Alright, here we have it: the new chapter! Woo hoo! I know it's been awhile since I updated it, but here it is! I'm really excited to know what you guys think of it so please remember to let me know after you finish reading it!

I also need to give credit to Decrosse for her character Amber.

So without further ado, let's commence with the new chapter!


Bonnie sighed as she tinkered with some old parts, she was waiting for Amber to finish doing some investigating before they would try to work on KARR. She didn't want to start alone because of how vulnerable KARR had become, she didn't want to frighten him and she also didn't want to put him through any more pain by accident. So she waited.

Amber sighed quietly to herself as she flipped through reports to find out the latest about the Pet Shop scam the mall shop fell victim to, making calls and setting up appointments to visit previous adopters to see the pet and here what the complaint was or what happened. She also set up a time to drop off two replacement pups for the petshop on her learning the previous two were on reserve for a family. She contacted them and the store, making plans to meet at a specific day.

She had a lot on her mind lately. Still, taking a break she went over to KARR and prodded the part under his hood that formerly caused him pain and to slam his hood due to his programming. No slam meant he was in one of his rare, relaxed states. 'Hey, Bonnie! One, KARR and I need to talk to you about something well, two somethings. Two, he's relaxed enough for us to work on him.' She gave the brunette a small smile.

Bonnie strode over, glad that Amber had confirmed that they could resume work on the car.

Amber lay a palm just by Karr's right headlight, slowly and gently caressing his frame as if trying to calm a frightened puppy. 'We know, it's alright. Your coding, not your fault. Think you can try to let us fix the main problem so you don't feel as much pain?' KARR's amber scanner shifted as if he was thinking, though his frame had calmed down considerably. While there was no verbal reply, his hood slowly clicked open and lifted up my itself. Amber just smile, also to Bonnie. 'Whatever we do now, needs to be done quick. For the moment he's calmed and in a sense distracted his mind for us to work on him, but A.I.s often aren't distracted for long.'

'Then let's get to work.' Bonnie replied. She was just as anxious to have this over with, she hated seeing either one of her 'sons' in pain.

It wasn't easy given how damaged the part was, and it's location in a badly damaged area - neverminding the tangles and splayed lose wires that could also shock all of them. Amber carefully reached around and unstuck the part, while Bonnie helped as best she could to keep the wires from touching anyone - including KARR himself.

'Got it,' Amber said as she brought out the conduit causing him the most pain. Although she checked her fingers after handing it over, a small cut that didn't bother her. 'Hmm, can take care of it later. Hands going to get dirty helping KARR here anyways.' With that she helped Bonnie to remove the bent out of shape memory chip. Amber went to work on restoring it, enough to transfer into a sturdier chip while Bonnie worked on the rest of his conduit plus fixed his scanner light-sensors.

It took some time, but the stuff that could be repaired and restored easily was, and it was replaced in KARR. 'Bonnie, while I was working on that I noticed something off in the code - but first, let's see how eldest son here is doing.' Amber mentioned noting, then stepped away from KARR to give him space motioning for Bonnie to as well. 'He'll wake up in a moment, chance he might be confused or have flashbacks which for humans could cause panic attacks. While far more dangerous giving that KARR is a car, whatever happens - I recommend not trying to restrain nor attack him, even if the intentions are good. It could just make it worse for KARR...' Amber hid behind a protective wall with an equally protective window, along with Bonnie and the sheltie Prince who amazingly was doing better though still jumpy at things as a result of what had happened.

While she wouldn't say it aloud, Bonnie was offended that Amber thought she would do either of those things. She wasn't stupid. She understood perfectly well that KARR's experiences combined with his injuries sustained from the virus had given him a form of PTSD and putting him in a situation that reminded him of what happened would cause him to lash out. She had nursed KITT back to health multiple times after he'd sustained some horrendous injuries that had left him afraid to go back in the field, so she wasn't about to mess up with her eldest son. So, she waited silently behind the window and watched to see how he would behave once he was fully awake.

Meanwhile, Michael and KITT had just at the end of the street from where they had been investigating when Michael noticed someone coming out from around the back of the place.

'KITT wait a minute.' They pulled over to the side of the road and watched as the guy got into a silver car that was parked on the other side of the street. 'KITT did you-'

'I managed to get a photo of him, look Michael.' As the picture appeared on the monitor, the FLAG agent's pulse jumped.

'Durant.' He growled just in time for the car to speed by them. 'Let's go get him.' He pressed his foot down on the accelerator and the chase began.

Michael was like a dog in hot pursuit, his eyes never straying from the target as they weaved dangerously in and out of traffic as they raced through the city streets. KITT tracking the car so that they could follow him wherever he went. They weren't going to let him get away this time. When Durant turned a corner, they were skidding around it but a second later. This way and that way. Durant was determined to lose them, but Michael didn't quit.

He ignored the shocked onlookers as the tyres howled and he went speeding over 100 mph through red light after red light. Adrenaline rushing through his veins, barely restraining himself from pushing KITT to his very limit.

'Jam his breaks.'

'I can't, there are too many civilians, he might lose control and hurt someone.' KITT warned, but his driver just growled in frustration. Still he pushed on, never slowing, even as the traffic thickened and they were at risk of causing an accident. 'Michael you're behaving erratically, I can't continue the pursuit at the risk of harming a human life, you know that.'

'I don't care. We've got him. If we let him get away who know's how long it will be before we have another chance like this.' He had to catch him. He had to. He couldn't let that murderer get away and risk him getting to his family again.

But KITT had a bad feeling.

'We have to go back to the Foundation.'


'We need to go back now.' He insisted.

'Your circuits must be malfunctioning, we can't go back now, we have to catch Durant!'

'I'm sorry Michael, but something's telling me that we have to go back, and the way you're driving it's not safe for us to continue chasing him. I'm switching to autopilot.' There was then the familiar sound of him switching from manual control to autopilot and Michael found that he was no longer in control.

He hit the steering wheel in frustration as KITT slowed down and he saw Durant continue to race off down the road. Michael could already picture the smug smile on the creeps face. 'I can't believe you let him get away!'

'Someone was going to get hurt, Michael, I couldn't allow that. Besides, as I told you, something is telling me that we need to get back to FLAG so that's where I'm going.

Back at FLAG...

Amber payed Bonnie no mind, for she had been mostly talking to herself and Prince. She watched KARR's amber scanner activate, at first slowly going back and forth then to normal speed. Shortly after it went stationary, and brightened considerably. While his frame wasn't shaking, he was indeed having a flashback. Although KARR didn't have the whole story yet in his memories, the flashback he was having was back when he and KITT had their FLAG test training and when he discovered the virus that affected him. So far, KARR hadn't lashed out at anything or anyone yet although there was a growl shortly after then followed up by 'No... Brother!' KARR's tone here was that of concern, more than fear and anger - but surprisingly not for himself.

Bonnie's face held a look of sadness mixed with motherly concern, her hand pressing gently against the glass as if she were touching his hood. It pained her to see him like this, and even though she wanted desperately to help him, to comfort him, she knew it wasn't safe for her to approach him until the flashback passed and he calmed down. She only wished that KITT were here now, knowing that having his brother there would comfort the car.

KARR's amber scanner flickered, though not moved. The two-tone, with what sounded like a half-growl grumble roared out of the garage screeching tires and into the driveway for the moment. He sat quietly beside the tree he and KITT once sat by together.
KARR knew now stuff that he had lost, remembering everything. Yet, to fully piece together the big picture - the big story, he needed the side of his brother. He tried to distract himself by hacking into the variety of computers, cameras, phones and so on that were nearby while awaiting for KITT. If he hadn't tried distracting himself, he even did not know what he would have done otherwise.

KARR had happened upon a mention hidden deep in the databases of somewhere nearby about the hospital, the shooting of little sis' Ashley, digging further he found a well hidden copy of all the records of her, and the camera recordings that they had believed to be destroyed. His scanner moved now, though albeit with an... intrigue. From what he found, he needed Michael here too apparently.

'Mother, let me talk to Ashley...' He had requested. 'Need to talk to you and Michael too...'

Amber meanwhile went setting up a complex screen of sorts so they all could watch once KARR had his brother here to fill in the blanks. KARR wasn't completely out of his flashbacks, as evident by the way his scanner flicked and skipped, dimming and brightening depending on what it was he remembered.

Bonnie was a little confused by her son's requests, and worried that if something happened and he suffered a worse flashback Ashley could get hurt. However, she couldn't bring herself to refuse his request and so agreed to go and get Ashley.

The ten year old had been reading in her room when the woman knocked on the door. 'Hey sweetie.' She greeted as she peaked inside.

'Hey Bonnie, is everything ok? Is dad back yet?'

'Not yet, but hopefully he will be soon.'

'Oh... Ok.' She replied, failing to hide her disappointment.

'There is someone else who wants to talk to you though.'

'Who? Is it Amber? Or did Hailey and Matt call?'

'It's KARR.'

'Is he feeling better yet?'

'He...' How could she explain this to her without upsetting her? 'He's still not 100%, but he wants to talk to you about something.'

'Ok.' She nodded slowly.

'Now, when you talk to him, just be calm, alright? If you get too loud or excited it might... Well it won't help him feel better.'

'Alright, I can do that.'

'Good girl, now come on.' She extended her hand out and Ashely got off her bed and walked over to take it, so that they could walk together.

When they reached him, Ashley could immediately tell that her brother wasn't his usual self, his scanner giving him away. 'KARR?' She asked tentatively. 'Are you ok? Bonnie said that you wanted to talk to me.'

KARR actually opened his door in order to gently touch Ash, as if to put a hand on her - if he had hands. 'Bad experience on your birthday? Let me tell you something; I had one myself. Although, mine is... rough.' He tried to pick his words carefully. 'My day, back when, was a generally good day. Until something happened... KITT was there, and in a way he was also affected as a result of what happened. At one point in time, much like KITT I had a friend - that was my driver...' He lowered, making what sounded like an audible sigh.

Ashley nodded slowly, 'I remember, you told me about this not long after we met. Your driver he... He died, right? A-And you got sick, someone gave you a bug, a virus, right?'

'Well, yes, though in a way I caused his death. I... swerved to avoid a child not unlike yourself that had somehow been on the track...' KARR seemed a bit sad, 'While what happened was a shock to all, I and KITT... well... FLAG hurt KITT as well as me, as a result. For KITT doesn't remember much from back then due to having his memory wiped. However, I have a copy of KITT's memories - and he likely mine. Although it is passcoded, it should likely be relatively easy to by pass.' KARR was no longer lowered, though his scanner still gave way that he wasn't well aside from his virus, 'It's not just memories either. In a way, neither of us can truly die due to our link. While I may have once threatened hurting humans to KITT, due to our link obviously I cannot. KITT's programming, after all, is to protect life. Human life.'

KARR let a pause there, to let that register more with his mother, before he said more. 'Anyways, while waiting KITT & Michael - I found something rather... interesting. And believe I have found the root cause of all your - our, sorry; family's trouble.' The two-tone car seemed to actually be smirking now, though not in an evil way.

KARR sent a message to KITT, telling him to tell Michael not to worry about Durant getting away.

Bonnie's brow furrowed as she tried to take all of this in, she seemed to recall hearing about a link between them before, but this... This was unheard of. It did make sense though, without it, surely at least one of the cars would have been completely destroyed by now.

His smirk peaked her curiosity, 'What do you mean KARR? What have you found?'

'While Durant is part of it, he's not the one behind everything. And on some these forms I found the signature while close is still off from Devon's. Michael and KITT dealed with something at one time - a serum of sorts, that a fake Devon tried to get for the main bad guy then. As for the recent money snagged from banks, the help is coming from Garthe.'

'Michael and KITT recovered something from a computer, allow me to have a try at cracking it. In the meantime, you are biologically my sister... Yes, Bonnie's our mother. Welcome home.'

Fake Devon? Garthe? Why were they all in on this and why were they all striking revenge now? Bonnie felt a headache coming on. Then as if that wasn't enough she-

'Wait what?' She asked, her eyes opening wide. 'KARR this, this isn't the time for jokes.' She chastised, shaking her head.

Ashley stood gawking at the car with her mouth hanging open. How could he just come out and say that without any warning? When she saw the mechanic beginning to freak out a little she took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

'Actually Bonnie... Amber found a copy of my birth certificate ages ago, and even though my mother's name wasn't totally readable, all the letters we could make out are in your name...' She looked back to her brother. 'But how do you know for sure that it's right? I mean, there has to be more proof right?'

'Unlike KITT, I don't joke.' KARR stated flatly. 'One thing my time I spent with Garthe, besides additional features such as weaponry, he improved my ability for hacking even the toughest of locks; passcodes. And tracing deep. Yes, I even happened upon the forms and video recordings during hospital time.' KARR spoke slowly now, 'Adrianne. One of the 'nurses' at the time there.'

This was... It was insane! Bonnie felt like she needed to sit, but remained standing anyway, and rubbed her right temple for a moment. 'So Adrianne, Garth, and the fake Devon have all been plotting against us for ten years?' It would be enough to drive most people to faint, but she refused to allow herself that weakness, even as she swayed slightly. 'This is crazy, we should have known something about all of this.'

KARR let them reply first if needed, then confirmed Amber finding the birth certificate hidden away, and Ash's diary. 'Ash, I recovered what was torn from your diary - and found traces of the missing parts of the name on the said certificate. Anyhow, I have an idea where all these bad guys are hanging out. I could be your spy, of sorts if wished in order to figure out how they were able to get so close without detection. While Garthe knows of me, none of them know I am back on family's side...'

Ash looked at her mother worriedly, knowing that all of this was a lot to take in. Ashley herself was shocked to hear about it, but aside from the fact that they were the 'bad guys' she had no idea of just whom any of them were. Regardless of that they needed to be stopped. 'Please KARR, you have to be our spy, we need to get catch them before they do worse things.' Like... Like taking me away. She thought to herself.

'However, this means you'll all need to play along. KITT too, keep my scanner color but I will need a new paint job. Something convincing that I'm still on their side. Michael may be harder to convince; however - set an appointment for him to have his feet checked. The sooner the better, for during that time KITT faced the acid pit; mom knows well the end result that was KITT; Michael unintentionally stepped in some. Sure, he had his boots on but again; KITT. Go with him if you must, then.'

KARR scanned around to see how far off KITT was, hopefully not far. He opened his doors, allowing them both a seat if they needed it. 'Once they're here, we can compare memories - and in a way, solve at the same time why some of you don't remember certain things...'

Amber approached soon after, along with an enhanced version of the birth certificate and quietly handing it over to Bonnie. 'Anyways, if you need someone to watch the kids' when that time comes, I'm available. Besides, I love my little half-sister.' She said smiling, then grabbed Ash in a friendly hug. 'We will continue to martial arts classes soon, and getting you a companion like Prince, but larger; to go with you everywhere until everything is settled here with these bad people.'

KARR still needed KITT right now though, as he was running out of things to distract himself on. 'How about we; you and Amber with me go look for said companion after KITT gets here and the system Amber was working on is confirmed working and adjustments made if needed. After all, I think mommy would need some alone time with daddy...'

When he opened his doors Bonnie took the opportunity to sit down and ran her hand along his dash in a silent thank you to him. Ashley giggled as her sister hugged her, smiling until they mentioned getting her a new pet. 'Ok KARR, but... Whatever 'companion' we get, I want Prince to like him. I don't want him to feel left out or anything.' Even stranger than that though was his use of words, she had never heard him refer to Michael as daddy before, even if he was talking about it from her perspective, but she didn't say anything about it. He was right, they would have a lot to talk about.

It was precisely at that moment that KITT and Michael arrived back, KITT pulling up alongside his brother. 'KARR? What's going on? Are you alright?'

Michael got out of the car and looked at the rest of his family, his brow raising. 'What's been happening? Did we miss something?'

'You have no idea,' KARR spoke up first, sounding somewhat amused. The 'daddy' he had said recently was a hint for Ash, he decided to answer Ash now, 'Of course, we will set up meet and greet for Prince to find the right one. We will have to watch closely as he is still recovering from both his leg and his experience. Doggy version of PTSD. We will work on helping him through that as well, just a bit at a time.' With his doors still wide open, he turned his attention back to Michael and KITT. 'Let me have a go at the disk you just got. I'll be careful, on going through it. In the meantime, spend time with mother Bonnie; besides needing to talk she can help explain some things. We were just talking a second ago about getting Ash a companion guard to go with her everywhere until all this trouble with Durant and co. is solved.'

KARR's scanner looked to KITT, 'Thanks for coming quickly.' He did seem much more relaxed with the presences of his brother just being there. 'I do need you, and you me. I know you didn't really want to leave me behind during that... time... with Garthe's rocket. Guess I got lucky, despite being in the imminent blast zone... Talk more about it later.'

'Ashley, invite your two step-siblings ey are also going to need some kind of support but also a nice distraction. 'Sides, it's likely to be awhile before their parents are well again enough. Don't worry, Amber and I took care of all the legal issues given the unique circumstances.' KARR seemed to smile now.

'Ok, I'll go call them! Be right back!' Ashley said and ran off to get the phone so that she could call her step brother and sister.

Michael watched her go with a slight smile before he grabbed the disk that he had taken and looked at Bonnie, offering her a hand to help her out of KARR. 'So, exactly what is it that we need to discuss?'

'I'll explain what I can, but not here.'

'Alright then.' He nodded and inserted the disk into KARR's computer. 'See what you can find on it, but don't over work your systems, alright?' He said to the car then took his girlfriend's hand and the pair walked out, leaving just the two brothers and Amber.

Amber smiled watching Ashley run off like a shot of lightning, then turned to the two brothers. 'KITT, how have you been doing recently? Given KARR is affected by some virus, I need to keep an eye on you as well. Since you share a lot. Don't worry; all will be explained soon enough.' She decided to give them both a quick yet gentle wipe over with a very soft cloth being mindful when around their scanners and their wheels due to having found out both were ticklish, KITT more-so.

'I've been fine, Amber, all my systems have been operating normally.' KITT replied before the laughing began from the tickling. Even though he still had a number of questions to be answered, they could wait for a time. He wanted to enjoy spending some time with his brother and sister.

Meanwhile, Ashley was still on the phone to her step-family.

'Yeah, Amber said it was fine, and she's even getting a surprise for you guys!' Ash said to them.

'Really? What is it?'

'It's a surprise! I can't tell you.'

'Aw come on.' Matt whined.

'You'll just have to wait and see. So is it ok for you guys to stay with us for awhile? You guys could use a break right?'

There was silence on the other end for a moment or two before Hailey's excited voice came through, 'They said yes!'

'Yay!' Ash cheered. 'KARR, Amber and I will come over to pick you up.'

'Ok, see you soon. Bye.'

'Bye.' She said before she hung up the phone and went back to tell her half sister that they had to go pick the others up.

So Amber and Ashley went quickly on their way with KARR to go and pick up the Riders' children. When they arrived, Matthew and Hailey ran outside to meet them with their stuff which Amber helped load into the trunk. Mr and Mrs Rider also came out to greet them.

'Thank you for offering to do this.' Teagan said to Amber.

'It's no problem, really.' Amber smiled at her before she and the two children got in the car. 'Besides, you two need some time to get over what happened. Jus', take it easy alright? And if you need any help with anything else feel free to give a call. Shopping, whatever. It doesn't matter.' She smiled warmly at them.

'Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.' Jackson smiled back. 'Now you kids be good, alright?'

'We will!' The two siblings chimed in unison, giving their parents a little wave.

'So where are we going?' Matt asked.

'You'll find out soon.' She replied as they pulled out of the driveway and started off down the road.

The feeling of excitement that was already present in the car was only elevated when they arrived at their destination.

'The pet shop!' Hailey nearly squealed in delight as the three kids got out of KARR and raced into the shop.