A/N: Alright, this is something a little different. Although this is posted to my account, this chapter was written by my wonderfully talented friend, katielgk. The next few chapters are a collaboration for a challenge I gave her, and to be fair, I participated. Reviews are always appreciated and remember, katielgk wrote this chapter, mine will follow shortly. Then let us know in a review if you want more.

New York was dark and quiet, day and night. Save for the patrolling Kraang bots, the City that Never Sleeps seemed to do only that. Raphael didn't know what he had expected for their return, but it was unsettling.

Their time at the farm hadn't felt like a vacation. He, and Leo, once he was conscious again, had made sure to keep everyone in shape and ready to come home. But his senses didn't feel in sync anymore, and he had been on edge since the moment they broke through the barrier into the city. Locating Splinter and bringing him back to his senses hadn't changed that, although it was a sigh of relief they could all breathe to have their sensei back with them. The first step to taking back their home.

Raphael sat in the front room of the pizza shop, tapping his knuckles to his knee, head lazed in his other hand. They had to keep relatively quiet to keep from being detected in their temporary hideout, but he was able to hear everyone from his place on the floor, and that calmed him.

Night had fallen, but no one could rest yet. Donatello and April were in a back room filling a single notebook they had found with plans and lists for what was needed to move forward. Their voices occasionally drifted out, tiredly joking or wondering aloud the best places to search for supplies.

Leonardo and Splinter had checked the second floor of the building together shortly after arriving. Leo later came down with a handful of useful items. He set them aside and sat on the counter watching Casey and Mikey as they rifled through the kitchen in search of food. Splinter had not yet come back downstairs.

The space would be cramped, but for such short notice, Raph had to admit, it wasn't bad, not that he would tell his little brother that. Although the more groans of disappointment he heard from the kitchen following the sound of a cabinet door opening, the more he was disheartened. There was little food leftover from the farm, and an empty fridge and cabinets here meant another mission to who knows where to find everything they would need. He added it to his own mental To Do list and sighed heavily.

"Is something wrong my son?"

"Ah!" Raphael gasped, jumping as he whirled his head around. Master Splinter was there, a hint of amusement shown through his otherwise worn out expression.

"I did not mean to startle you Raphael," he said sincerely.

"Uh, it's ok Sensei," he sputtered out, relaxing his legs again, but sitting back slightly to look up at Splinter. He then glanced towards the kitchen to see Leo looking back into the room from his perch on the counter. He did not meet Raph's eye, but quickly turned back to Mikey before the younger noticed he'd lost Leo's attention for a moment.

"May I sit my son?"

Raphael blinked at the question. "Sure Master Splinter," he said, shifting again where he sat. Splinter positioned himself in a lotus pose beside him, and Raph began to tap his knees again, feeling unsure.

Looking around, he struggled to think of something to say to the rat master they had only hours ago been fully reunited with.

He spared a glance at Splinter, who was tugging on the end of a dark gray bathrobe, which wasn't as long as his normal robe, only reaching as far as his knees, but it was effective for making him look more like himself.

"Do you need anything Master Splinter?" he offered hesitantly.

"No my son," was the simple response. "Thank you."

"Ok," Raph sighed again, looking down at his knees. Months without a sensei to answer to had not stolen from him the respect for Splinter that kept the turtle seated there next to him. His father wanted to speak with him, but Raphael felt awkward and lost for words.

"I found this robe upstairs," Splinter stated casually, unprompted. He patted at the hemmed corner where there was a crease that refused the fabric to straighten under his paw. "It is in good condition, but not as comfortable as I hoped. It seems to rub my fur the wrong way. There is also a couch there that might be nice to have in this area once we have settled in further."

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to get your robe once we can make a trip to the old lair," Raph said almost automatically. "There's some kind of Kraang defense bot down there right now, but I think we can get past it."

Splinter hummed thoughtfully. "Indeed," he said. "We have many essentials to retrieve from our destroyed home. Perhaps though only two or three of you should go down at a time, so we can avoid detection."

Raph nodded. "Yea, and as long as-"

From the kitchen at that moment came a sudden scream and a loud thud, with glass shattering, making both Raph and Splinter flinch.

"Mikey!" chorused Leo and Casey's voices behind them.

"Dude! Those things are LOOKING AT US!"

"They're anchovies Mikey," Casey said. "You know, food?"

"That is not food."

"Not anymore…" Leo said forlornly. "Come on, let's get this cleaned up."

"Ughhh it smells awful!"

"Heh, no worse than you Mikey."

"Some things never change," Splinter said, shaking his head in amusement. "Still I cannot say I am disappointed. I have never really enjoyed anchovies myself."

"Yea, but a lot has changed," muttered Raph, so quietly that Splinter almost didn't catch it over the sound of Casey teasing Mikey with a couple of the anchovies in his face.

"I am sorry I was unable to be with you when you all had to flee the city."

Raph quickly looked up at him. "No!" he said. "No, that's not what I meant sensei. You couldn't help that...The Shredder he...he's the one that separated us all. Everything happened so quickly…"

"Certainly," Splinter crossed his arms, freeing one to pinch his fingers around his beard thoughtfully. "This invasion started much sooner than expected, and the Shredder knew just how to take advantage of the chaos we found ourselves in."

"We should have been more prepared. We could have done something different, so Leo wouldn't get injured, so we wouldn't have lost you….We shouldn't have had to run away with our tails tucked," Raphael's fingers clenched into fists in his lap as he continued. "We're finally back now, but we can barely sneak into our own home, and we've already lost the element of surprise against the Kraang and Shredder. We have no supplies and all we have as far as a plan is to create a retro mutagen and find people to use it on."

He huffed, keeping his voice low. After a long moment, he took a deep breath, ,and Splinter watched his hands untighten again. He allowed himself to feel some pride when Raphael looked up at him with worry in his eyes instead of the anger he was so often taken over by. "Can we really do this Sensei?"

Splinter met his gaze, and sensed the multitude of emotions that was characteristic for him. "My son, you did what was best for the situation you were presented with. I know Leonardo was severely injured, and would not have had a chance to heal if you had not left when you did. I understand also that you used the time outside the city wisely, and made sure things proceeded as normal when your brother could not."

"I didn't...I had to make sure we were ready if we were attacked out the farm too."

"You showed great leadership, and tremendous support for your injured brother, particularly when he became aware again, as I understand."

Looking down at his hands, Raphael felt small. Their past accomplishments seemed to pale in light of the invasion. There was no fight before they fled, it was a complete disaster. Even if they had not been separated from the start, he had doubts things would have gone any differently.

"We were not ready," Splinter broke into his thoughts as if he had read them. "But we are alive, and together as a family." He placed a paw on Raph's shoulder. "While we can still say that, we have not failed completely."

Raphael stiffened only slightly at the touch. It was not unwelcome, rather, almost unnatural. He tried to focus on his father's words, finding himself instead thrown into a mess of feelings he'd been trying to will away for what seemed like ages now. They were all alive, he knew it now.

Despite his brothers and even April and Casey's hopefulness for it, he himself secretly couldn't dare to believe Splinter could still be alive. He resigned to expecting the worst, for his own sake and his family's. Even after Splinter's own spirit made contact with them, Raphael found it difficult to believe they would be able to get their teacher back whole.

The furry hand slipped slowly from his shoulder, and he missed it instantly. Splinter was right next to him, and even with what was likely to be the fight of their lives looming in the future, he could let go of the dread he'd held onto for so many months. Leo, Mikey and Casey had moved into the back room with the remaining two now. He could make out some faint discussion and laughter.

They were still with him. And the father he almost believed truly gone was patiently waiting beside him for some response. Yet he still felt his chest ache with worry, and Raphael wondered if the feeling would ever go away.

"What if we can't win?" he asked quietly. "What if we really lose someone this time?"

"It is a fear we are all facing," Splinter answered. "But we are facing it together my son."

He paused, prompting Raph to shift his gaze once more, and Splinter waited until he had his son's eye before continuing. "We have found ourselves bearing the great burden of rescuing this city where others have failed. Focusing our thoughts on the What if's' is something we cannot afford to do. Instead we need to set our minds on what must be done."

"I just wish we had something more to go on than just hope."

"Having hope can be a great asset Raphael. Discouraging yourself is much more likely to lead to failure."

"But if I hope for something, doesn't it make it worse when it's not true later on?" Raph cast his eyes downward, gritting his teeth in frustration.

Splinter looked on with sympathy, coming to a realization. "Sometimes we have nothing more to hold onto but hope, and it is better to keep holding than to give in to despair. Perhaps it can feel better though, to let go ahead of time when you still have other responsibilities." Raphael pulled his limbs closer to himself slightly at these words and it was not missed. "However, I would hate for my sons to suffer through such prolonged grief."

He allowed the words to sink in, and Splinter again waited patiently for Raphael to react to them. It only took a moment.

"I'm sorry Father," he said. Immediately the rat's hands gently took hold of his shoulders.

"No my son," he said, willing Raph to look him in the eye again. When he did, Splinter went on. "I am sorry."

Like when his children were much younger, Splinter pulled Raphael closer, and could not help but smile when the turtle complied, and wrapped his arms around his father's waist. "I am here now Raphael." he whispered.

Laughter erupted again from the back room, and Raph pulled away again. "Thanks Master Splinter," he said. The ache in his chest persisted, but he could feel a calmness he hadn't felt in a long time begin to ease it. Whatever they faced, he knew he faced it with his family.

"I am confident you and your brothers," Splinter paused. "All of us, will overcome this invasion."

Nodding, Raphael slowly moved to stand, stretching as he did. He cleared his throat. "I guess we should work on this plan then," he said, determination in his voice.

Splinter smiled still, pleased. "Yes, but I think we could all use some rest as well."

"Then I'll get Casey to help me move that couch you mentioned. That should make a good bed for a couple of us at least," he turned and raised his voice. "Yo Casey I got a job for yah!"

Standing up himself, Splinter chuckled quietly when Casey called back with unwillingness. He was straightening his borrowed robe again when Raphael faced him again.

"Master Splinter?"


"It's good to have you back."

"It is good to be back my son," he said warmly. In another moment Raphael had disappeared to the back to wrestle his friend upstairs, unmistakable sounds of Michaelangelo joining in and Leo shushing them. After so many long months, it seemed their family would spring back, stronger than ever.

Whatever fate lie in wait for them, they would fight for it together.