
She was tired of it. Of all the glares she received in the school corridor and of all the whispers behind her back. It used to never bother her before in Middle School, but Yosen was a new place.

And she didn't have a single person she cared for to stop her from losing her temper anyway. She can be quite the scary person, being almost taller than a few of the boys in her class. It wasn't her fault, her father was tall and his father was tall, it was something that passed down generations in her family.

'It's genes, damnit…' She thought to herself and walked out of school, not concerning herself with the boys that snickered at her as she walked past them. "She's like a giant's offspring, don't you think?" She heard one of the males say and she clicked her tongue and continued walking.

As soon as she was away from the area, Mika let out a sigh of frustration and brushed a hand through her hair. She held her broken glasses in her hand and sighed. They did it again. As tall as she was, Mika was gentle toward girls. And the girls bullied her more than the boys did, because all the males did were point at her and make fun. They never tried anything physical.

Mika sustained what the girls did to her though, because she was patient with them. They just took advantage of the fact, and ambushed her when she was alone in the bathroom. Her glasses were broken her bag now had graffiti inked all over it.

She stepped inside her mother's pastry store and sighed, "I'll take over now!" She said to the old woman who looked too pleased to see Mika. "Oh, Mika! You're growing taller every day!" Mika frowned and glared at the old lady before grunting, "Oh? And how is that supposed to be a compliment?" The old woman gulped with fear, and walked out of the store.

A few minutes after Mika sat in front of the store, before the counter, a few males from her school popped in. She couldn't do anything to them now, because once they entered the store they were her customers and she couldn't obviously say anything to them.

She was used to this, but in a way, she wasn't. "She's so tall that she won't ever find a boyfriend! They're all going to be shorter than her anyway…" Mika fixated her gaze on her glasses and sighed. "If you're not here to buy anything, I suggest you get out-""She's just a faker, really. She's so tall and she isn't even an athlete! She's so useless..."

That got to her. She snapped her glasses, breaking them more than it already was and glared at the boys before standing up. "Get. Out." She said, biting her teeth and the males laughed. She walked toward them, dangerously slowly, she was taller than them by a few inches and she gasped out in anger, "You don't want me to hit you and make you shorter than you already are, then get out!" She screamed and the males left immediately.

There were tears in her eyes now. She wasn't useless. Sure, she wasn't an athlete and everyone in her family was one, but she wasn't interested in sports. Her father played football and her younger brother was a swimmer. Her mother baked. And baking wasn't a sport.

She turned away from the door and gasped once before wiping the tears off her eyes. 'I shouldn't be crying over what those retards say…' She thought and sniffed once, before feeling a presence behind her. She knew they were here once more to make fun of her. She was tired of this.

In an instant, she turned around to find a boy's chest before her and she glared. 'He's a tall bastard and he wants to make fun of me for being tall? Hypocrite!' She thought and took a deep breath before saying, "You've got some nerve showing up here!"

The male, who had a box of pocky in his hand, blinked. He had purple hair, and eyes that matched and he was taller than her by several inches. He was actually the tallest person she had ever laid her eyes on. Mika scowled and said, "You showing up here being so tall yourself! Don't you have any humanity?"

The boy blinked at her, clearly understood that she misunderstood him for someone else. "I wasn't here to-""I don't need your excuses, tall guy! You can't make fun of me for being tall when you're so tall yourself! Aren't you ashamed!?" Mika let out loudly and took a deep breath, her broken glasses in her hands, firmly.

The male smiled, and Mika gulped. He looked a little…scary, now. But the frown on her face never left. He lifted his hand and Mika shut her eyes, waiting for the impact to come but it never did. Instead, she felt a hand on her head and she opened her eyes widely and she looked up to see him, "What the-""I'm not here to make fun of you." He said, his voice resembling a child.

"I'm here to take my order of cake." He said once more and Mika blushed with embarrassment. She gulped and blinked once before saying, "But you're from Yosen, and I'm from Yosen and the guys from Yosen make fun of me-""Not all guys." The male fought back, childishly and said, "Can I have my order now?" Mika gulped and noticed his hand was still on her head.

She turned away and cleared her throat once before checking the register. He did come for an order! She was so embarrassed now. Mika sighed and groaned, hearing the male chuckle behind her. "I'm sorry…Mr. Atsushi Murasakibara. I'm really sorry-""You didn't hurt me." Atsushi said, and Mika groaned once more.

"Do people bully you? Why do you let them?" the male asked and said, "I'm tall too. People are afraid of me." She thought she was talking to a child. "I don't let them bully me. They do ti because I don't stop them." Mika let out and Atsushi hummed before muttering, "That's pretty much the same." Mika frowned.

She went inside the baking room to bring out the order and she handed it to him. "I'm sorry again." She said, and the male smiled. He looked at her identity badge which was on her apron and said, "Mika-chin." She didn't know why he added the '-chin' to her name but she wasn't complaining.

"You're tall, I like you." Mika's face suddenly turned red and her eyes were wide. Atsushi walked out, waving at her and said once more, "See you around Mika-chin." She didn't know who he was, and what he did.

A stranger told her he liked her for being tall. That was a first.

Author's Note: Here's the Atsushi Murasakibara story that I've been working on! My Midorima story will be up shortly after I'm done with my Aomine story. Read and review on this guys, and let me know what you think!