I hope you like my new story. Please R&R.

Disclaimer: I don't own Knight Rider or any of its characters, I do however own Ashley and her adopted family.

Knight Rider: a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminals who operate above the law.

Chapter 1

Michael had been missing for days, no one seemed to be able to find him. Not even KITT. Devon had people out looking for Michael day and night, but nothing had come from it and KITT was worried. So was Bonnie, she and Michael were like brother and sister and she hated not knowing where he was at all times. At first she just wondered where he was and what he was up to, but when KITT came back from a ride and said that Michael had disappeared then she got worried. Everyday she asked Devon if he'd found out anything on his whereabouts and everyday its same answer, nothing.

'I'm sorry Bonnie.' Devon sighed.

'Well, why we're sitting here being sorry Michael is who knows where and in who knows what condition!' Bonnie replied angrily. It had been almost two weeks since Michael had been proclaimed missing and so far they had no idea where he was.

Meanwhile a girl had been out walking trying to find one of her neighbours to hang out with, not many of them actually liked her, but she did have one friend. So far her search had been unsuccessful and she knew she would have return home soon or her Father would be angry with her.

Ashley was actually an orphan who had been given to an orphanage when she was roughly eight months old and was adopted by a family four years later. Since then she had received very little love or compassion from anyone and had to put up with being used as nothing more than a trophy. Her adoptive parents had only adopted her so they could show her off to the other people in the neighbourhood and so others would think they were kind people. As such they never questioned the large bruises that she seemed to have almost constantly or the amount of cuts she had on her face and arms.

In truth Ashley hated the people she lived with, she knew that as soon as she was old enough she was going to leave and never come back. She may be only nine years old, but she knew what they were doing to her was wrong even though every time she tried to tell someone about it they ignored her or told her she was lying. So now she tried to spend as much time away from them as she could, normally walking on their land or trying to make friends with the other kids even though the majority of them sneered at her for being to young to hang out with them, to boring or sometimes just to darn ugly since her face was normally covered in cuts and bruises.

She had been out for hours and she knew it was time to head back to their modest little house so turned and headed back, but on the way she heard a muffle groan from behind a tree and she called out.

Michael had been wandering around in the bush ever since he had gotten out of KITT to explore what everyone thought was an abandoned where house as part of a case, but a few seconds after he had entered he been knocked out by a couple of thugs before being stowed in the trunk of a car and dumped in the middle of nowhere.

Well this is great. Michael thought to himself. He had no phone, no GPS, no water, no food and no shelter. These people had obviously intended for him to die and he knew that if he didn't find someone soon these people would probably get their wish.

He had been walking for days, but he had no idea what direction he was travelling and for all he knew he could be walking away from civilisation. He tried to remain hopeful, but his hope was running out much like his energy, in a few more days he wouldn't be able to move. In fact it was a struggle to keep going even now. Eventually he had collapsed and passed out beneath a large tree and he kept slipping in and out of consciousness, by now he had managed to regain his consciousness and he tried to sit up, he groaned with effort and gave up when he heard a voice.

'Hello, is anyone there?' At first he thought he was imagining it, but he decided to answer anyway.

'Over here.' He said, his voice dry and raspy. He then heard footsteps from behind the tree and when tried to see who it was a head appeared next to him.

'Oh wow. How long have you been out here?' It was a girl. She had shoulder length chestnut coloured hair and brilliant blue eyes, that was all he saw before he fell unconscious once more. The girl pulled out a water bottle, prized open Michael's mouth and poured some of the water down his throat. He came awake spluttering and smiled at the girl for giving him a drink. She helped him take another swig from the bottle then searched her pockets for a phone. It suddenly dawned on her that she'd left at home and when she tried to search Michael's pockets he pushed her hands away. 'I need to borrow your phone.' She explained, Michael stared at her dazed. 'Hmm...'

How can I get you home?

'Who...Who are you.' Michael asked.

'My name's Ashley Pitfield and I need to get you back to my house.' Michael nodded but his eyelids were heavy and started to close again. Ashley shook him awake and pulled him to his feet. He was weak and couldn't stand on his own so Ashley let him lean on her and she started walking him to her house.

It was taking them longer this way and they only made it five minutes before Michael fell forward and Ashley couldn't hold him.'Please get up. Come on its only another five minutes to my house, then you can lie down on a nice comfortable bed.' She tried to pull him up, but this time he refused. Ashley watched in shock as his eyes rolled back into his head. Instantly she turned and ran to the house. She stumbled up the steps and burst in through the front door.

'What in the world?' Her mum gasped.

'Listen Lisa, there's a man about five minutes from here and he needs help.'

'Why doesn't he come up to the house then?' She asked snidely.

'He was unconscious and he's too weak to get up, now come on.' She grabbed Lisa's hand and dragged her out the door. 'He was unconscious and he's too weak to get up, now come on.' She grabbed Lisa's hand and dragged her out the door. They ran through the trees and scrub until they found Michael in the same place that Ashley had left him. He was just coming to again when he saw Lisa hit Ashley.

'You stupid kid!' Bang. Slapped in the face, leaving a large red mark and tears sprung to her eyes. 'Why did you even talk to this guy?'

He needs help.' She replied.

'Thank you Ashley.' Michael said groggily.

'What are you, a drunk?' Lisa asked angrily.

'No.' He replied groggily.

'Come on we've got to get him into the house.' Ashley said and she along with a reluctant Lisa managed to pull him up, he draped his arms round their necks and the brought him to their house. As soon as they got inside Lisa dropped Michael, leaving him to Ashley. 'Urgh.' She groaned under his weight and struggled to get him on to the lounge.

'Sorry Ashley.' He murmured.

'It's fine...Um...What's your name?'


'Nice to meet you Michael.' Ashley replied and she went and poured the two of them a cold glass of water. 'Here.' She helped him drink part of his.


'It's alright. What happened to you anyway?'

'It's a long story, what happened to your face?'

'Another long story.' She sighed. 'Anyway how long were you out there for?'

'I have no idea.' He said slipping into unconsciousness again.

The next time he woke up he was in a hospital with a IV drip in his arm and was being watched by his friends. Bonnie and Devon were standing at the end of his bed waiting for him to wake up again and as soon as he did Bonnie rushed to him and gave him a gentle, but firm, hug.

'Bonnie?' Michael asked breathing in her familiar smell.

'Yes Michael.' She replied happily. 'You had us worried sick.' She said going to stand back with Devon.

'What happened? How did I get here?' Michael asked confused.

'A young girl called to hospital and they went and collected you in an ambulance.' Devon explained.

'What happened to the girl?'

'She is still at home with her parents, why?'

'No reason.' He shook his head and tried to sit up. 'How's KITT?'

'Better now that he knows where you are and that you're safe.' The AI's voice came through his comlink.

'Hey buddy.' Michael smiled.

'Hello Michael. I am glad to hear from you again.'

'You too pal. So Devon did you finish the case without me?'

'Yes, the police apprehended the men and got Miss Hewett back.' Devon replied. Then the nurse came in and inspected Michael as she changed his IV and replaced it with a full one.

'Well Mr Knight, you're very lucky to be alive. You should thank that young girl for saving you because without her I don't think we would have found you for a lot longer.' She said before leaving.

'So who was this girl that found you?' Devon asked.

'She said her name was...Ashley... She found me and brought me to her parents house, it must have been her that called the hospital, I need to find her.' The other two looked at him with arched eyebrows. 'Just so I can thank her.'

'Right. Anyway you have to recover a bit more before you are going anywhere.' Bonnie said and she went to go find KITT.