So this is just an idea that popped into my head while I was watching Switched at Birth. They've done a few episodes where they have what-if sequences for if the switch never happened. Well this is a what-if sequence for if Stef and Lena hadn't gotten together. Also, for if Callie and Jude's mom never died and Jesus and Mariana ending up staying with their birth mom. All credit goes to the amazing cast, creators, writers, producers, and etc. of the Fosters. I own nothing. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1

Stef Adams Foster was chopping up a salad for one of their infamous family dinners. Normally she felt nothing but joy when she knew her motley crew would come together and share the events of their day. Unfortunately, Stef was feeling a little anxious about having to share something with Lena. She knew she had to tell her tonight, but she wasn't sure if she should do it before or after dinner. Telling her before dinner would mean lifting the weight off of her chest, but it would also risk ruining the good mood Lena seemed to be in.

The fact that Lena was in a good mood was a good sign. But, knowing her wife so well, Stef knew that what she had to tell her could change her mood completely. Maybe I should do it now, Stef thought, rip it off like a Band-Aid and face whatever comes with it. Maybe she won't even be that mad. I mean it's really not that big of a deal. I've definitely done worse before and Lena has forgiven me. My recent blackmailing of Callie's father is proof of that. This is really nothing compared to that. Okay, here it goes.

Stef opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Thank you to whichever one of my wonderful children that just bought me some more time.

Callie walks into the kitchen. "Hey," Callie greets her moms.

"Hey, love. How was work?" Stef asks with a grateful smile.

"It was okay." Callie pauses for a moment of thought. "Actually, Robert stopped by."

"Oh, really? And what did he want?" Stef asks with a hint of anger in her voice.

"He invited me to spend Saturday with him, Jill, and Sophia at some country club he goes to."

Stef nods her head and looks to Lena for her response. It was no secret that Stef still had some anger towards Robert. Even though the plan of getting Callie emancipated had worked and Callie was now officially adopted, she still didn't trust Robert with Callie. It was just her protective nature.

"Well, if you want to go, you can sweetheart," Lena stated in a gentle voice.

"Yeah, momma's right Cal. We meant what we said the day we were finally able to adopt you. Just because you're adopted now, it doesn't mean you can't still have a relationship with Robert. He's still your father and if you want to have that father daughter relationship with him, we're okay with that."

"No, I know I just don't really think I want to go."

"Is there a particular reason why?" Stef asks curiously.

"I just think I might feel a little out of place. I'm pretty sure I don't have much in common with anyone I'll find at a country club."

"I'm sure you felt that way about Anchor Beach when you first got there. But, you adjusted and you started to feel like you belong," Lena tried to encourage Callie.

"Yeah, but Anchor Beach wasn't full of trust fund babies and snobs. Judging teenagers, yes."

"I thought you didn't care what other people think?" Stef asks with a smirk.

Callie rolls her eyes as she states, "I don't. That's why it was easy to get used to being at Anchor Beach. But, if I go to the country club with Robert, I'll have to pretend to be someone I'm not."

"What do you mean?" Lena asks.

"Robert's going to pretend that we're this happy little family and I'll probably end up going along with it so I don't hurt his feelings. And I'm just afraid that by being around those kinds of people I'll end up…"

"Becoming like them?" Stef finishes Callie's sentence.

"Yeah," Callie answers quietly.

"Love, I don't think you have to be worried about becoming a snob. It's just not who you are. As long as you stay true to who you are, you don't have to worry about catching the snob disease," Stef finishes with a smile.

"Yeah, honey and remember that you don't ever have to pretend to be someone you're not. Not for Robert, not for some boy you might meet, not for anyone. Got it?" Lena assures Callie.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Alright, so you can think about Saturday and let us know what you decide?" Stef asks.

"Yeah, I'll think about it."

"In the meantime, dinner's ready so do you think you can go wash up and tell your siblings to do the same and start heading down for dinner?" Stef asks.

"Sure thing," Callie states as she walks out of the kitchen.

Stef and Lena are seated at the dinner table. "I thought we told Callie to round the troops," Stef states as she stands and walks over to the stairs. "Jesus, Mariana, Callie, Jude, dinner!" Stef yells up the stairs.

Lena gives Stef a pointed look.

Stef shrugs as she hears footsteps coming down the stairs. "See, it's effective."

Callie comes down first, followed by Mariana right behind her. Callie puts her hands up and says "before you say anything, I told them to come down for dinner and they didn't listen to me."

Jesus and Jude come into the kitchen next as Brandon comes in through the back door. "Jeez Callie, when did you become such a goody-two-shoes?"

Callie makes a surprised expression as Brandon comments, "Oh I know right. She gets more and more anal every day."

"That's ironic coming from you Brandon. Seeing as you're pretty much the poster boy for goody-two-shoes," Callie remarks.

"Or at least he used to be," Mariana adds.

"Truth," Jesus laughs.

"Alright, let's stop teasing each other and have a nice dinner," Lena states.

The family finds their seats.

"Anal," Brandon whispers loudly at Callie.

"Ass!" Callie states louder than intended.

"Brandon, Callie!" Stef reprimands.

Stef starts serving everyone salad.

"How were the batting cages with your dad Brandon?" Lena asks.

"It was okay. Sports aren't really my thing but it gave us time to hang out. Speaking of dad, that reminds me. Mom, he told me to tell you that tomorrow he's taking the driver's seat even if he has to fight you for the keys."

Stef stops serving salad and looks to Lena with an apprehensive expression.

"The driver's seat?" Lena questions.

"Yeah, apparently mom always hogs the wheel. She never lets dad drive when they're out on patrol."

"Why would you guys be out on patrol together?"

Stef looks down and then back at Lena sheepishly. "Um, yeah I actually wanted to tell you about that after dinner."

"Tell me about what?"

"Mike and I are partners again."

Lena stays quiet for a moment. "I thought you weren't sure if you were going to try to get partnered with Mike again."

"I know, but the topic came up when I was talking with Roberts and she agreed to it on the spot. I didn't want to risk her changing her mind, what with our history as partners together."

"And how did the topic just come up?"

"I may have asked her, but I was just asking to see if it was even a possibility. She thought it was a good idea and it went from there."

"And you just had to agree without even discussing it with me?"

The kids start to look around at each other awkwardly.

"Lena, can we maybe talk about this after dinner?"

"I'm a little too mad to eat," Lena states as she gets up from the table and walks upstairs.

Everyone stays quiet and looks over at Stef.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…"

"No, B. It's not your fault. I should have told momma sooner. Alright, you guys start eating. I'm going to go talk with momma and see if I can get her to come back down."

Stef walks into the bedroom where Lena is angrily folding laundry.

"Lena, I'm sorry I didn't make sure it was okay with you first, but I really didn't think that Mike and I being partners would be that big of a deal."

"It's not just that Stef. If you do it once, it's fine. I can get over it. But you keep doing this. You keep making decisions and not even thinking about including me in them."

"That's not true. I consider you in everything that I decide."

"But, you don't discuss it with me. You decide what you think I might think without even letting me tell you what I really think. It's like I don't even have a voice in this marriage."

"That's ridiculous Lena. Of course you have a voice."

"Really? Because sometimes I feel like Mike has more of a voice than I do."

Stef makes a questioning expression. "Mike doesn't have any voice in our marriage Lena."

"I think he does. You discuss things with him first; sometimes you even make final decisions with him without even talking with me about them. He gets you so much that you needed to desperately be partnered with him again. Let's face it, you minus well have stayed married to him."

Stef stays quiet with a hurt expression. "Okay, I'm going to just walk away and go have dinner with the kids before this gets any worse." Stef walks out of the bedroom leaving Lena to the laundry.

Later that night Stef and Lena went to bed with a giant rift in between them. Not just the physical rift between them, but the great rift in their marriage and a rift that everyone in the Adams Foster household could sense. A rift that would shake up their lives more than they could imagine.

The Next Morning…


Ugh, is it really already time to get up? I could barely sleep last night after the fight Lena and I had.


Wait, that's not Lena's voice. Maybe it's one of the kids.

"What is it?" Stef asks with her eyes closed.

"Come on Stef. We got to get up and get going. Remember we have to get to the station early for that meeting."

What the hell? Mike?

Stef's eyes shoot open to Mike lying down next to her in bed in his boxers and a t-shirt.

"Mike? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean Stef? I live here."

"You live here!?"

"Yeah, you, me, and Brandon. What's gotten into you?"

Stef looks around at her surroundings with a perplexed expression and realizes she isn't in her bedroom.

"Stef, honey, are you okay?"

Honey!? What the hell is going on here!?

Let me know what you guys think and if there's anything you'd like to see happen. I already have an idea of how I want the whole story to go, but I'm flexible and always open to changing things if a new idea pops up. I'll still be updating Green Eyed Monster, which I'm trying to update tomorrow, but I just wanted to work on something that wasn't as angsty (I know that's not a word, but I'm making it one for right now lol).

BTW the title is based off of the song All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran. I love all of his work and thought this song was perfect for this story.