With a tired yawn Hiro leaped onto his bed, burying his face into his pillow as he belly flopped onto the already messy sheets. He took a brief glance to his left at the alarm clock placed at the corner of his bed stand and groaned as he saw the time.

Mind clouded by exhaustion he thought drowsy, Already 4 am… darn, and I have to get back up at 8 for a class…

Hiro snuggled into the bed further, wrapping himself into the blankets to the point that an Eskimo baby would be jealous. For several minutes the teen lay still as he so desperately wanted the little amount of sleep he could get out of the remainder of the morning, but found he couldn't as a small ray of light seemed planted on his face.

Slowly the teen lifted his head from the comfort of his pillow and noticed the lamp sitting at his desk was still lit. With half closed eyes Hiro grumbled before pulling out one of his arms from his blanket cocoon and tossing a pillow at the lamp, hopeful that he could possible knock the device over and turn it off.

The pillow reached halfway before colliding with his black desk chair and falling to the wood floor.

Hiro grumbled before flopping back onto his remaining pillow and rolling over, turning his back to the intruding light as he was unwilling to get up and turn it off himself. After another few minutes of ignoring the annoying rays went by Hiro finally realized that he couldn't fall asleep if that light wasn't off, it was so bright in the usual darkness of his room.

Still unwilling to rise from his bed, the young genius smiled at himself as he thought of an idea "OW!" he said as loud as he could. In a few seconds he heard the familiar sound of a particular robot begin to inflate. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Baymax reach full size and carefully step out of his red container.

The Robot took three delicate steps, closing the distance between he and the bed before saying "Sup Hiro? I heard you say ow and came waddling."

Hiro chuckled at Baymax's greeting; the young genius had purposely taught the robot a few silly remarks to make conversations with him feel a bit more energetic.

Hiro got over his laugh and said "Morning Baymax, I'm having trouble with the light over there, could you turn if off for me?"

Slowly the robot turned its head so that it could stare at the lamp of subject. Without breaking gaze the robot asked "Is the light harming you?"

"It's uh… hurting my eyes I guess." Hiro said sleepily.

Baymax shifted his chest so that it was directly facing Hiro before a bright series of faces lit up on his torso "From a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the pain?"

"uggggh," Hiro responded irritated "I'll rate it a one I guess, now please turn off the light so that It'll be a zero."

"Would this relieve the pain being applied to your eyes?" Baymax asked unmoving.

"Yes, now go turn it off." Hiro said getting increasingly annoyed at the robot's monotone responses.

"Gotcha." Baymax remarked with confidence taught by Hiro as he slowly scooted to the source of illumination sitting alongside Hiro's recently purchased computer. Though the genius's previous desk top had been nothing to complain about, Hiro had found an improvement would make his work all the easier now that his company was thriving. The young teen was currently a millionaire purely due to the microbots he'd released to the public only a few years ago, and a lot had to be monitored to assure that no mistakes like Robert Abigail would ever happen again.

He'd been asked by numerous people including his friends and business partners about why he still insisted on living in the small attic now that so much money was at his disposal. They told him how he could easily afford a mansion rivaling that of Fred's if he so chose and each time he flatly refused. His excuse had been that he didn't want to be seen as a snob and wished to appear humble in the eyes of the public, as his name now circulated constantly around San Fransokyo. Self made millionaire at age seventeen is pretty rare and often times spawned flocks of teenage girls pleading for his attention whenever he went out.

His genuine reason for remaining in the attic was due to the unused bed that sat in the opposite corner to his desktop. The two identical book shelves sitting just to the right of the mattress, its contents well ordered and untouched though dust had settled on the multiple book covers. The room Tadashi had left behind.

Hiro feared the day when he'd finally have to re-enter that particular space of the attic and confront the remaining items of Tadashi's past life. Most would probably say he should have recovered from his brother's death after three years, and in most cases he had. Hiro simply liked the comfort he felt whenever he walked into the room and found his brother's room still intact… it was as if his brother would simply walk in the room as if nothing had happened, and their lives could return to how it'd been before.

Hiro shook his head at the silly idea and smiled as he heard the click of his lamp being turned off. He shut his tired eyes and said after a long yawn "Thanks Baymax,"

"Are you satisfied with-"

"I'm satisfied with my care." Responded the sleep deprived teenager as he snuggled further into his bed sheets.

-8:30, Monday-

The groggy form of Hiro and the recently recharged Baymax floated above the clouds looking down at the large campus far below. Hiro's tired blackened eyes blinked open as the armor clad Robot said "We are here Hiro, are you ready for class?" The teen's school backpack was loosely hanging onto his hand as it dangled precariously towards the ground far below.

In response the teen simply groaned and said with anguish "I suppose…" before murmuring a barely audible goodbye and allowing his magnetic gloves and kneepads to peel off of the robot's back. With eyes still half shut Hiro leaned back and allowed himself to slowly fall off of Baymax's armor before dedicating himself to the sheer drop following directly after. The teen heard the cheerful robot utter a light good bye before blasting off to the lab where they would meet up later, leaving Hiro to fall face first towards the painful concrete below. He gripped the dark blue backpack tighter as he did not need to lose its contents.

Hiro felt a surge of adrenaline as he watched the far off ground come rushing towards his face. A confident grin lit up from his lips as the clear visor attached to his dark purple headset suddenly began to flash rapidly descending numbers, indicating his distance to the ground as his velocity accelerated further.

Hiro tracked the numbers carefully, waiting for just the right time… 190 feet… 170 feet… 140….90 feet… NOW!

With a well practiced front flip the teen positioned his feet so that the soles of his shoes were facing the ground. He said quickly "Thrusters" and in response from the bottom of his shoes erupted bright white flames, slowing his decent to a mere float as he stood in the sky with a grin staring down at his fellow college students. Each was quickly walking about the vibrant green park centered in-between a curved set of buildings resembling the letter C. It opened up to a river of which was only crossable via the several well made wooden bridges leading to a path which eventually lead to a set of structures one would assume was an entirely different campus. Hiro had been completely baffled the first time he'd been given a tour of the entire college, never knowing that so much land could be dedicated to learning. Of course, he'd never done much research on colleges before being invited to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology.

Hiro remained staring down at his peers for a few more seconds, willing to take the risk of being seen as he truly enjoyed the view from the sky. He'd experienced the same view atop Baymax's back several times before, but being in control of the ride made the event all the more pleasurable.

Over the three years the team of Big Hero 6 had been at work and Hiro had been constantly updating his suit to become a more productive member of the group. This started up after a few months of riding atop Baymax when he realized that he'd become something of a burden to the team as all he tended to do was shout out orders when so much more could be done. Often times when facing new villains he'd been forced to dismount Baymax or risk being struck by whatever was targeting the large robot as many saw Baymax as the most powerful /dangerous member of their crew, even if the creature was strictly forbidden from harming humans.

When these few moments apart from Baymax occurred Hiro found himself incapable of doing near anything while the rest of the crew risked their lives fighting this dangerous threat. On several occasions whenever Hiro was too slow to react the others were forced to risk themselves to pull the teen out of harm's way, occasionally getting injured in the process of doing so.

This was what set Hiro off to further upgrade his equipment so that he could do more than simply hold onto the last creation of his long passed Brother Tadashi. Now whenever the entire team assembled he was no longer regarded as the nuisance of the group, in fact, his advancements had truly amazed his allies.

His suit had been modified slightly as the years had gone by to compensate for the growth spurt he'd been experiencing ever since age 15. He decided to change his shorts to pants reaching all the way to his shoes. Before whenever he'd be riding Baymax or flying on his own he'd feel an immense amount of cold on his shins from the powerful wind crashing against the only revealing part of his suit.

The next change had been to adjust what his headset and visor were capable of, allowing him safer flights as before he'd been strictly relying on his eyesight. This change had greatly assisted him as before obstacles and air currents in the sky became a big threat to the boy due to his inability to predict their distance and strength. Now a days, they're just minor inconveniences.

His next piece of equipment had taken the form of a lean dark purple armor clad backpack resting upon his shoulders. Though he'd never liked Robert Callaghan's usage of the Microbots, he had seen the capabilities of his invention through how the man had abused them. This had formed the idea of carrying a compact amount of Microbots at all times resting inside the small pack on his back. This created an ironic situation as Hiro the company holder strictly forbid usage of Microbots without two or more well trained assistances sharing the control. Meanwhile his alter ego vigilante self had been seen several times wielding the Magnetic building material on several occasions, and as such was breaking the rules of his own company. Hiro had even been forced to place a bounty on himself to assure that usage of his technology would not be abused by anyone, along with draw away any sort of suspicion that may have been brewing.

Ahhh, Hypocrisy at its finest, thought the young teen with a smile on his face.

The amount of Microbots was rather small, forcing him to have several storage pockets in other parts of his suit such as his gloves and shoes along with padding's along his thighs and biceps. This decision had resulted in some unexpected changes as the heavy weight from his tightly compacted Microbots had transformed his normally lanky physique into a well toned muscular build.

Hiro had been surprised by the change but by no means was he put off by it. Before he'd started running around with the Micraobot weights, he'd been easily winded from the simplest sprint as the majority of his time was spent away from the outside and at the desk of a computer. He hadn't been too unhealthy about his eating habits, but living right above a bakery did sometimes cause him to snatch a few fattening snacks far more often then he'd like to admit.

By the time he'd finally completely the suit capable of holding nearly two barrels worth of the Microbots,(forcing him to spend even more time binging on snacks and spend several nights in his basement) his natural teenage metabolism had begun to give way as a small gut had formed along the boy's abdomen.

Upon noticing the distinct change in his upper body and legs, Hiro decided that he had to evenly work his body and quickly set up near invisible pouches along his torso. Each carried a large portion of Microbots wired to respond whenever Hiro directed his thoughts through his purple headset, equipped with the same technology Robert Callaghan had used to control his set of Microbots.

Hiro often chuckled at himself over how hard it'd been in the beginning to move about the suit. He remembered how sluggish and tired he'd be both during and after each time attempted at moving normally in the suit. It had felt as if his weight doubled each time he prepared to fight crime with Baymax and his friends, which wasn't necessarily an exaggeration.

Now that his body had finally grown and adjusted to the extra weight, he hardly felt it anymore. His team had also been taken back by his growth as they'd been unaware of the Microbots now attached to the suit. Hiro had made sure that the suit looked no different than normal once the changes had been made and decided to surprise his friends once the opportune time arrived. It had taken near months for a formidable threat to arise and require the usage of Hiro's secret weapon, so in the mean time Hiro had gotten to enjoy watching their confusion as his body slowly grew larger and stronger.

They constantly asked if he'd somehow figured out a way to squeeze in a workout every now and then even though they knew his time was preoccupied by both the duties of Big Hero 6, College, and his newly successful Company.

Shaking his head of the rogue thoughts the young teen quickly looked upon the various rooftops all forming into the C shape of the campus before catching sight of what he'd been searching for. He briefly muttered "secondary thrusters" before feeling the propulsion system attached to his back burst into action, launching him towards the rooftop of his destination. He'd very carefully designed the thrusters attached to his back so that they wouldn't interfere with the small pack filled with his most successful weapon.

The Rooftop of choice was flat with only a single cement structure jetting out. It was equipped with a metal coated door opening to a stairwell leading to the bottom floors. He landed with an intentional skid, launching the small amount of gravel and dirt collected over the years into the air as he quickly shut down his thrusters.

He heard a series of coughing as the large shape of Wasabi and petite form of Gogo approached him while trying to clear away the dust cloud that emerged. Hiro listened amused as Wasabi coughed out "You do realize that someone could have- *cough*- seen you right?"

Hiro merely chuckled as his headset prevented the dust from affecting him "I know, I took the risk."

"And work on your landing." Muttered a semi-annoyed Gogo Tomago.

"I thought my landing was pretty good." Playfully argued the teen. He glanced over at Wasabi who'd just noticed some brown dust had landed on his pristine green sweater along with his black khaki's. The clean freak immediately whimpered as he tried desperately to brush himself off, drawing Gogo's attention.

She and Hiro enjoyed a short chuckle as they watched their friend overreact over the small amount of dirt. As they did so Hiro noticed some grime had managed to collect on Gogo's usual black leather jacket and dark leggings worn under her nylon track shorts. He pointed at the spots of interest and watched as the woman quickly brushed herself off before wincing and holding her hand to her now closed eye.

"Ouch." She said quietly before leaning forward and shaking her hair out, producing a brown dust cloud from the dark black hair which had grown out to the point that it just barely reached her shoulders.

"Some of that got in my eye, careful with how you land next time." She said coldly while slowly blinking open her now agitated eye.

The teen nervously said "Sorry, didn't mean to do that."

"Seemed pretty deliberate." Said Wasabi as he'd finally wiped away the majority of the dirt "I mean do you realize how special this sweater is to me?"

"It looks like every other one." Said Gogo sarcastically.

"It is brand new and deserves respect! I keep clean and hygienic and do not need any of you sullying up my style. I never spill or make a mista-"

"Wasabi." Spat out Gogo before he could continue.

"…what?" said the confused college student

Hiro smiled as he realized what she was saying "You spilled Wasabi on your shirt before."

In response the man groaned and said in annoyance "ONE TIME! Only once did I spill!"

Gogo grinned as she recognized her friend's frustration "But you still spilled, never gonna live that down big guy."

The conversation continued but rather than listen Hiro took this time to slip into the stairwell and close the door behind him. He took a few minutes to change into the clothes he'd brought within the backpack before stuffing his suit inside. The Backpack had been empty other than his spare clothes as his school equipment was all sitting on his desk within the small office he'd inherited from his brother.

Only a few seconds after he'd changed into his plain black T-shirt and grey cargo pants he saw Gogo burst through the door and go racing down the stairs before calling out "RUN!"

Hiro took heed of her warning as he too ran down the stairs, quickly closing the gap between him and Gogo before shouting "What'd you do?"

Gogo laughed darkly before saying "He was getting on my nerves about being a clean freak, so I kicked some more dirt onto his pants."

Hiro joined her in laughter as he heard Wasabi's heavy steps come storming down the winding stairwell, shouting out what he'd do once he caught them.

-4 hours later-

Hiro stretched his arms out as he slumped into his desk chair. He smiled as he always enjoyed the comfort of Tadashi's old office, especially due to the fact that the window plain stretching across the entire hallway overlooked the lab allowing Hiro the enjoyment of examining other projects whenever he needed inspiration. He spun around in his chair a few times before coming to a halt and saying aloud "Hey Baymax! Wake up!"

From the center of the room just beneath the large glass window letting in a pleasant yellow light came a sound similar to that of a balloon being blown up. In a few seconds a white blob began to grow from the metallic red suitcase like box it'd been in prior, slowly generating the big white lovable robot the members of Big hero 6 had come to adore.

Once Baymax grew to full size he said in his familiar monotone voice "Wassup Homie? I heard ya whining and decided to help."

Hiro couldn't help but laugh at the delivery of the greeting. The young genius had honestly forgotten that'd he'd installed that start up message. After wiping a tear from his eye Hiro said "Alright big guy. I was just wondering how things were looking in the city after you dropped me off."

Baymax responded immediately "I found no criminal activity during our time separated, though I did find several unhealthy patients during my scan."

Hiro frowned at the robot's comment before spinning back around in his chair and facing the lit up monitor "I know buddy… I know…" after hitting a few keys a picture popped up with a computer generated model of Baymax, though this one was far different. It was far slimmer along with being slightly shorter in stature as that was what had been requested. Doctors had deemed him just slightly uncomforting due to fact that Baymax stood taller than nearly any man in the world. They had complemented him on the fluffy unthreatening shape of the robot but advised him to slim him down slightly so that he wouldn't have to release air every time he walked through a skinny doorframe.

Over the past year Hiro had been trying to find a suitable version of Baymax to be placed in hospitals and medical facilities so that Tadashi's dream could finally be achieved. The first few times he'd offered Baymax as a medical product he was flatly refused due to the sheer cost required for mass producing the robot. The current Baymax was extremely costly as it's skeleton was composed of Carbon fiber coating along with a titanium skeleton. Finding a suitable replacement had been difficult as Hiro soon realized why that strength was necessary. With 10,000 different medical procedures and tools installed, the robot was like a walking talking hospital all by himself, and as such weighed a ton from carrying all of the much need supplies. Any other ordinary metal faltered under the extreme amount of weight forcing Hiro to make some major adjustments.

The only metal cheap enough to mass produce while still being able to hold the incredible amount of medical supplies had been a diluted form of steel. Unfortunately, since steel in no way compares to the strength of titanium carbon fiber, far more steel and iron had to be placed within Baymax's skeleton to compensate. So much so that the current version Hiro was designing could not deflate into a suitcase as the current Baymax could. Shutting the robot down would now result in the medical caretaker walking away to a plug in where the Baymax could sit down and rest.

Hiro had refrained from changing the original coding of these newly developed robots as he knew Tadashi had spent the majority of his time perfecting the creature's medical procedures. Rewriting any of the codes would have felt like spitting on his brother's grave for Hiro, which was why he also decided to remove the port giving access to Baymax's medical chip in the newer models. Leaving the option to so easily reprogram such a powerful robot would no doubt result in destruction/ misuse and Baymax being pulled off the market in fear of what this robot could do.

Hiro took a quick glance back at his loyal companion before comparing his figure to the one he was designing now. He couldn't help but laugh at the fact that it seemed as if downgrading Baymax was the only way to achieve Tadashi's goal of helping people.

"You were always too good at your work Bro." he murmured under his breath before saving the changes to his model and closing the program. He shut down the computer before spinning around and saying to the stationary Baymax "Hey! You wanna go flying some buddy?"

"I understand that you would enjoy if we were to go flying. So yes, I would enjoy that." Baymax said before turning around and waddling over to the discarded red armor garments laying near his metallic suitcase-like charging station. Over the past year Hiro had also managed to teach Baymax how to equip and remove the armor by himself without harming the design. It was a definite time saver as now Hiro could ready himself up while Baymax did the same.

A feint knock at Hiro's office door interrupted the teen as he was changing into his purple hero suit, startling the college student and causing him to collide with his desk. After rubbing the now sore spot of his hip and convincing Baymax that his pain was a zero Hiro quickly redressed into his normal clothes before tossing the purple suit into the corner of the room out of view. He whisper shouted for Baymax to deflate into his power station before hastily opening the door.

He swung the door open with a flourish, startling the young woman on the other side. Her name was Elizabeth Takahashi and they'd met prior in a shared class a couple weeks ago. During their talk Hiro had found out that she was actually a freshman and had just graduated high school, placing her just a year older than him. When he'd revealed that he was actually nearing the end of college experience the woman had been slightly thrown off as she'd approached him assuming that they were in the same boat of inexperience. After further discussion she soon realized his identity as the boy genius millionaire Hiro Hamada and felt immediately embarrassed for approaching him so casually.

Hiro had assured her afterward that his status in no way affected how he acted or what he expected from people, she shouldn't feel the need to act formal around him.

Of course, that didn't stop her from being nervous and overly polite whenever they did go out.

"H-hey Hiro. I was just wondering what you were doing since our classes are over for the day." She said while nervously twirling her elbow length brown hair in her delicate pink fingers. She'd remembered Hiro telling her about how he made sure all of his classes were in the morning so that he would have the afternoon off.

Hiro smiled down at her as he stood only a few inches taller than the recent High school graduate. His growth spurt had been a moderate one as he now stood only a couple inches shorter than Tadashi had been. The teen genius said while noticing her dark red dress and matching heels "Well actually I don't have any-"

"He has a prior engagement." Sounded a familiar voice from down the hall. Hiro immediately stuck his head out of the room and saw a visibly annoyed Gogo Tomago walking towards them.

"I do?" asked Hiro confused as she finally reached them.

She looked up at Elizabeth who stood nearly a whole head taller and said "He is a part of an important assignment… so shoo, he's busy."

"O-oh." The young woman said awkwardly while averting her gaze from Gogo to the floor "Sorry for bothering you Hiro." Murmured Elizabeth before spinning around and quickly walking away.

"I'll talk to you later!" Called out Hiro after her before whipping his head back towards Gogo and growling "What are you talking about?"

"Honey Lemon wants you to see her latest invention and Wasabi is complaining about his motorcycle constantly malfunctioning." Said the near college grad casually before turning around and walking away towards the lab. As time had gone by Wasabi had realized that he was the one least capable of fast travel due to his only power being his plasma swords. Even honey Lemon had developed a chemical jello like substance able to attach to her feet and allow her legs to bounce and propel her twice as fast. After some debate Wasabi had decided to invest in a motorcycle allowing him to move about the city freely whenever it was his time for night patrol.

Hiro jogged to catch up with her before saying "Motorcycle? Wouldn't that last one be of your expertise?"

Gogo shrugged without looking at him, keeping her gaze focused on the elevator leading down to the lab where the rest of big Hero 6 were waiting patiently.

Once the two finally reached the group who were huddled around Honey Lemon's station Fred said "You're going to really enjoy this one dude."

"She's already shown you guys?" asked the young teen as he made his way to the right of the group standing aside Fred, eager to see what Honey Lemon had recently developed.

Standing just behind a small table stood the woman of talk as she said frustrated "No I haven't shown anyone else yet Hiro, Fred only knows because he was around when I accidentally stumbled up the reaction." With a deep breath she started speaking, obviously performing a well rehearsed presentation from the preciseness of the words "As some of you know I've been working on a chemical reaction that would result in two compounds becoming attached while still-"

The woman's words were interrupted as Fred hollered out "Quit with the formal stuff and show them the cool thingy you found!"

Honey Lemon growled before clearly annoyed saying "Fine, I'll just show you guys." Grabbing hold of her chemical reaction purse of which she'd left on the counter. She hit several codes on the side of the bag and out shot a near clear white orb. As she did this Hiro noticed that the handbag had gone through some serious changes from its last improvement, signaling that she'd added a few new formulas to improve her ever growing arsenal.

"Watch this." She said with a confident grin before throwing the sphere straight up to the ceiling where it promptly exploded. From the explosion sprang out a strange stretchy goo that quickly stretched to the floor while still remaining attached to the roof. It's texture and color was similar to that of the orb it'd been contained in prior but somehow more diluted.

"Uh," Wasabi murmured confused "Is it supposed to do that?"

Honey Lemon promptly face palmed resulting in the pink dust coating her gloves attaching itself to her glasses. While wiping away the mess on her already messy lab coat she said "Yes that's how it's supposed to work, do you understand what I can do with something like this?"

"She can become the human spider!" shouted Fred excitedly while he pulled out a piece unidentifiable chewed food from within his neglected cargo shorts pocket.

Hiro cringed as he saw him toss the yellowish goo into his mouth before commenting "What is that?"

Believing that the young genius was referring to his comic book reference Fred said "Oh he's only like the coolest super hero ever! He uses his webs to swing around the city and stuff!"

"No that's not what I meant,"Hiro shook his head resolving that he didn't want to know "Never mind."

"Anyway." Honey Lemon said with extra emphasis to regain attention "Using this material I can move about the city with extreme speeds, I mean just look!" she hit a few buttons on her purse before two pink spheres came shooting out into her ready hands. She threw them onto the ground and watched as the familiar jello-like material spread across the ground until it reached just slightly larger than a shoe. She immediately placed each foot into the individual pink sludge puddles and jumped a few times to assure that her moon jump was still functional. She leaped over Wasabi's head before bouncing over to the strange cord of goo of which she assured was useful.

She reached out and gripped it, using it as a slingshot she pull back and released it, sending her rocketing towards a wall.

Hiro and Wasabi yelped as they prepared for the worst, but before anyone could notice the young chemist tossed out another pink orb which exploded onto the wall and produced a bouncy material which shot her towards another corner of the room. She immediately threw a white orb towards the ceiling just above the corner she was heading towards before gripping the vine like substance sprouting from the ceiling like before. Swinging on it she allowed the rope to spin her around like a pendulum so that she was then aiming towards her astounded group of friends.

She landed with a few unintentional bounces due to the material on her boots, but eventually came to a stop before saying happily "Tada!"

She bowed as the rest of the group gave her a small round of applause.

Gogo was the first to step up "Wow, you're pretty fast with that stuff, wanna-"

"No." was the chemist's immediate response as she brushed herself off from the remaining chemical residue.

Gogo frowned before crossing her arms, attitude clearly present "You haven't heard my-"

"I know you want to race Gogo, and I don't want to." She said while imitating Gogo's stance with a smile.

The adrenaline junky grumbled and cursed under her breath before turning to Hiro and saying "Fine, Hiro, you and me are racing, c'mon." ever since the young genius had enhanced his suit with the ability to fly, Gogo had been insistent about them racing pitting the speed of flight against the speed of her own . She would always win, and as such ordered Hiro to improve his suit even further so that later competitions would be more interesting.

Hiro had started closing the gap in speed between them, but the woman had been studying years to discover the best possible methods to accelerate, and he was still a long way off.

"But-" Hiro futilely protested before Gogo grabbed his hand and forcibly dragged him along to his office where his flight suit awaited.

What they would discover was a message from Alistar.


Allink7 : Thank you for your support and hope you continue to enjoy later on!