The first chapter of "God's Successor". Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I do not own HighSchool DxD.



{Albion speaking}

"Ise" I heard a familiar voice coming from downstairs "Ise it's time to get up, breakfast is ready!" This was my mom.

I was currently in my bed, my name is Issei Hyoudou I'm a ordinary 7 years old boy with brown hair and light brown eyes.

"Coming!" I replied and began to clothe myself. After few minutes I was in kitchen where I saw my dad siting on a chair, drinking coffee and reading a newspaper, mom was washing the dishes.

"Good morning son" "Good morning honey" My parents said.

"Good morning" I replied and I sat down on my chair.

"Itadakimasu!" I said, and I began to eat.

"Ise" Said my mom "We are going today shoping to buy you new clothes" smiled my mom.

"Eh?" I said confused.

"I told you few days ago that you need new clothes and we will go shoping this saturnday, remember?"

"Yes right..."

After several hours we were heading towards home I was really tired. We were curently in the town park and my mom who was carrying the bags, suddenly stopped walking.

"Um..what's wrong?" I asked.

"I think that I left my phone in the clothes shop..." She replied.

"Ise can you wait for me here? Don't run anywhere I will be soon back okay?"

I nodded and she walked back towards the shop.

"Hi little boy" I turned my head to see who is calling me.

That what I saw was a man with black wings. Huh, wait wings?

"W-w-who are you?" I asked staring at him.

"Why are you so shocked Issei?" The mysterious man replied.

"How do you k-know my name?" I asked, getting up from the bench.

"This is not important, it is more important that you will die now" Said the man while in his had was something that remembered a spear, a spear made of light!

I was scared i couldn't move, my whole body was trembling...I don't want to die! And then from my back glow a light, a bright blue light, when i turned my head to see what is going on i saw two glowing wings.

"'s too late, well bye you damn brat!" He flapped his wings and dissapeared.

Even if the man left I was still in shock.

{We finally meet my host} Huh? I heard a voice but I don't see anybody around.

{I'm here boy} I looked at my wings.

{Well you are truly somebody special to wake me being 7 years old}

"W-who are you?" I asked.

{I'm the White Dragon Emperor Albion I'm living inside of you}

"What?" I asked being confused.

{I'm sealed in your Secred Gear called "Divine Dividing"}

"Secred... what?"

{I will explain you everything latter but now somebody is coming here} when I heard that my wings dissapeared and I turned my head.

"Ise I'm back" I saw mom walking towards me.

"Now we can go home, come" I nodded and we walk home together.

Time skip 1 year later.

I was walking tired from school towards home. Albion already has explained me everything that I need to know. I know about my Secred Gear that's can divide enemies power and absorb it every 10 seconds. I know about the Two Heveny Dragons Albion and his rival Ddraig. I even managed how to fly using my light wings. I haven't told my parents about my power.

{I can sense a Fallen Angel presence} Said suddenly Albion.

'Huh? It's that the same Fallen Angel who tried to kill me?' I asked Albion.

{I think not}

"Where is he?"

{There at the shrine}

'I need to check it'

{Be careful partner}

'I know, I can always fly away if it's necessary'

And I walked towards the shrine.

Third Person POV

Issei was upstairs and looked around that what he saw was a young girl with black hair.

{She is the Fallen Angel who I sensed}

'Huh realy?' Issei said in his mind and stared at the girl.

"Ummm... d-do you n-need something?" Said the girl timidly.

"Is something wrong?" The boy asked when he saw that the girl was a little scared.

"N-no umm... it's just that I'm not used to talk to other people besides my mom and dad" Replied the girl.

"Huh, do you have any friends?"


"Then can I be your friend?"

"H-huh?" She raised her face when Issei said this.

"My name is Issei Hyoudou" Said Issei with a smile on his face.

"I'm A-Akeno Himejima" Replied the girl.

"Well Akeno-san wanna go play together?"

"Umm yes I would be happy Issei-san" Replied Akeno with a blush on her face.

"Call me Ise"

"Okay... Ise-kun"

Time skip 4 months.

"Good morning!" yelled a young boy.

"Oh isn't it Issei, you came to visit Akeno right?"

"Yes" Replied the boy.

"Akeno come here! Issei is waiting for you"

"Hey Ise-kun" Said Akeno with a smile.

"So wanna go?" Asked Issei.

"Yes, can I mom?"

"Of course but don't go too far"

Akeno smiled and grabbed Issei's hand, both of them were running downstairs. After few minutes walking Issei noticed that Akeno was sad.

"Is something wrong? You look sad" Asked Issei.



"If I was not a human would you hate me?"

{I think that she's talking about being a Fallen Angel} Albion commented.

'I think so too Albion'

"No I would not hate you"

"You saying that only because you don't know what I am" Said Akeno with tears in her eyes.

"The t-truth is that I am a..."

"A Fallen Angel" Replied Issei with smiling face.

"W-Wha.. How d-do you know?" Akeno was shocked.

"I know that from the begining" Replied Issei.

When he said that, Akeno showed her black wings.

"You won't run away?" The girl said with a abandoned head.

"I won't and besides look..." Issei said that holding her cheek and looking in her teary eyes.

A blue light appeared on Issei's back and a pair of light wings materialized on his back.

"I have wings too" Said Issei with a big smile on his face.

"Whaa...?" Akeno was more shocked than before.

"I'm wielding a dragon inside of me, so I'm not a normal human either" Said Issei while he was wiping her tears.

"And I would never hate you for something like that..."

Akeno hugged Issei and kissed him in the cheek.

"Thank you my Ise..." Said Akeno with a big smile on her face.

Time Skip 1 year

Issei POV

I was currently in kitchen and I was eating my breakfast.

"Ise don't eat so fast your stomach will hurt" Said my mom.

"I need to go soon or I will be late"

"Are you going to visit Akeno on the shrine again?"


"I think that we can expect grandchildren" Said mom with a smile on her face.

"Oka-san!" I yelled.

I finished my breakfast, clothed myself and went towards Akeno's home. After few minutes walking I heard Albion's speaking.

{Partner, I sense more Fallen Angels}

'Huh? What do you mean?'

{In the shrine is the Fallen girl and few more of them}

'What? Is there Baraqiel-san too?'

{I think not}

I started running up the stairs and that what i saw was crying Akeno who looked on her lifeless mother.

"Why are you crying? You will join your mother soon enough" Said one man from the Fallen Angels.

"Oka-san" Said crying Akeno.

"YOU!" I yelled.

I materialized my wings and rushed on them.

"So you are there too damn brat, well i will kill both of you!" Yelled the same Fallen Angel.

I hit him in the face and I used my secred Gear.

{Divide} A laud voice was heard.

His power left him and i can feel strenght flowing into my body.

"Damn you!" He yelled.

He created a light spear and throw it into my direction but I was able to dodge it, another Fallen Angel punched me in my stomach, it hurts!

"Ise don't!" Said Akeno.

"Akeno-san run!" I yelled and I got another punch, this time in my face.

{Partner run! You can't handle all of them by yourself!}

'I can't run Albion'

I dodged another light spear.


I feel more strenght flowing into me and when I was able to continue the fight...

{Partner, behind you!} Albion yelled.


When i looked down at my body i saw...spear a light spear has pierced my body. I coughed with blood, it hurts it really hurts! I knelt in pain.


'Albion I...'

"Well it's over when I finish you I will go after that girl" Said the man with black wings.

"And now...DIE!" He created another light spear in his hand.

"I won't let you" Said another voice.

I looked in the direction where the voice come from i saw a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair.

"You! Why are you here?!" The shocked Fallen Angel yelled.

"I won't let you kill this boy"

"Tsk...well we need to retreat" Said the Fallen Angel and all of them dissapeared.

The man walked in my direction.

"Nice to meet you Hyoudou Issei or should i say the successor of God"

Huh? What does he mean.

"You need to wake your holy powers, I will help you" Said the man.

Holy powers? The man unleashed his ten wings, they weren't like Fallen Angels wings, they were golden, so is he an Angel? When I was thinking he pulled his hand above my head and my body started to emitting a powerful aura of light. When i looked at my back i was shocked i saw twelve golden wings they were brighter than anything I have seen before. When i looked down i saw that a crater was formed around me, W-was this my power?

{Partner you...}

Albion was speaking but i wasn't able to hear it at all, my vision started to get black, I fell to the ground and I lost consciousness.

~End of chapter one~

Thanks for reading, reviews are always welcomed.