Chapter 5- The Ball

A/N: Hey, sorry it took so long to write and post chapter 5. We've both been really busy, and we wanted to make sure that it was perfect since it's the last chapter. Enjoy, and leave us a review to tell us what you think.

Disclaimer: We don't own the characters from Sofia the First, The Madeline Series, or Alvin & the Chipmunks.

The carriage ride home was one filled with silence. Stepping down out of the carriage the four children and Genevieve made their way up to the castle. As they walked through the castle doors they were greeted by Baileywick, Roland, and Miranda.

Smiling at the four of them Miranda asked. "Hello kids, how was school today?"

"It was fine Mother, not much happened." Amber replied quickly.

"Well not unless you consider the fact that both Sofia and Madeline were given trick dance shoes to wear in our dance classes." James added in.

"James why don't you, Sofia, and Madeline head on up to your rooms to start getting ready for the ball." Roland stated calmly. "Your Mother and I have to have a talk with Amber in my office."

Nodding their heads James, Sofia, and Madeline began to make their way upstairs.

Stepping aside Roland motioned to Amber and said. "Come along Amber."

Once inside the royal office, Amber turned around and said. "Is this going to take long Daddy? Because I have to get ready for the ball too."

"Don't worry Amber, you'll still have time to get ready." Miranda promised. "The guests won't be arriving for another hour."

"I know but I want my gown to look perfect for the ball." Amber replied.

"Your gown can wait Amber." Roland stated. "But the three of us are going to talk first."

"Okay Daddy." Amber sighed before taking a seat.

"We received a visit from Miss Fauna this afternoon." Roland said casually as he sat down behind his desk.

"You did." Amber replied while pretending to look surprised. "I wonder why she came to see you two."

Stepping forward, Miranda replied. "She told us that you played tricks on Sofia and Madeline during your dance classes involving trick dance shoes."

"Care to explain this Amber?" Roland inquired.

"Well I grabbed a pair of dance shoes for myself, Sofia, and Madeline for our dance classes this morning before we headed to school." Amber explained. "I don't know what happened Daddy, I must have grabbed two pairs of Cedric's trick dance shoes my mistake."

"That's a likely story Amber." Roland said while leaning back in his chair. "Except for the fact that Cedric keeps his trick dance shoes locked away in his workshop."

"But I didn't get the shoes from Cedric's workshop Daddy." Amber stated. "I found them near the bottom of the main staircase."

"That may be the case." Roland said while nodding his head. "But I am still going to talk with Cedric to find out where he left the two pairs of trick dance shoes."

"Oh you don't have to talk with Cedric, Daddy. He's probably busy with something or other." Amber replied quickly. "May I please go get ready for the ball now?"

"Not quite yet Amber." Roland said. "We still have to discuss your punishment."

" punishment?" Amber said slowly. "But Daddy, Mother, I have already received a punishment from Miss Flora, Miss Fauna, and Miss Merryweather."

"That was your school punishment Amber." Miranda explained. "But since you chose to play tricks on Sofia and Madeline you will also receive a punishment for at home."

"Mother, you can't be serious!" Amber exclaimed.

"Oh, but we are." Miranda replied.

"First, you will have no tea parties with your friends for a month." Roland explained. "Second, no new tiaras for a month and you will only be allowed to wear the tiara that you are currently wearing."

"What!" Amber exclaimed. "But Daddy, Mother, what will happen to my other tiaras in my room?"

"Noah and Mary will have that covered." Miranda said. "I will instruct them and Violet to remove all of your tiaras from your room tonight."

"But Mother." Amber gasped. "What tiara am I supposed to wear for the ball tonight?"

"Looks like you're going to have to make due with the tiara that you are currently wearing Amber." Miranda replied.

"But...this tiara won't match my blue gown or blue shoes I'm going to wear." Amber complained.

Shaking his head, Roland said. "I'm sorry Amber but our decision is final, and this conversation is over."

Meanwhile in Cedric's workshop, papers scattered the floor as Cedric scurried around in search of his two missing pairs of trick dance shoes. Opening the door to the workshop Sari paused to stare at the chaos before her before she said. "Cedric what on Earth are you doing? This place is a complete mess."

"I'm sorry Sari." Cedric said while still moving around. "But I am searching for two pairs of my trick dance shoes. I can't seem to find them."

"Oh Cedric, I just stopped to speak with Queen Miranda downstairs." Sari explained. "It turns out that Princess Amber somehow got a hold of the two trick shoes, and gave them to Princess Sofia and Princess Madeline while they were at school."

"Princess Amber took them?" Cedric questioned. "I left the trick dance shoes on my workshop table. She must have taken them when I went down for Breakfast."

"Cedric, what were you thinking leaving your trick shoes out in the open like that?" Sari asked in shock.

Shaking her head in disbelief, Sari said. "Cedric you have got to remember to lock up your workshop when you leave it so that things like this don't happen."

"Okay Sari I will remember to lock it up tonight, I promise." Cedric said. "Now what brings you to my workshop?"

"Oh no reason. I just wanted to come see you for a moment." Sari said. "I'm getting ready to head downstairs to wait for my parents' arrival."

"Y-your parents? T-they're coming h-here?" Cedric stuttered.

"Yes." Sari said nodding her head. "King Roland and Queen Miranda sent an invitation to both of our parents inviting them to the ball. I was hoping to introduce you to them tonight."

"My parents are coming as well?" Cedric said. "Oh this is going to be a wonderful evening, especially if my Father is going to be here."

"Actually your parents aren't able to come." Sari replied. "Apparently your father is suffering from a bad wizard cold."

"A bad wizard cold?" Cedric said slightly confused. "Funny that Mummy hasn't contacted me about it. I have their portrait right above you."

"She probably hasn't contacted you because she is too busy taking care of your father, Cedric." Sari reasoned.

At the same moment, upstairs in a different part of the castle, Matilda and James walked into Amber's bedroom. Looking at the two maids working to style Amber's hair, Matilda said. "Can you please leave us for a few minutes? The three of us have something to talk about."

"Matilda!" Amber exclaimed. "What do you think you are doing?! They have to finish my hair."

"They can finish your hair in a little bit." Matilda explained. "Right now the three of us need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Amber replied while turning to face them.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Matilda said. "Why don't we talk about your attitude towards Sofia and Madeline?"

"What about my attitude?" Amber asked innocently.

"Oh don't give me that Amber Marie." Matilda stated sternly. "You have been nothing but rude to Sofia and Madeline ever since they moved in. They are your sisters now, so you need to start treating them like you do me and James. You need to be caring towards them not cruel."

"They aren't my sisters Matilda, they are my Stepsisters." Amber corrected.

"It doesn't matter if they are our Stepsisters Amber." Matilda replied with a sigh. "They are a part of this family now and you need to start treating them like family."

Amber didn't say a word as she scowled at her older sister. Taking advantage of his twin sister's silence, James said. "And it's not just your attitude that we need to talk about Amber. We also need to talk about your behavior towards Sofia and Madeline."

"And what about my behavior James?" Amber countered sharply.

"You are being extremely unfair towards Sofia and Madeline." James stated while crossing his own arms over his chest. "You have targeted them in two separate pranks at school in which they both could have gotten seriously injured."

"They were just two harmless pranks James." Amber argued while rolling her eyes.

"Your cruel behavior doesn't stop there Amber." James replied while shaking his head. "You also convinced Dad to have Genevieve removed from the Dining Hall when there was nothing wrong about her staying with Madeline since she is trained to help her."

"Just because Madeline is blind doesn't mean that she should receive special treatment, and get to have her mangy dog stay with her during dinner." Amber replied.

"Amber Marie MacArthur! I can't believe that you just said that." Matilda exclaimed. "Your behavior has gotten too out of hand Amber. You have no reason to be treating Sofia and Madeline like this."

"Ha!" Amber laughed cruelly. "So you like having a wicked Stepmother who brainwashed Daddy into having all of my tiaras removed from my room along with not allowing me to have any tea parties for a month? It's not fair."

"You are the only one who thinks that it's unfair Amber because everyone seems to like them more than you." James replied. "And after everything that you have done, I do too."

"As do I." Matilda added.

"What!? You two can't possibly mean that." Amber stated.

Nodding his head, James said. "Yes I do Amber."

"Same here." Matilda added.

Thoughts whirled through Amber's head as she said. "You know James played a prank on them too Matilda."

"I know he did." Matilda replied. "But James apologized to Sofia and Madeline, and helped them with a few things so that they could start to forgive him for what he did."

"Humph." Amber replied. "Matilda why did Daddy have to get remarried? We were doing just fine with just the four of us."

"Don't start Amber, you know very well why." Matilda stated sternly.

Turning to James, Matilda said. "Let's go James, I think we are done here."

A gasp escaped Amber's lips as Matilda and James turned and left the room.

"James, Matilda, wait!" Amber shouted. "Don't go! Come back!"

Jumping to her feet to follow her siblings, the hem of Amber's gown got caught by the leg of her vanity, tearing it open.

"Oh no, my gown!" Amber cried while looking at it in the vanity mirror.

In distress, Amber raced to the thick golden tassel and pulled down on it really hard. Minutes passed by but Marcie and Suzette never came back. Letting go of the tassel Amber walked out into the hall in hopes of seeing the two maids. While seeing no sign of them in the hall Amber heard their voices coming from within Sofia and Madeline's bedrooms.

"Oh Princess Sofia, you look like something out of a painting." Marcie complimented.

"Thank you Marcie." Sofia replied.

"Oh Princess Madeline, your silver dress looks absolutely stunning on you." Suzette complimented.

"Thanks Suzette." Madeline said.

Tears filled Amber's eyes and a sob escaped her lips as she ran back to her room.

After Marcie and Suzette had both left, Sofia walked into Madeline's room and said. "Madeline, I think I have an idea on how we both can become better dancers."

"What's your idea Sofia?" Madeline questioned.

"We are going to go talk with Mr. Ceedric." Sofia answered. "But we have to be quick and quiet so that we don't get caught."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go." Madeline said eagerly.

"Can I go too?" Genevieve asked.

"Sorry Genevieve, but you have to stay here since we will be going straight to the ball afterwards." Sofia replied.

"Okay." Genevieve sighed as she settled down into her dog bed.

"I'll be okay Genevieve." Madeline promised. "And this way you can rest up."

"Okay Madeline." Genevieve replied.

Grabbing onto Madeline's left hand and placing it on her right arm near her elbow, Sofia said. "Alright, let's go."

Walking at a normal casual pace, Sofia kept an eye out for any staff that might be lingering in the halls as they made their way to Cedric's workshop. When Sofia and Madeline arrived at Cedric's workshop, Sofia knocked on the door before pushing it open as she said. "Mr. Ceedric, are you there?"

A loud BANG sounded from within the room and a large colorful cloud of smoke filled the workshop.

"What now!?" Cedric demanded just as the smoke cleared before him. "Oh Princess Sofia, Princess Madeline. What are you two doing here? Aren't you supposed to getting ready for the ball?"

"We came to ask you something Mr. Ceedric." Sofia explained.

"Yeah." Madeline added. "We were wondering if you have a spell that can make us better at dancing?"

"Hmm...a spell you say?" Cedric asked while rubbing his chin. "I think I know just the spell to help you both."

"You do." Sofia said in shock. "Can you give it to us please?"

"Why of course." Cedric declared as he walked over to his spell book, and flipped through it's pages before he paused to write something down on a piece of paper. "Here we go."

Looking down at the paper, Sofia said. "Sonam..."

"No no no." Cedric stopped her. "Not here! Wait until the Waltz. That is when you, Princess Sofia, must say these three magic words and then the two of you will become the two best dancers in the kingdom."

"Thanks Mr. Ceedric." Madeline said with a smile.

After the girls had left the room, Cedric turned to Wormy and said. "Oh Wormy, if only those girls knew that spell wasn't a dancing spell but in fact a sleeping spell. After Princess Sofia utters the magic words everyone at the ball will instantly fall asleep so that I don't have to worry about meeting Sari's parents. And if everything goes well then I could also negotiate with the girls about waking everyone up only if they give me their amulets."

When they come upon the doors to the Ballroom, Sofia brought them to a stop as she whispered. "Alright Madeline, the Ballroom doors are just ahead of us."

"Oh okay." Madeline said taking a deep breath. "Do you have the spell?"

"Yes, got it." Sofia replied as she tightened her grip on the small piece of paper folded up in the palm of her hand. "Here we go."

Stepping through the huge doors the two girls found the Ball in full swing before them. Stopping at the top of the stairs the two stood side by side, ready to go.

"Sofia?" Madeline said nervously.

"Don't worry Madeline, everything is going to be fine. I'm going to help you." Sofia promised.

"O-okay."Madeline mumbled.

As they stood at the top of the stairs the chattering voices down below went silent as Baileywick announced. "All hail Princess Sofia, and all hail Princess Madeline."

As the royal trumpeters played a fanfare, the crowd below gasped and cheered. Sofia and Madeline both returned the favor with a curtsy.

Taking hold of Madeline's left hand, Sofia quickly positioned it on the banister while resting Madeline's right hand on her shoulder as she said. "Just keep your hand on my shoulder Madeline and I will guide you down the stairs. Ready?"

Too nervous to speak, Madeline simply nodded her head. Seeing this Sofia swiftly turned around and started to slowly descend the staircase.

When the two of them finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Roland was there to meet them.

"Sofia, Madeline." Roland said with a smile.

Giving shy smiles in return, both Sofia and Madeline said. "You're Majesty."

Taking a deep breath, Sofia looked down at her hands as she started to unfold the concealed piece of paper. Standing across the room, watching, Cedric chuckled with glee as he softly mumbled to himself. "It's almost sleepy-tiiiime!"

Holding the paper in her hand, Sofia read aloud. "Somnibus populi cala!"

A stream of magic sparkles filled the air. They passed over Roland, causing him to fall asleep, his head flopping over onto his shoulders as he remained standing up. The sparkles then spread throughout the entire room, putting everyone to sleep.

"Um...Sofia, I don't hear anything." Madeline stated nervously." What's going on?"

"E-everyone is falling asleep." Sofia exclaimed as she looked around in shock.

Rushing over to her mother, Sofia grabbed her hand as she exclaimed. "Mom, wake up. Please wake up."

"Are you sure you said the spell right Sofia?" Madeline asked.

Spinning back around, Sofia said. "Yes Madeline, I am sure that I said the spell right."

"Well then maybe Mr. Ceedric copied down the spell wrong?" Madeline suggested while shrugging her shoulders.

"You could be right Madeline." Sofia said as she grabbed a hold of Madeline's hand. "Come on, we need to find someone who can help us."

"Marcie?! Suzette?!" Sofia shouted down the empty hallways.

"Anybody!" Madeline and Sofia shouted together before they both fell to their knees crying silently.

"What have we done?" Sofia sobbed.

As the two girls cried, their tears fell onto their amulets, both of which started to glow. Suddenly, a light shined brightly behind them. Turning towards the bright light Sofia gasped. "Cinderella?"

"Cinderella?" Madeline exclaimed. "Cinderella is here Sofia? Where is she?"

"She's standing right behind us Maddie." Sofia answered.

Turning around a look of shock covered Madeline's face as she said. "Oh my God, Sofia, I can see her. I can see Cinderella."

"Madeline stop playing around." Sofia said in disbelief. "You being able to see when you are talking with an animal is one thing, but not being able to see someone without me telling you."

"But Sofia, I really can see her." Madeline declared.

"But how?" Sofia questioned.

"I think I can answer that." Cinderella said. "It was Madeline's amulet. Just like the gift that it bestowed upon her to be able to see when talking with animals, Madeline will also be able to see when your amulets summon a princess to help you both."

"What do you mean by when our amulets summon a princess?" Sofia asked in awe.

"Why that's how I got here." Cinderella stated. "Your amulets brought me here. Your amulets link all the princesses that ever were, and when one of us is in trouble, another will come to help."

" you're here to help us?" Madeline asked.

"Yes." Cinderella said nodding her head. "Now tell me, why are the two of you so sad?"

"I tried to use a magic spell to make myself and Madeline better dancers." Sofia explained. "But I sort of put everyone to sleep instead. We should've just let them laugh at us."

"Can you undo the spell Cinderella?" Madeline asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid that only you two can do that." Cinderella explained. "But I think I can help you find your way."

"How are you going to do that?" Sofia asked curiously.

"Come with me girls, we need to talk." Cinderella said as she led them upstairs.

Following Cinderella up the staircase, Sofia can't help but watch in awe as Madeline walked beside her up the stairs by herself. It's not everyday that her little sister is able to walk up the stairs by herself without the aid of Sofia or Genevieve."

"So what did you want to talk to me and Sofia about Cinderella?" Madeline asked politely.

"We are going to talk about Step sisters." Cinderella answered.

"Talk about Step sisters?" Sofia repeated.

"That's right Sofia." Cinderella said nodding her head. "You know, before I met the Prince, I lived with my Step Mother and Step sisters. My Step sisters let their jealousy harden their hearts and we never got along."

A look of curiosity covered Madeline's face as she asked. "What happened that made your Step sisters jealous Cinderella?"

Giving her shoulders a small shrug, Cinderella said. "I don't know Madeline. My Step sisters and I never took the time to talk to one another."

Taking in their surroundings, Sofia exclaimed. "Wait a minute, why are we next to Amber's bedroom?"

"Now girls just because I never got to have a relationship with my Step sisters doesn't mean that the two of you can't have a relationship with your's." Cinderella explained.

Glancing over at Amber's bedroom door, Sofia said. "But Amber has been mean to us ever since we got here on Sunday with Mom."

"Well perhaps all she needs is a second chance." Cinderella suggested.

"A second chance?" Madeline asked. "I don't know about that. I'm not even sure if I can trust her."

"Why not Madeline?" Cinderella questioned.

"Because of all the mean things that she did to me and Sofia the past few days." Madeline said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Now come on Madeline." Cinderella reasoned. "You never know, you, Sofia, and Amber could wind up becoming best friends."

"Oh alright." Madeline said with a sigh.

Smiling, Cinderella led Sofia and Madeline into the enclosed sitting area just outside of Amber's bedroom.

"Thanks for your help Cinderella." Sofia said.

Giving her head a single nod Cinderella stepped back through the doorway and disappeared in a blinding flash of light.

"Sofia, are you here?" Madeline asked softly as she felt the air with her hands. "I can't see anymore, has Cinderella left already?"

"I'm right here Madeline." Sofia replied while placing her hand on Madeline's shoulder. "And yes, Cinderella left already."

"Oh." Madeline sighed sadly.

"It'll be alright Madeline." Sofia said reassuringly. "Are you ready to go talk to Amber?"

Nodding her head, Madeline said. "Yeah, let's go."

As they walked into Amber's bedroom, Sofia found the young blond lying across her bed while sobbing into her pillow. The sobs turned into sniffles as Amber sat up on her bed, bitterness filled her voice as she said. "What do you two want?"

Bowing her head guiltily, Madeline said. "We did something terrible."

"What do you mean?" Amber questioned.

"Come on, I'll show you." Sofia said while waving for Amber to come with them.

Following Sofia and Madeline back to the Ballroom Amber gasped and said. "Everyone is asleep?! How are they all asleep?"

"It's all our fault." Madeline confessed.

"Mr. Ceedric gave us a dancing spell." Sofia explained. "I must have said it wrong or something."

"I don't think you said the spell wrong Sofia." Amber said reassuringly. "It looks like Cedric somehow gave you some kind of sleeping spell instead."

"And besides, if anyone is to blame here it's me." Amber added while covering her face with her hands. "You two wouldn't have needed a dancing spell if I hadn't of given you both trick dance shoes...I was just jealous because everyone likes you two more than me, even my own brother and sister."

"That isn't true Amber." Sofia said in shock. "You are the most popular girl at Royal Prep."

"Yeah." Madeline agreed. "And besides, me and Sofia were excited when Mom told us that we would get to have you and Matilda as our Step sisters."

"Girls, we are sisters." Amber said with a smile as the three of them hugged.

"So how are we gonna wake everyone up?" Madeline asked.

"Oh." Amber said suddenly. "I bed Cedric has a counter spell in one of his books. He doesn't always lock his workshop..."

"Well, let's hope that it's not locked." Sofia replied.

"But what if the door is locked?" Madeline questioned. "Then how do we get in?"

"We won't know until we get there Maddie." Sofia countered. "If it's locked then we will just have to figure our another way to get into the workshop."

Shrugging her shoulders, Madeline said. "Okay Sofia."

"I know how to get to Cedric's workshop." Amber stated. "Come on."

"Amber wait up." Sofia exclaimed as she quickly grabbed onto Madeline's elbow.

"Yeah." Madeline added. "We don't know how to get to Mr. Ceedric's workshop."

"Well then just follow me." Amber stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That may be Amber." Sofia said. "But I have to guide Madeline up the steps since she can't see them, so please just go slow."

"Oh, okay Sofia." Amber replied.

Several minutes passed as the three girls made their way up the staircase to Cedric's workshop. Coming upon the door Sofia brought Madeline to a stop and instructed. "Stand right here Madeline and don't move, alright?"

"Okay Sofia." Madeline replied.

Letting go of Madeline's elbow Sofia stepped forward and grabbed a hold of the door handle before giving it a hard pull but to no avail. Sighing Sofia dropped the handle, and said. "It's locked. What are we going to do now?"

"We're going to have to find another way in." Amber said while heaving a sigh of her own.

From her spot next to Amber, Madeline leaned her head back down the stairs as she said. "Hey guys, I think I hear something coming up the stairs."

"You do?" Amber asked in amazement. "Can you tell what it is Madeline?"

"No." Madeline said shaking her head. "But it sounds like there is more than one."

No sooner had the words left Madeline's mouth, the girls were greeted by the multiple faces of Cece, Clover, Ginger, Mia, Robin, Whatnot, Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Hannah, Jack, and Anna.

"Is that Cece? And those are the animals who used to help me clean my room." Amber noted in shock. "I had wondered what happened to them...Although I've never seen the chipmunks before."

"Really? That's weird because I've seen them in Madeline's room the past few days with the other animals." Sofia commented.

"But what are they doing here?" Amber asked.

"Maybe they are here to help us." Madeline replied.

"That's correct Princess Madeline." Cece stated while flying overhead. "I saw what happened in the Ballroom so I went to get you some help."

A small smile pulled at the corners of Madeline's lips upon hearing Cece's words.

"How can they help us though?" Amber questioned. "I mean unless one of them happens to know where Cedric hides the key to his workshop."

Just then Cece, now seated at the base of the gargoyle, gave a loud cry while pointing her beak at one of the gargoyle's feet.

"Huh?!" Amber uttered in complete shock. "Do you think that's really where Cedric hides his key?"

"Only one way to find out." Sofia said as she inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it resulting in a loud click.

"It clicked." Madeline cheered. "Does that mean it's unlocked now?"

"Yep." Sofia replied while taking hold of Madeline's elbow again. "Now let's go find that spell book."

As they stepped through the doorway, the girls were met by Wormwood as he swooped down on them from above with a loud screech.

"W-what was that?" Madeline asked shakily.

"Wormwood." Amber said with a groan. "I forgot about him. He's not going to let us near the spell book."

Eyeing Wormwood as he flew overhead, Sofia said. "We have to get that spell book."

Soaring into the workshop, Cece exclaimed. "Wormwood, what were you thinking? That is Princess Amber, Princess Sofia, and Princess Madeline down there."

"So?" Wormwood replied. "None of them have any right to be in here."

Watching Cece with Wormwood, Amber learned in and whispered. "Let's get inside while he is distracted."

Nodding her head, Sofia said. "Good idea Amber."

Walking side by side, the three girls rushed into the workshop with the animals right on their heels.

"Okay guys, just follow the plan." Clover said.

"Do we have a plan?" Robin asked.

Letting out a scream of anger, Wormwood tucked his wings in and dove down at the girls for a second time.

Turning to Robin, Mia, and Hannah Jack shouted. "We need to get in front of him and distract him!"

Moving together the four of them flew down in front of Wormwood's face, effectively bringing him to a stop in midair.

"Get out of my way!" Wormwood shouted just as a balled up piece of paper hit his head. "What the..."

Scanning the room Wormwood quickly found the culprits responsible- Whatnaught and Anna. Standing on one of the tables the two squirrels were balling up pieces of paper and throwing them at Wormwood's head.

"Hey, bird brain!" Whatnaught yelled while throwing yet another ball of paper. "Over here!"

"Yeah, come and get us!" Anna added as she launched her own ball into the air.

Growling in irritation, Wormwood dived down in the direction of Whatnaught and Anna but before he could reach them he found his path blocked by a broom.

"Oh no you don't!" Amber said as she swung the broom again.

"Over here Amber!" Sofia shouted as she opened a birdcage. "Let's put him in here!"

"Great idea Sofia!" Amber shouted with a smile as she knocked Wormwood into the cage.

Closing the birdcage Sofia cheered. "Got him!"

Smirking Alvin, Simon, and Theodore scurried over and shook their tails at Wormwood as Alvin said. "Not such a big bad bird now, are you?"

Scowling, Wormwood looked up at Cece and said. "Don't tell anyone about this Cece."

Shaking her head, Cece said. "I'm sorry Wormwood, but I can't make that promise."

Standing at the podium, Sofia was flipping through the spell book.

Joining Sofia at the podium, Amber asked. "Have you found anything Sofia?"

"No, nothing." Sofia replied shaking her head.

"Sofia, you can't find the spell?!" Madeline shrieked. "Mom, King Roland, and all the other royals will be asleep for a long time. And what will happen to the kingdom and to us?"

"Madeline, calm down." Amber said soothingly. "We will find the spell, don't worry."

Landing on top of Wormwood's cage, Cece said. "Why so quite Wormwood?"

"Those girls don't know the true location of the counter spell book." Wormwood confessed. "It's actually located behind the portrait of Cedric's parents."

Smirking at the raven Cece gave a shrill cry as she flew over to the portrait of Cedric's parents.

"Is that Cece?" Madeline asked. "What's she doing?"

"She's flying in front of the portrait of Cedric's parents." Amber explained.

"Why is she flying over there?" Sofia asked.

As if to answer Sofia's question, Cece inserted her beak behind the portrait's frame and pushed it forward. The portrait swung forward like a door to reveal a hidden shelf upon which a large book sat.

"That must be the counter spell book." Amber stated.

"Thanks Cece." Sofia exclaimed as she picked up the spell book.

"You're welcome Princess Sofia." Cece replied. "Now go save your family. We've got Wormwood covered."

"Amber I'm going to need you to help Maddie back down the stairs." Sofia said. "Just let Madeline hold onto your shoulder as you walk slowly down the stairs in front of her."

"Okay..." Amber said timidly.

"You'll do fine Amber. There is nothing to it." Sofia promised as she guided Madeline's hand onto Amber's shoulder.

Turning to Madeline, Amber asked. "Ready Madeline?"

"Sofia." Madeline whined. "Why can't you help me back down the stairs?"

"Because Maddie, I have to carry the spell book." Sofia explained. "Amber won't walk fast, alright?"

"Okay." Madeline sighed.

When the three of them reached the main hallway Sofia surged forward as she said. "Come on let's get back to the Ballroom so we can reverse the spell."

"Ohhh." Amber groaned as she came to a stop, causing Madeline to walk into her from behind.

"What's wrong Amber?" Madeline asked.

"I can't go into the Ballroom looking like this." Amber explained while motioning to the tear in her dress. "You two go ahead."

"Not without you Amber." Sofia said shaking her head. "Come on, let's go back to your room and I'll fix your dress."

Nodding her head, Madeline said. "Come on Amber."

Sitting in her bedroom while watching Sofia work, Amber asked. "How did you learn how to do this?"

"From Mom when we lived in the village. I've been fixing mine and Madeline's dolls for years now." Sofia explained while making the final stitch. "There you go Amber, you can't even see where the rip was at."

"Thanks Sofia, that is amazing." Amber said as she stared down at her gown in disbelief.

"You're welcome." Sofia said before heaving a sigh. "Well I guess me and Madeline had better go learn how to Waltz now."

"Wait!" Amber exclaimed. "There is something I can fix too. I owe you two a dance lesson."

"But I don't need a dance lesson." Madeline said. "I remember the steps that Mrs. Petunia gave during dance class, see..."

Slowly Madeline started to turn around in a circle as she mimicked the Waltz steps.

"Maddie I can't believe you already know how to Waltz." Sofia said in shock. "Why didn't you say anything before?"

Coming to a stop, Madeline shrugged her shoulders and said. "You didn't ask me."

Turning to Sofia, Amber said. "Well I can still teach you how to Waltz."

"Thanks Amber." Sofia said with a smile.

"Ready, two two three..."Amber counted as they practiced there in the hallway.

After giving them a few minutes, Madeline asked. "Sofia, are you ready to head back to the Ballroom now?"

"Right the Ballroom." Sofia said while heaving a sigh. "Okay, yes Madeline I'm ready. Come on Amber."

With Sofia's guiding hand on Madeline's arm, the three of them made their way back to the Ballroom. Leaving Amber within the doorway, Sofia and Madeline returned to their places in front of King Roland as Sofia recited. "Populi Cella Exctate."

Once again, magic sparkles filled the room, waking everyone up. In front of them, Roland turned to them and said. "So are you two ready?"

"Yes we are." Madeline said with a smile.

Grasping both of their hands Roland paused before he said. "You know I'm not quite sure how we are going to do this..."

Stepping forward, Prince Desmond said. "Uh...I think I can help with that you're Majesty...if you don't mind, I would like to dance with Princess Madeline."

Surprised, Roland cleared his throat and said. "Um...I'm sorry Prince Desmond, but did you just say that you would like to dance with Madeline?"

"Yes sir I did." Prince Desmond answered with a nod of his head.

"Oh." Roland said while looking between Prince Desmond and Madeline. "Well...I guess that would be alright."

After Desmond guided Madeline away the music came to life, and they all started to dance.

"Sorry Sofia." Roland apologized after stepping on her foot. "I'm not a very good dancer. I never paid much attention in Popov's class, but based on what I can see you both certainly did. You both dance wonderfully."

"Thank you your Majesty." Sofia said with a smile.

Dancing a few feet away, Desmond continued to smile as he said. "Wow Madeline, you are a really good dancer."

"Thanks." Madeline replied bashfully. "I learned it today in Mrs. Petunia's class."

"Well its no wonder you are such a good dancer then." Desmond replied. "Next to her husband, Professor Popov, Mrs. Petunia is the best dancer at school."

"Merlin's mushrooms!" Cedric groaned before searching the crowd frantically. "I have to get out of here before Sari finds me..."

Just as he turned around to leave Cedric found his path blocked by Sari's approaching form with two older individuals.

"Cedric, there you are Sweetheart." Sari said with a smile as she kissed his cheek. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Well you've found me..." Cedric said with a nervous chuckle.

"I have some people I want you to meet." Sari stated as she took hold of Cedric's hand. "Cedric, these are my parents- Gavin and Tanya."

"H-hello." Cedric said nervously.

Back in the middle of the dance floor, Zandar stepped up to King Roland and bowed as he said. "Excuse me your Majesty, may I cut in?"

"O-of course." Roland said while taking a step back.

Sharing a smile with Zandar, Sofia placed her hand within his before dancing the rest of the night away with him.