Robin groaned at the headache that last night's drinking had done, she made good on her promise and drank a glass of firewhiskey with Thraja, unfortunately one became two and so forth, Robin at least had the foresight to send a sleeping Harry to his newly built bed and from there the night became a blur, Robin was then aware of a figure in the bed, with a feeling of dread she pulls the covers back partially to reveal Thraja's head. 'What the hell did I do last night?!' Robin asks as she looks around the room and see a sobering potion.

Tharja yawned and woke up. "Hey, Robin..." She mumbled sleepily.


"Relax. You passed out, so I carried you up to bed. Then I passed out on your bed. I'm pretty sure Harry had something to do with me being under the covers..."

Robin blushed deeply as Thraja got up from the bed and stretched, apparently Thraja liked to sleep naked.

"This never happened okay?" Robin spoke seriously.

"Yes it did." Tharja replied calmly.

Robin cursed mentally because of the fact that Thraja could easily out drink the Shepherds and still be sober enough for a fight.

"Just put some clothes on..." She muttered. "I'm gonna go check on Harry..." Tharja chuckled as Robin left the room.

She slowly opened the door to the guest room where she set Harry up for the night...and her eyes widened when she saw him tossing and turning and whimpering in his sleep. He was having a nightmare...

Robin immediately rushed over to Harry's side and held him in a hug, she started to run her fingers through his hair and whispering that everything's alright, soon Harry started to calm down before finally sleeping peacefully.

Robin sighed. She was going to have to talk to him about this when he woke... Wordlessly, she took a seat in a chair next to him and clasped his hand in hers.

It wasn't long before Harry woke up and sees Robin "Good morning Miss Robin." Harry said happily making the woman smile.

Robin picked Harry up and placed him in her lap. "Good morning, sweetie." She said softly. "...Harry...I saw you having a nightmare." For a moment Harry panicked but Robin's next words were comforting "Harry, I promise that from now on there will be no more nightmares." she promised him.

He looked up at his caretaker. "H-How can you p-promise that?" He asked timidly and curiously.

"I'll make you something that will let you sleep peacefully and not have any nightmares." Robin told him. Harry smiled up at the woman holding him, and rested his head on her chest. "...Harry...Will you tell me what the nightmare was about?" Harry tensed up. "It...It...It was...Uncle Vernon...He found me in the dream...He beat you up...Then he came for me, and..." Robin noticed tears forming in Harry's eyes, but he hurriedly wiped them away. Robin's shoulders sagged, and she looked at the little boy sadly.

"Harry, my only regret was not getting to you sooner, you would've been spared of all this hate and ignorance that you were put through." Robin said softly. The little boy sniffled. Robin smiled sadly, and held him closer. "I can tell you're holding in your emotions...You've been doing so since the day you first woke up in my home." Robin said softly. Harry looked up at his caretaker with a whimper. Robin kissed his forehead. "Harry...I want you to cry." Harry looked at Robin, stunned.

"Wh-What...?" He asked softly.

"I said I want you to cry." Robin reiterated gently. "I don't want you bottling it up anymore."

"But...But Miss Robin..."

"Shhh..." Robin shushed him. "It's okay. Do it. You know you want to." Harry's eyes watered. He let out a strangled sob...then, wordlessly, he buried his face into his caretaker's chest, clutched tightly to her robe, and began to cry softly, unleashing all of his pent up pain, fear and sorrow. The weather seemingly in response to Harry's emotions react in kind, the rain starts to pour down harder and the sky darkening to the point where you can barely see anything save for the occasional lightning bolt streaking across the sky. Robin, for her part, held Harry as tightly as she could without hurting him, running her fingers through his hair. "It's okay...It's okay...Just let it out..." For what seemed like an eternity the only sounds heard in that room was the rumbling of thunder and the sounds of Harry's sobbing. After several more minutes, Harry finally stopped crying, and looked up at his caretaker with a tearful smile.

"Th-thank you Miss Robin." Harry said to Robin.

Robin smiled warmly. "You're welcome, sweetie..." She kissed his forehead. Then, she smelled something cooking downstairs and her eyes widened in horror. "I think your auntie Tharja's cooking breakfast for us." She said of a sudden there was shouting coming from the kitchen, Robin and Harry run there in time to see a giant monster coming out of a pot and was about to attack Thraja.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Tharja yelled as she ran out of the kitchen. "IT'S THE APPETIZER!" Before Thraja could successfully escape the killer breakfast it shoots out a green tentacle and wraps it around her waist, Thraja's eyes widened "OH HELL NO! I'VE SEEN ENOUGH ANIME TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! HELP!" Thraja screamed as she struggles to escape the monster's grip.

Robin rolled her eyes and destroyed the massive blob of food with a blast of fire, burying her friend under the mushy remains. "Yeah, I know you wanted to do something nice for me and Harry...but you have a house elf for a reason." Harry giggles at seeing Thraja covered in food.

"My house elf died a few months ago remember? I have to wait seven just so my magic can accept another house elf." Thraja said trying and failing to remove the remnants of breakfast.

"Really? You never told me that..." Robin replied.

"Well it happened..."

"Please tell me it was of natural causes."

"Yes she did die of natural causes, you know I test my spells on the idiots that actually show up when I put an ad in the Prophet." Thraja sighs "Now look at me I'm a mess, I'm going to hit the shower and wash this gunk off me." Thraja said heading out of the kitchen she stops short of the exit and said "No peeking Robin." Thraja said teasingly, she exits the room.

"Ugh, I swear the girls I hang out with are insane and I'm along for the ride." Robin muttered.

Harry looked at the mess on the floor. "Want me to clean up, Miss Robin?" He asked softly.

"No Harry, Ramlethal and Elphelt can take care of this, we'll just have to eat out for breakfast okay?" Robin said. Harry smiled at his caretaker. She was so nice to him...He was starting to see her as more than just a caretaker...But if he told her how he truly felt about her, there was no doubt in his mind she would be furious with him. He was pressing his luck just being in her home... "Tharja, we're going out to eat!" Robin called into the washroom. "Do you want to come?"

"Nah, I got some research to do after I clean off, I'll take a rain check though." Thraja called back.

"Well all right then. Next Saturday sound good?"

"It's a date." Robin turned to Harry.

"Well, I guess it's just the two of us today." Harry smiled. He liked spending time with Robin.

Later that night after eating out for breakfast Robin took Harry to a mundane library and got him a library card and also checked out a few books, later they went to the movies which was a first for him, he was in awe of the animation of Snow White which was being played at that theater for a limited time.

It warmed Robin's heart that Harry had enjoyed himself so much after what had happened that morning. But now, it was time for bed. Robin was lying in her bed, her bedside lamp turned on so she could get a little reading in.

"M-Miss Robin...?" Robin looked over and smiled at Harry.

"You're ready for bed, sweetie?" Robin asked gently. Harry nodded. Robin mentally noted how cute the little boy looked in his pajamas. "Well, come here. Hope you don't mind a little light, there's a little reading I need to get done..." Harry smiled eagerly and scurried to the side of the bed, allowing Robin to pull him up. She placed him next to her, and he snuggled into her side, smiling sweetly. Robin gently planted a kiss on his cheek, then turned her attention to her book, one hand absentmindedly stroking Harry's head.

Then, he said something she never thought she would hear from him...

"Night, mommy...I love you..."

Robin gasped and snapped her head to look at him with wide eyes. Harry's eyes shot open when he realized what he had said. He looked up at Robin, eyes frantic and pleading.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please don't be ang-" He was silenced when Robin gently placed her finger over his lips and shushed him softly. He looked into her eyes, and saw the exact opposite of the reaction he had been expecting. Rather than furious and mortified, she was smiling softly at him.

"Harry, I know that I can't fully replace your mother but I'm willing to be one if you want." Robin said softly.

Harry looked at her, shocked. "Y-You...You wanna be my mommy...?" He replied softly.

"Only if you want me to Harry." Robin replied.

Harry teared up and smiled. "I...I really, really want you to be my mommy..." The young woman put her book down and pulled Harry into a tight, loving embrace.

"I love precious son." Robin choked as her own tears welled up.

Harry happily buried his face into Robin's chest and hugged her tightly. "I love you too, mommy..." He said softly.

Soon the two broke up and Harry smiled happily as Robin kissed Harry on the forehead "Goodnight, my sweet baby boy... Sweet dreams." she whispered. Harry happily rested his head against his new mother's chest, taking in the soothing sound of her beating heart. The sound lulled him into a deep slumber, his dreams filled with happiness. Robin herself was growing tired so she too closed her eyes and after a moment sleep overtakes her. Before she fell asleep, she savoured the immense warmth that washed through her heart. He finally called her mommy...He was officially her son now...She couldn't be happier for this fact...

"I love you too, Harry...My beautiful child..."