AUTHORS NOTE: I do not own The 100, I only own the plot of this story. This is just a small prologue to give you a glance into Bellamy and Clarkes past history. I hope you enjoy this.

Everything in Clarkes life had been pretty good for the most part, she had had money growing up and had gone to a great school. She was smart and most guys saw her as beautiful. She was universally loved for the most part, but she wasn't in the popular group, she had her gang of mixed people and she was happier with them. They were unique and didn't act like everyone else. Yet he luxuriously life often meant that she was unaware of others' lives around her, thus her clashing with Bellamy Blake in high school.

Bellamy Blake was the schools bad boy and star quarterback, but he was very secretive. He came across as a stereotypical football player, she didn't know what was going home. Clarke had like most girls found him attractive with his dark hair and tanned skin but all she ever got from him was that he was an arrogant prick who looked down on others, especially her. He always looked at her with venom. Clarke was not an angry person but Bellamy was always able to provoke her, he how to push all her buttons. She was glad that after she graduated she would never have to see his face or hear him call her that stupid nickname. The word princess had been forever tainted by his cruel and harsh words. For her there was nothing redeeming about this man. He was an obnoxious pig and she was ready to was her hands of him. Things were only made 10 times worse when they kissed when they were in junior year of high school. Sure they had been drunk, but he just laughed at her after they kissed. Bellamy was the worst kind of guy.