Chapter 3: Christian's traitorous heart

The center of my universe laid next to me peacefully and satiated. The bed side light illuminated her flawless skin and I had to touch her bare shoulder. We were so in tuned with each other, I was surprised that she hadn't awoken when I shot up in bed and turned the light on. My body gave a small shudder recalling my dream. A dream of a young woman, more like a girl, a teen aged girl with an ethereal beauty that could not be from this world. She couldn't be real but she was for I had seen her just a few day ago shopping in a high-end children's store in Seattle. The goddess was looking at little girls dresses while my wife was in another section of the store finding our son some new clothing for school.

I first noticed the glossy locks of her chestnut hair and she must have felt my stare on her back because she turned her head swiftly and our eyes locked. Her stare bore into me and was almost feral and then suddenly she was gone. My eyes searched for her and saw her standing next to a tall man equally as beautiful as she. At first I assumed he was her brother since they looked so similar, until she kissed him very inappropriately in between the stacks of little girl dresses. I felt a shot of jealousy, of envy and rage that he was allowed to touch someone so heavenly. I couldn't look away until I heard my wife's voice, "Christian, I just found the most adorable outfits for Teddy and there were some really beautiful dresses for Phoebe as well. Hey are you ok?" Ana asked with obvious worry in her voice when I didn't respond immediately. "Perfectly fine my love, just a few business things on my mind." I answered with as much calm that I could muster but inside my blood was boiling with anger and lust.

A brown eyed beauty sent to haunt my dreams, to torment me and make me want to go back to a place I had long forgotten since meeting my Ana. I, Christian Grey former dominant wanted to have complete control of the little girl with the golden eyes. I had a traitorous heart.