genius quality." Tadashi laughed, and kissed my forehead.

"Why haven't you showed him Baymax yet anyways?" I unraveled myself from his embrace, and circled his workspace, poking at a couple mismatched metal parts. "You should at least tell him, I'm sure he'd be interested."

Tadashi came up behind me, and looked out the giant window. "All he cares about is bot fighting."

I turned and lifted myself to sit on his desk. "He's young. He's only 14 right?"

"Yeah." He leaned his arms on either side of me.

"Come on, when I was fourteen I was pretty sure I was going to own at least nine cats by now and look at me!" Tadashi smiled, lighting up his gentle brown eyes. "No cats!"

"That's only because your landlord is allergic." He rested his forehead against mine. I skewed my mouth to the side and rolled up the sleeves of my grey sweater, thinking.

"That's true. However," Tadashi laughed and leaned back up upright. "Just because he's a kid with a big brain doesn't mean he isn't still a kid."

"It's just-I worry about him!" He said, exasperated. "One of these days he'll win a bot fight and get into some really serious trouble and I won't be there to get him out of it." He took off his ball cap and ran a hand through his hair, one of his major nervous ticks.

"If you show him all this," I gestured towards Baymax, "and show him everything out there he'll be so astounded he'll want to come here too. He might even give up bot fighting all together"

"You don't know that." He began to clean up, putting tools back into toolboxes.

"No, but it's better than just worrying away and trying to guilt him into not bot fighting." Tadashi turned and looked at me, and we stayed like that in silence for a few heartbeats.

"Besides, I think anyone would be awestruck with the stuff you guys do here." A crash sounded from the other room, followed by Wasabi yelling "I'm good!".

"Hmmmm, awestruck." Tadashi repeated sarcastically. "You ready to go?"

"And meet your Aunt Cass?" I hopped off the table and smoothed my white skirt. "I'm nervous, but if all else fails I kidnap your cat and run, right?" Tadashi slipped his hand into mine and kissed me on the cheek.

"Do you even remember my cat's name?"

"Nope, but I'm working on it." I laughed, and opened the door, opening up to the sounds of the rest of the lab.

As we walked through, Fred bounced over to us, flipping a sign around.

"You and Cotton are leaving so soon?" He said, and I laughed and lowered my head a moment.

"Why do you insist on changing my name to Cotton?" Fred made a goofy facial expression and stopped spinning his sign a moment.

"Are you aware, that your hair is the colour of cotton candy?" One side of his mouth raised in a crooked smile, and his blue beanie slid down a bit.

"Yeah I am very well aware." Tadashi's hand tightened around mine, and I looked up at him. Although I was tall, I wasn't nearly as Tadashi, or even Honey Lemon in her trademark heels.

"Why doesn't Tadashi get a new name?" I smiled, and Tadashi shook his head and grinned back.

"Because I have my own work room." He raised his eyebrows quickly, and then tugged me towards the exit."It's true!" Fred called out after us. "Nobody messes with you if you have your own room here, just ask boss Callaghen!"

Tadashi pushed open the outside door, and fresh air hit me directly in the face, blowing my long hair backwards. I scrambled to keep my skirt from flying up with the hand that wasn't holding Tadashi's and he laughed.

"For the record, I like your hair." He smiled sweetly, the evening sun warming his face.

"Pastel pink is such a natural colour you know, I can't imagine why some people are so surprised." I said sarcastically as we walked hand in hand to the quiet street.

"I think Fred just needed a quick nickname."We walked to his moped and I tied my hair back quickly before putting on the helmet he passed me.

"I'm glad you go here." I said quietly. He raised his eyebrows as he checked the latch under my chin for the helmet's strap.

"Did you know Hiro calls it the Nerd Lab?"

He bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the mouth. I smiled at him.

"I can't imagine why."