Chapter 6

I do not own skyrim

Camilla and I had managed to get enough money to purchase a meager home in whiterun called breezehome. There wasn't much but it was ours. We had talked about the summons from the gray beards but decided that before we took this long and perilous journey to get to the mountain we needed more things. This got me thinking about the offer to join the companions. "But why shouldn't I?" I angrily shout. We had been discussing it but our talk had turned into a shouting match.

"They only use blades and have little appreciation for magic. I will NOT go." Camilla said (mostly) calmly. I may have exaggerated when I said shouting match.

I thought for a moment before coming up with a compromise. "Look, I know we need better gear and such for the journey to high hogar or whatever the name of it is, but we shouldn't forget about other things. We need more furniture, better heating and food. The companions bring with them a name which means more money. I can go and join and work for enough money to get all of our supplies. In the meantime, you take small jobs and other things in effort to better our home. Sound good?" I explain.

She sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose before saying, "you do bring up some good points. Very well, go and join them. But try not to get yourself killed please."

I smile, knowing that I had finally won. I grab my gear and head up their hall.


I stood outside the hall, it actually looked like an upturned Viking longship, and readying my armor. After a little bit I head inside. When I enter I immediately feel warm, at home. The heat most Lilly comes from a large fire pit in the very center. Tables laden with food ground the pit but almost none were in use. Off to my left there were two people fighting, and this had evidently caused a crowd.

I saw one of the people who had invited me and went over to him. "Hello, I'm the guy who was there when you killed that giant." I introduce.

He turns to look at me almost as if trying to remember. "So, you wanna take up Aela's offer then? Well you'll need to go down and see Kodlak. He'll decide if you're good enough." And with that I went Down the steps through the hall to the very last room.

I knocked on the large double doors before hearing a faint "enter" and going inside. The room was small and well decorated with ancient weapons in glass cases. Near the back were two men. One bald and the other old. I walked up to them and the old guy says "A stranger comes to our hall, you would like to join the companions no doubt. Well, let me have a look at you. Hm, yes. Perhaps. A Stetson strength of spirit."

I smile.

Of course, someone had to ruin my happiness. "Master, you're not seriously considering accepting him are you? I've never even hear of him." The other guy asks.

I glare at him and open my mouth to defend myself but before I could the old man chastises the other "sometimes the famous come to us, sometimes men and women come to us to become famous."

Wow. That actually really nice of him. "Alright, now head on up. Farkas will start your training." oh no.

Yay! Before any of you say anything, i have not stopped. Things have been busy. But i will not give up on this. Anyways.
