A/N: The hot one? Seriously, I screamed when he said that and knocked over my water colours from rolling around on the floor before army crawling over to my laptop in order to type this fanfiction XD

Summary: Possibly a one-shot, or maybe even a full story, exploring just how and why Mayor Dewey fell for the Crystal Gem named Pearl.

Out of all of the gems, she had always been the most moody. At least thats what he could tell of her, as the mayor watched the bird-like woman go about her day with that little, curly haired boy skipping closely at her heels like a lost puppy of sorts, hanging onto every word that she said to him. She didn't seem to mind the way the boy clumsily fell forward against her legs, and just continued to talk and walk like she always did, showing a deep passion for the topic at hand, only to quickly switch what she was talking about in favor of something a little bit simpler.

"Steven, I just have to run to the store to pick up a few things. Will you be alright on your own while I'm gone?" She asked, looking down at the other idly and seemingly unaware that two sets of eyes were watching her.

By now, the little boy had taken on a very mischievous gleam in his eyes, obviously planning something rather devious to pull off in the time he would now have away from his caretaker. With a heavy sigh, the woman placed a pale palm down flat against his head of curls, as if attempting to physically flatten any ideas he may be forming in that wild imagination of his. Her pointed nose turned up towards the heavens and her eyes closed as she sighed in a rather dramatic way before looking back down at the one below her and then smiling softly.

"That doesn't include you spending all of your allowance at the arcade again." She said firmly, the passion leaving her voice for the time it took her to take her hand away slowly and watch as the boy mellowed out a little. "Think you can handle that?"

"Mhm, I'll be fine, Pearl." Steven giggled, hugging the back of Pearl's legs once more before slowly releasing them and turning suddenly in the opposite direction of her. "I'm on my own all the time."

"Now you know what I meant." The woman said with a slow shake of the head, folding her arms over her chest and for a moment letting her eyes dart to the bench where the mayor sat, only to quickly look back at Steven.

"I know, I know." Steven sighed, smiling softly and turning back around once more to give Pearl another hug before quickly spinning back around and running off. "See ya, Pearl!"

'So her name is Pearl?' Mayor Dewey thought from his spot on a nearby park bench, idly watching as Pearl withdrew a list from her pocket and began to look it over.

"Try to stay out of trouble, Steven." She called over her shoulder in a motherly way, pulling Dewey's attention back to her for a moment, just in time to see her put her list away and begin walking again.

"What a fitting name..."

Pearls, much like the one on the gem's forehead, were beautiful and smooth. In a way, they were graceful like the gem herself always seemed to be as she seemingly glided down the board walk and in the direction of the general store. She seemed to posses a certain beauty in not only her appearance but also in her actions which the mayor had never seen any other woman posses before... All except one.

His wife, the mother of his young son and the love of his life, had been this way in her life. His wife was almost inhuman in the way her beautiful voice seemingly drew in the morning sunlight, the way her smile made the whole room all the more bright, and even in the ways she would touch the things around her and make them into something amazing. All of those traits is what made him love her, and what made him grieve for her when she was torn away from him at the hands of death. When this happened, he never thought he would find anyone that was quite like her, until the day he moved to beach city with his son and met her.

Or rather, saw her. He hadn't really met or even talked with her, other than the few times that he had confronted her and the other members of her group for something they had done and needed to fix. Though, he didn't really count this as meeting with or even talking to her. Even now on the board walk, he found himself simply sitting and watching her, picking up things he could have learned by talking to her instead by overhearing her talking to others. It was a rather pathetic thing for him to do, but he really didn't know how to approach someone like her. He would probably just end up getting nervous and say something stupid by accident.

"Good afternoon, Mayor." His head jerked up in surprise at the sound of the voice, almost in disbelief when it touched his ears.

Before him stood the blonde gem, with her arms filled with multiple shopping bags, though they didn't seem to bother her at all as she walked by. As she did so, she offered the lonely man a genuine smile before turning head back to the direction in front of her and continuing on her way back to the temple once more, giving him very little time to think of a quick response.

"G-good afternoon to you too... P-Pearl."

It wasn't much of a conversation, but it certainly was a start and a step in the right direction.