A/N: Sam and Frodo Complex. Only thing I could make out of Rose's Scabbard without touching onto the obvious. Call me crazy but mainstream isn't my thing. Anywho, this is where this story comes from and I'm not sure if this should be a one-shot or not.

P.S: This story is based off of the songs Caledonia by Celtic Women and One of Us by Heather Dale and I own neither, but you should seriously give them both a listen to. This chapter is a little darker than most and Dewey is going to get a chapter like this as well.

She knew what they were doing was wrong. With all of her being she knew, and thats why she made the choice she did, to stand up and fight for a world that she knew stood a fighting chance against her kind. She had given up so much already, and held her tongue for so long just to survive long enough to get this far, hiding things from even those who would stand with her. She had to, after all, they would have her killed for being a leader, but they may spare her friends if they stayed ignorant to some aspects of her plans. It hurt her to make that choice, but she was running out of time and options.

"If we lose, we will be killed." Rose spoke, her voice bold and confident as always as she slowly looked down at the one who knelt before her. "And if we win, we can never return to the Gem homeworld."

The one before her had been one of three to stand with Rose, and one of the reasons why Rose had made the choice that she did now. Pearl, while a strong and bold fighter, was a home-world gem by nature. Her place would always be back on their own planet, and that much was obvious right from the start. Her views on human life already strongly differed from Rose's, as she saw them as being insignificant and seemed to care only for the things on Earth that came close to mirroring their gemworld counterparts. While a friend like any other, Rose recognized the unsure look that always came to Pearl's eyes at the mention of rebelling, and knew that someday she may want to return back to the place where she felt most familiar. It hurt her to admit this, but Rose knew that by taking Pearl away from her home, she was also setting her up to fall later on.

"Why would I want to go back when you're here?" Her shaky, soft, and nervous voice along with her funny but sad smile made Rose's heart clench in her chest as she forced herself to smile softly down at the soon-to-be rebel gem with a look that would mask her thoughts from the other.

Rose knew Pearl looked up to her as both a leader and as a motherly figure. She would follow Rose into battle with a smile, and would fight along side her with no remorse for her actions, but only if Rose were there. If only she had her leader to follow, for Pearl was a home-world gem by nature, and those types of gems seemed to thrive off of order. Everything had to be done a certain way, and only those strong enough in both body and mind were allowed to determine how things went.

'If I die in this battle, or even here on Earth... What will become of her...? Without me-' The bitter thought was cut off rather quickly, as Rose took a deep breath and continued to look down at the gem, as if look for an answer within her. 'Will she return home then...?'

Pearl relied so heavily on Rose, not just now, but ever since the two had met. Rose had been her rock during the hardest of times, and was always there to be her shoulder to cry on. For a gem that knew how to fight, she still needed that tie in to not only reality, but also her new found humanity. Leaving her at any point would most likely lead to devastation, if not for Pearl, then for the other members of their team. It was a risk that Rose didn't want to have to take, but for the sake of this planet she felt that she had to.

"My Pearl..." She muttered in a soft voice, attempting to hide the way it trembled when she spoke as she went about intertwining their fingers together, and silently going over in her head all of the things that she wanted to tell her but couldn't.

'Pearl, you're my second in command, you are my loyal friend, and this loyalty is the reason why you are the one I trust most to be there with me when this rebellion happens... You are an amazing fighter, and a Crystal Gem like me and the others, as well as our best friend. It is an honor to have you on our team, and thats why it hurts me to keep things from you... Please try to be an understanding gem... Try to understand that I'm only doing this to keep you safe. You're my friend, and it would destroy me if anything should happen to you that was my fault... I hope you understand someday my friend... My Pearl...'

Present Day:

Buck Dewey didn't know much about Gems, or the things that he dealt with. Everything he currently knew either came from what his friends or dad had to say about them as opinions, or whatever little facts Steven would give to him. Today was one of those days, however, where he preferred to hear about the facts and not fiction. So as Steven concluded his tale, the male was holding onto every word and storing it somewhere in the back of his mind for later use.

"Wow... So your mom really thought all that?" Buck asked, idly looking over his shoulder at the little boy beside him and ruffling his hair.

"Um... I think... I mean, I wasn't there but I just..." Steven stopped suddenly, and looked off towards the horizon, where the water met the sky.

Buck was getting used to sudden pauses like that, and at this point he really didn't mind. Steven was a strange kid, with even stranger things running around in his head, so letting them all catch up was no big deal. Finally, after a long pause, Steven spoke again.

"I just sort of feel like that is what she was thinking... You know?" The curly haired boy turned his head and cocked it to the side slowly. "I can just imagine her saying those things sometimes."

"Yeah, I getcha." Buck muttered, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose carefully and sighing heavily. "Its kinda like when my dad talks about my mom... She'd apparently say all kinds of crazy stuff."

"Really?" Steven gasped, standing up quickly in curiosity.

"Yeah really, she was really poetic when she was around." Buck scoffed in a good-nature way, casting a quick glance down to Steven's empty seat.

"What happened to your mom?" Steven asked, not even thinking about what possible answers may be.

"Eh, it... Was just something life did to us, you know?" Unlike Steven, Buck didn't use heavy pauses, and preferred to get things out all at once. "Cancer is a messed up thing, but I was to little to actually remember the whole deal."

"I wasn't even born when my mom... You know..." Steven sighed, taking his original seat next to Buck once more and then quickly turning the subject back to Buck's mom. "You probably miss her."

"Nah, shes in a better place now." Buck said quickly, knocking his glasses further down his nose as he spoke. "We don't have to talk about this though if you don't want to."

"Buck, I always tell you everything about my mom, so you can tell me about yours if you want." Steven replied cheerfully, folding his chubby hands in his lap as he smiled brightly.

"You're a sweet kid, Steven." Buck muttered, smiling idly as he sat up a little straighter. "But what would you want to know about my mom?"

"Hmmm, what was she like?" Steven began, leaning on both arms towards the other. "Was she pretty?"

"Yeah, I'd say so." Buck smiled, shaking his head a little bit as he spoke. "Blonde hair, and the darkest blue eyes I've ever seen."

"Is that where you get your eyes from?" Steven chirped, only to be answered with a quick nod.

"Yeah, but the brown hair is from my dad." Buck added, folding his arms idly behind his head. "Drove dad nuts sometimes, said that I had to pick a side of the gene poll to stick around in."

"Wow. She must've been really pretty then... Unless your dad meant that you should look like him." Steven laughed, copying the older boy and tucking his arms behind his head.

"He wanted me to look like her, cause she was really a good looker." Buck sighed, only then adding one more thing. "Kinda like your mom, now that I think about it."

"But my mom had pink hair." Steven said, now becoming very confused.

"Nah, I mean your adoptive mom." Buck clarified with an idle shrug.

"You mean Pearl?" Steven smiled softly at the comment and shook his head slowly.

"Yeah, thats who I mean." Buck chuckled, shaking his own head idly. "My dad thinks shes like mom too. Both her and Pearl are really passionate about what they do, and they really care a lot about things, you know?"

"You keep saying 'you know', you know?" Steven giggled, kicking his legs back and forth idly.

"Just checking. Wasn't sure if you knew or not." Buck smirked, pushing his sunglasses back up and hopping off of the bench the two had been sitting on. "Come on, its getting late."

"Yeah, the gems'll probably be getting worried soon." Steven replied as he too got up.

"Eh, I wouldn't count on it."

"Why not?"

With a quick point, Steven looked up to see the women of the hour herself, Pearl. The bird-like woman was walking down the sidewalk, with a certain mayor following close behind her. They both seemed to be wrapped up in a conversation of their own, not that either of the two kids could really hear them just yet, but they knew sooner or later that they would catch the end of the conversation.