All characters and Law & Order franchise belong to Dick Wolf. I own nothing.

Olivia POV

I woke up to what I have deemed to be the most beautiful sight ever: Alex Cabot asleep, curled into my side with her mouth slightly open and her hair messy. It's amazing how the woman could look so beautiful even while asleep. I started tracing her facial features with my eyes, memorizing the way she exudes beauty and peace at the same time.

My thoughts went back to how utterly disappointed in me she looked. We argued. Why? Because I had to cancel our date, yet again. We got a lead on a case about a missing girl and the Captain had everyone stay. I love Alex and I would do anything for her but my job is important too. Needless to say, she was pissed when I came home.

"So now you're saying that your job is more important than me, your future wife?"

"Of course not Alex but you know we've been looking for this girl for days. I promised her parents that I would find her and return her to them, alive."

Alex was quick to retort, "You also promised me that we would go to dinner tonight."

"Al, please." At this point I'm pleading with her to let it go. I've been up for 36 hours and I just want to take a shower and jump into bed.

"Whatever, we will continue this in the morning." With that final comment she stalked off to our bedroom.

I'm just counting my lucky stars that she didn't kick me out of the bed; she's been known to make me sleep on the couch. Maybe she took mercy because she knows how tired I am.


I was rudely interrupted from my thoughts by the alarm clock.

"Ugh turn it off," came out of my companion's mouth. At least I think that's what Alex was saying, the rest of her sentence was muffled by the pillow.

I turn the alarm off with a thud. Suddenly the room is too quiet. I'm afraid to say something lest she bring up last night's argument.

She beats me to it, "Good morning" she says in that hoarse voice that makes my knees go weak.

"Good morning" I reply.

She smiles and lifts her arm and caresses my cheek while giving me a look of complete adoration. Even though she tries to hide it I can still see some of the hurt from last night. I figure I might as well address it now. No time like the present.

"Al, I'm really sorry about last night." I say.

She lets out a quiet sigh, "Liv, I get that your job is demanding, but I want to see you for more than a few minutes a day. This was the third week in a row that you canceled our date. Not the first or the second, the third."

"I know sweetie and I'm really sorry. I promise I'm going to make it up to you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." She says and I can't help but feel a stab in my heart. She's disappointed in me… doesn't trust what I say.

She continues, "Look, I'm not saying this to make you feel bad. I just want you to see my side of things. If you keep neglecting me like this I'm not sure I can keep doing this."

My eyes immediately widen and my heartbeat speeds up, "what do you mean you 'can't keep doing this'?"

Quickly, she backtracks, "It's not what you think. I'm not going to break up with you." She takes a deep breath before continuing and looks me in the eye, "Have you thought about cutting back your hours? Even just a little? I know you're dedicated to your job and so am I but is this what it's going to be like when we're married and have kids? Please just think about it."

I pause and take a deep breath before answering, "I'll think about it but now we need to get going or we'll be late and you have arraignment."

"Fine, but first give me my good morning kiss" she says with a coy smile as she tugs at my t-shirt.

I can't help but smile back. I pull out of her grasp in mock horror, "Eww get away from me! Morning breath!"

She manages to tackle me and we fall to the floor in a tangled heap. "I've got you trapped now Detective Benson. Now kiss me," she demands. God I love this woman.

"Your wish is my command" I manage to whisper against her lips. Our lips meet in gentle but passionate mess and begin the well-rehearsed dance. It doesn't last long but it's enough to convey how much we love each other.

Alex POV

Thanks to Liv and her lips I'll probably be late for court. After insisting that we took a shower together, which I did not object to, it took us another 15 minutes to get out of our apartment. Our apartment. I still can't believe we're getting married in six months. It finally feels like all the pieces of my life are falling in place.

My attention quickly shifts to some a*hole that tries to cut me off. If I wasn't already running late I'd give him a piece of my mind. I glance at the time 7:55 a.m.

Ugh, there is no way I'm making it to the courthouse in five minutes with this traffic. I'm not looking forward to a lecture on punctuality from Judge Petrovsky.

I feel a sudden gust of wind, followed by something slamming hard into my left side. I can't register anything else before everything fades to black…