A/N: Hey all! I'm trying something a little different this time. This is just a weird idea I came up with and is in no way meant to educate on how the justice system works. It basically follows the Phoenix Wright formula of investigation and court room drama. It's not factually accurate at all, and is meant to be a light, silly venture. Well, hopefully enjoy!

The hotel door was flung open as a very tired Feliciano and an even more tired Ludwig busted in. Feli tossed his many souvenirs aside, including his absurdly expensive foam lobster hat and immediately started to dress for bed. Ludwig barely had enough energy to make it to the bed, which may have been unusual for him, but the Italian hadn't noticed. So the German took off his coat and hung it before collapsing onto the bed fully dressed. Then he unstrapped his belt and stuffed it into the nightstand on his side of the bed. The Italian joined him seconds later in just his underwear.

For a while Ludwig laid there motionless while his Italian companion snuggled into his chest. He groaned a little when the smaller started talking. "Ludwig!" Feli said while cuddling and resting his head on the German's shoulder. "I forgot to ask earlier, do you like my new hair cut?"

The blonde took a few seconds to turn his head and open his eyes. He sighed then. "It looks exactly the same."

"Ve, no it doesn't!" Feli said in protest, trying to look cute. "I'm like a whole new man!"

Ludwig just rolled his eyes before closing them again. A few seconds later and he was sound asleep. The Italian wasn't far behind and was out like a light moments after.

Their room was small and only had one bed. Under normal circumstances Ludwig would have insisted on getting a room with two beds, or even two separate rooms. Since he was here with Feli though, he knew it would be pointless to try and sleep alone. He'd have to listen to the Italian whining the whole time about the hotel room being dark and scary, and if they got a room with two beds he'd just come over anyway. Might as well save the money.

They both slept soundly all night. Anyone looking in would probably get the wrong idea about their relationship, and Ludwig was already tired of explaining that they were just friends and roommates. Let them think what they wanted anyway. He was so far beyond caring at this point and he certainly wasn't going to lose any more sleep over it.

The night was calm and uneventful. Nothing stirred either party from their sleep until morning, with the German waking first. Since it would probably be a while until his friend woke up, he decided to get started on breakfast. They ate out yesterday, so today they'd be getting sausages, so thought Ludwig. The Canadian style sausages he'd picked up at the start of the trip were pretty good, not brat wurst by any means, but still good. As he was frying up breakfast, there was a knock at the door. He sighed and assumed his self-centered brother had somehow discovered where they went and followed as to not be left out. Once he opened it though, he was surprised to see two police officers standing there. "What seems to be the problem officers?" He assumed they were doing a routine drug sweep or something. He certainly wasn't prepared for what was coming.

"Ludwig Beilschmidt, you're under arrest for the murder of Toris Lorinaitis, Raivis Galante and Eduard Von Bock..." He proceeded to read the Miranda rights while the other cuffed Ludwig.

Although he didn't resist, he did protest. "This is absurd! I didn't kill anyone!"

All of the commotion woke the unsuspecting Italian. Once he caught sight of police and his friend in handcuffs, he raised his hands up in terror. A few seconds later the police and Ludwig left the room, leaving Feli alone and confused. He got up to follow, chasing the police down the hall in his underwear. "Wait! Where are you taking him?" He yelled with tears welling up.

Both police officers stopped briefly and looked at the Italian. Ludwig made no attempt to escape. "Your boyfriend's under arrest son."

"Ve, you can't do that! Ludwig's a really nice guy and would never break the law!" He was shaking, and was far too scared to touch the officers, but there was also an unusual determination in his eyes.

"Sorry kid, the facts say he's our guy. It's a pretty serious charge considering three people are dead." The officers seemed out of their element as they explained this. Truth was the cops around the area didn't see a whole lot of action, and this was their first actual arrest. "Come by later on if you want to see him."

"Yeah, maybe he'll be found innocent, but we can't take your word for it." At that they continued on. Feli watched helplessly as his friend was loaded into a car and then taken away.

"Veee, Ludwig..." He was alone, and even though there was no apparent danger, for some reason he was almost paralysed with terror. Here he was in a strange town alone. This was something he wasn't used to, and honestly he didn't know how to handle it. Without Ludwig there, he felt completely vulnerable to people who might want to take advantage of him. Slowly he made his way back to the hotel room, looking around like a cornered animal all the while. He'd jump or flinch at the slightest noise or movement and kept himself unusually guarded.

Back at the room, the Italian realised that he left the door open, which was pretty good since he didn't bring a key with him. He went right to the sausages and took them off the stove before doing a cautious scout of the room. It didn't seem like there was anyone there, but that really did nothing to ease his fears.

He sat on the bed in silence for a while. A little later he got up to eat the sausages. It was just too quiet without Ludwig. Without him there, who was Feli supposed to talk to? Who would take care of the trip?

No, this was unacceptable! With a sudden burst of courage, the Italian decided to make it his mission to rescue his best friend. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he would prove his friend was innocent somehow!

A/N: That's it for now! Come back tomorrow for chapter 2! I'm thinking this will a shorter story, and it's probably going to be predictable, but oh well!