AU/CROSSOVER: The Walking Dead.

NOTES: Scroll down.



She doesn't love him. Hell, she doesn't even like him. But he's a warm body and a good fuck, and all she really cares about is whether or not he can satisfy her. Which he can… and the smug bastard knows it, too.

The first time happened because they'd come across an abandoned country club and found a bottle of Jack Daniel's. Liquor was hard to come by these days. Kind of like decent food and good company. Half a bottle of warm whiskey later, a considerably amount of insults thrown his way, and she'd had Robin on his back with his pants down around his ankles.

Not that he was complaining.

But they didn't even get to finish before the banging on the door they'd boarded up got too loud, the wood beginning to crack under the pressure of at least a dozen starved undead assholes vying for fresh meat. It was a shame too. She'd been really close to coming for the first time in almost a year. At the hand of someone else, that is.

Oh well.

Dying mid-orgasm wasn't nearly as appealing as it sounded anyway.

So that first time kind of failed. But three days of avoiding eye contact and pretending nothing happened was almost as irritating as him saving her life had been. And Regina'd been in a constant state of aroused frustration since the club, something she was sure he'd picked up on.

"Are you okay?"

God, that had been annoying. Just because she'd practically thrown herself at him in a moment of weakness, alcohol mixing with self-loathing and a touch of desperation, he thought she was one wrong word away from putting a bullet through his head.

Or hers.

"I'm fine." She spat, nose scrunched in annoyance as she glared at him. But then she hesitated, and shook her head with an exaggerated shrug. "No, actually, you know what? I'm not fine. I'm not okay. I'm hungry, and tired, and cold, and I'm fucking horny. Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you happy now?"

Robin really knew how to push her buttons though, how to rile her up, because all he did was smile, dimples at full throttle, and she considered whether or not she could wrap her hands around his neck well enough to actually strangle him. "If I say yes, will you shoot me?"



All he did was smile. Which balanced out well since she never did. She hasn't in a long time. Since this whole thing started, actually. And that annoying, teeth-showing, dimple-producing grin of his was really starting to get on her nerves. Regina glared at him again, with her eyes narrowed and her jaw locked, before she parted her lips to retort, and maybe he just wanted to shut her up, or maybe he was just as frustrated as she was, because he silenced her with a hard, lip-bruising kiss that had her forgetting how to breathe.

The cabin they'd found, which was really more like a shack, in her opinion, was no where near clean, or comfortable, or romantic. But she didn't care about cleanliness anymore, and she hadn't been comfortable in months, and romance… well, that was pretty much non-existent these days. They ended up fucking on a bed with a mattress that had springs sticking out of it. It creaked with every move they made, and at one point, she'd even thought it would break on them. But at least it was secure, and it stopped them from getting soaked by the storm outside. Which, in the end, they were thankful for. Since Regina had never been a quiet lover and he'd spilled himself inside her with a very loud "Fuck!".

It was a little awkward the next morning, when she woke up cuddled in to his side with his arm slung around her shoulders. He'd already been awake ( of course ), and had been staring at the ceiling until she started to stir. He'd turned his head to look down at her as her eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light and she was still somewhat asleep, he could tell, but that didn't stop her from noticing the small smile he sported.

That was new.

It took her a while to wake up, at the time. But once she'd realised that they were close to, pretty much, spooning, her eyes had widened before she scowled at him and shrugged his arm away. "Shut up," she'd growled through her teeth, swinging her legs over the side of the bed before bending to pick up her clothes. He just laughed, and she scowled even harder.


At least she didn't have that burning ache in the pit of her stomach anymore, and at least it wouldn't return. Because they'd gone from reluctant ( on Regina's part ) apocalypse-surviving, travel buddies, to reluctant apocalypse-surviving, travel buddies who just so happened to have sex.

And they didn't stop, even when they'd stumbled across a group of people who didn't try to eat them on sight. Regina had never been very good at making friends, but Robin was a social butterfly, apparently. Whatever. She didn't care. As long as she had a place to sleep and food to eat, and Robin didn't leave her for the red head who reminded Regina way too much of her sister, she was fine.

She wasn't happy.

But she was fine.

It was strange though. Because though she still found herself annoyed with everything Robin said and did, she also had to work harder to suppress a fond smile. It didn't strike her until she'd pulled him away from the group, citing a search for nearby water, that she was getting attached.

As in, 'close to but not quite near I think I might like you' kind of attached.

And that was terrifying.

So maybe this wasn't the best place to do this, and maybe she should've just walked away, but she hadn't really been thinking straight and they were close enough to camp for it to be relatively safe, ( Relatively being the key word here. ), so why not?

Regina turned on her heal, one hand pressed firmly against his chest to stop him from walking in to her. She swallowed, staring up at him quietly, before she rose on her toes and curled her fingers in his shirt, dragging him down to meet her half-way, where she kissed him with vigor. Her tongue slipped passed her lips and ran along his lower one, her teeth catching as she pulled away and he groaned, followed her with hands that fell to her hips.

He walked her backwards, until she felt the bark of a tree scrape her back gently. "Regina," he muttered, his lips peppering kisses along her jaw and down her neck. The hand not currently grasping his shirt tightly, rose to his hair and her fingers ran through his untidy locks. "Shut up."


"Shut up!"

She didn't need him whispering sweet nothings in her ear, or moaning her name like it was the last thing he'd ever say. She needed him to fuck her, hard and unforgiving, until her legs were weak and her back scratched raw. She needed to feel something other than what she thought she was feeling now, what she refused to feel again, and to do that, she needed him to stop talking.

The only way to do that was to kiss him.

He obeyed, biting his tongue and then moaning when she bit his lip instead. His hands roamed her sides, moving up underneath her camisole. Cold fingers walked along her warm, soft skin, tickling her ribs, though she found it felt rather nice. Her breath hitched twice as he lifted her up, his arms dropping to her legs as they wrapped around his hips. Regina could feel him straining in his jeans, already hard and practically begging to be released.

She pushed away from him a little, ignoring his slight stutter of surprise, but she needed more than just dry humping in the middle of the woods before night fall. Regina's hands dropped to her shorts, and she bowed her head to watch herself unbutton them. Her hair fell in to her face and she blushed a little, than swore for blushing at all, and she fumbled with the zipper. From the corner of her eye, she could see Robin dropping his own trousers, letting them pool around his ankles and that was fine for him, he didn't need to spread his legs but Regina…

She inhaled sharply as his hands appeared on either side of her hips, and she stubbornly refused to raise her head as he helped her ease her shorts down her thighs, until they dropped to the floor and she could step out of them easily. Her head remained bowed, and she continued to stare at the ground with a crease in her brow and they didn't really have time for in-depth contemplation. They'd be expected back at camp soon and they were in a ridiculously vulnerable position right now. The only security they had was their own hearing, but at the moment, Regina couldn't hear anything.

She felt light-headed, and sick to her stomach.

She didn't love him.

She absolutely, didn't love him.

But then he tilted his head and tried to catch her gaze with his own, his hand rising to rest against her cheek, and she looked up to meet blue eyes staring at her knowingly, kindly. And she felt her heart stop. "I–" she tried, but he just shook his head and stepped forward. She looked up then, tears pooling in her eyes because for fucks sake, she didn't want this. She didn't need this. If she loved him, and then she lost him, she's not sure she'd survive. So she couldn't, even though she wanted too.

And god, did she want too.

He kissed her softly, a mere brushing of his lips against hers, and there was no desperate need for release behind it. No 'shut up or we'll die' implied. It was just a kiss, but it meant so much more. "I know," he mumbled quietly, pulling away to rest his forehead against her own and she choked out a laugh as her eyes closed, and they simply stood there.

Until she tilted her head back and kissed him again, harder than he had kissed her, but nonetheless sweet. He lifted her easily, his arms locking around her lower back, and she let him hold her up for a second or two, before hooking her legs around his waist and arching her back.

He was still as hard as he had been a few minutes ago, and she felt a familiar ache between her legs as he moaned her name, and she let him. Biting her lip, Regina dropped one arm to wrap warm fingers around his length and he twitches at her touch, as she pumped his cock in her hand with a slow flick of her wrist once, twice, three times. His hips start to rock and a sound catches in her throat, her inner thighs growing slick with her arousal and she whimpered softly, arched her back a little further before eagerly guiding him towards her sex.

He rests there for a heartbeat, before a quick, hard thrust has him buried half-way. Regina cried out, her teeth clamping shut in an effort to keep quiet, just in case they attract any unwanted attention. ( This really, really isn't the best place to be doing this. ). Her hand remained trapped between them, but it was at the perfect position for her to extend two fingers and press down on her clit. That only proved to be a mistake, because she's just too close already for such stimulation, and her next moan breaks through the fingers of the hand she'd used to cover her mouth. Her eyes opened, only to meet his staring at her with a look she couldn't describe, and she whimpered again as he pulled back and thrust forward, clenching his teeth at the feel of her wet and warm and tight.

Regina bucked, shaky and sloppy, and he almost slipped completely out of her but he was strong, and he managed to hoist her up the tree a little higher and reposition, thrusting forward and burying himself to the hilt. She clenched around him, her stomach tensing with every rock of his hips and that light-headed feeling began to return as his elbows tightened in to her sides and the palms of his hands pressed harder in to the small of her back.

He watched her writhe, her legs getting tighter and tighter around his hips and trapping him closer and closer. She was so incredibly wet that he met no resistance as he picked up his pace and fucked her a little faster, a little harder. She cried out again, a strangled sound tearing from her throat, and the sound of leaves rustling could be heard as she fell silent.

Robin stopped moving, as did Regina, and both turned their head in the direction they'd heard movement. Regina was so close, so incredibly close, that she didn't have the self-control to step away from him - just in case.

They didn't need to.

It was just a rabbit.

( If they'd been thinking about anything else, they'd have tried to catch it for something decent to eat for dinner, for a change. But all she could think about was how different this felt compared to every other time they'd had sex, and all he could think about was how good she felt wrapped around him. )

Her head lolled to the side as his attention returned to her, his lips attaching to her neck and his teeth dragging along her skin and she gasped, her eyes fluttered closed as she lifted her hips towards his and back against the tree, over and over and over again until she was just as close as she had been before, just needing something extra, something more, to tip her over the edge.

He readjusted, and different angle allowed him to brush her clit with each thrust and it wasn't long before she was sinking her teeth in to his shoulder, the only way to keep her sufficiently quiet. She fluttered around him, velvet walls clenching tight enough to invite his own release, and they came together. Sweat glistened their skin as they tried to catch their breath, and her legs dropped to the floor. She had to lean back against the tree some more just to keep herself standing upright, but he didn't move far enough away for her falling to be an issue.

When she opened her eyes, they locked with his own and, whilst trying to catch her breath, she rolled her eyes and muttered, "Shut up," with a smile.

NOTE: So, I realised today that I actually didn't post this here. I posted it on Tumblr but I must have forgotten to update it here. Oh well. Better late than never. I love The Walking Dead, it's one of my all time favourite shows. And, I've always loved the idea of Regina and the gang in that kind of environment. So, here it is. Also, thank you everyone for your support, especially in regards to the last chapter. Probably Cause will probably be the next instalment, if not, then the one after that. Keep prompting guys! I love writing for you. Xo.