Alright guys here goes the next chapter... Alright let's do this!

Chapter 9: Raise Of A King And Queen.

Sunlight passed through the windows. On to the soon to be families faces. Gohan sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Yawning he look over and saw Videl and Goten sleeping soundly in his bed. Thinking for a second he put his hand to her side shaking her.

Videl groaned in her sleep. Chuckling Gohan leaned to her ear "Videl I hate to wake you up but we have a big day today."

When he said that Videl eyes opened. She then rubbed her eyes as well "Good morning Gohan..." She then yawned "You ready for today? I know I am." She said with a smile on her face.

Gohan smiled and nodded. He then stood up and made his way to his dresser. He had a surprised look on his face "Man Jeeves must have bought these this morning". He then grab some formal looking clothes and laid them on the bed.

Videl starred at the clothes and laughed "Yup he is Jeffrey's brother alright." Videl then looked over and saw a sleeping Goten. She leaned over and kissed him on the face "Goten today's a big day today." Goten then rolled over on his stomach putting his face into the pillow.

Videl chuckled "Goten it's breakfast time." When the word breakfast passed through her lips Goten shoot up and headed for the door. He was about to exit but his arm was caught by Gohan. Gohan then picked him up and set him down on the bed "Hold on little buddy we got to get in formal clothes first."

Goten then pouted "Why I'm hungry?" Gohan chuckled "We can get food in a minute."

And with that they got dressed. Gohan was wearing a black button up shirt with matching pants and shoes. He had on a black belt but it had a golden trim to it. He had made a small hole so his tail and fit through and wave around.

Goten was wearing the same as Gohan but had on a white shirt and shoes with a white trim on his belt.

Videl had on a scarlet dress that went down passed her thighs and black shoes.

Videl looked over at Gohan who had a smile on his face "What you staring at Gohan?" She ask slyly while staring at Gohan in his formal outfit "Me? Oh I'm just smiling at the love of my life.. Might I ask you the same?" He said with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

Videl then smiled "Oh just some boy. Whose going to make me happy. Along with his son and whatever kid that comes along the way." She smirk back upon seeing a blush on his face.

Goten was looking back and fourth at them. He then notice something red on his dad's face "Daddy why is your face red? And what does mommy mean by kid that comes along the way?" He asked with a innocent but confused look on his face.

Gohan blushed even more since Goten ask. He then turned and walked towards the door "Come let's go get breakfast so we can get ready for tonight."

Before Gohan made to the door Goten just had to ask "Daddy what's happening tonight?"

Gohan then stopped in his movements and turned to face Goten. Who was looking back and forth again at Gohan and Videl "Tonight squirt is the when me and Videl get married and becomes your mommy. And also you become the prince while I and Videl become king and queen." He looked at Videl who nodded with a smile. But when he look back at Goten he had a little red blush on his face "The last one that's for adults and you'll learn when your older

Goten scatched his cheek "Oh I get it daddy." Gohan then turned back around facing the door "Alright guys lets go eat." They nodded and left to the dinning room.

As they made there way to the dinning room Gohan sensed Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Bulma, Trunks, Marron, and Vegeta all in the room.

(A/N: I didn't include #18 because you can't sense androids)

When they came close to the room they heard Jeeves speaking to the class and the guest "Today is the day we crown our own Prince Son Gohan to throne and there is more to come. I will announce it when they enter the room." They all turn to the door when the door opened. Jeeves then smiled "And here they are. The guest of honor!"

Gohan and Videl were embarrass of the attention but made there way with Goten walking in between them. Within seconds they stood in the front of everyone.

Jeeves then turned to face the anxious crowed "Gohan and the crown of Satan City Ms Videl will be getting married and both of them will be ascending to the throne as King and Queen of this Kingdom tonight!"

Everyone besides the main crew (Gohan,Videl, and Goten) was taken back by this news. They then looked over at Gohan and Videl whose face was red as a apple but both smiling nodded.

The Z gang was surprised but happy for Gohan. The little boy that they knew since he was five was becoming a man. He took out Cell, fought evil galactic tyrants, and fought Saiyans at a young age. They couldn't be happier for him.

Some students were scowling since many of the girls were planning on trying to get him to marry him. While the males were mad since that means they wouldn't get Hercules money and fame. While other students was happy for them.

Seeing the expressions on everyone's including the angry ones. He then began to speak "Ok everyone I want whoever is for this marriage for the girls to take Videl to get her dress and plan it out with her. And same with the boys, I'm pretty sure Gohan's life long friends would love to spar with him in the back. But please no Ki usage. And anyone who is against it can go out in town and do whatever." Many of the students wasn't sure what to say about the ki but did as he said.

Chuckling Gohan look over at Videl who was smiling "Well Videl see ya tonight." Gohan said pulling her into a hug. Videl hugged back "Yeah I'll see you later.. Love you." Gohan then peck her lips "Love you to.. Come on Goten.. Oh and good luck Videl with Bulma and 18." He said walking off.

Videl was puzzled until she felt Bulma, 18, and Erasa pull her off.

Gohan walking over to his comrades with Goten, most of them grinning. Krillin was the first to approach "So Gohan why didn't you tell us about your marriage? Or that you had a girlfriend?" He said elbowing him in the chest.

Yamcha was the next to approach "Yeah Gohan.. We fight, we die, the gang does everything together and you of all people keep this out from us." He said punching him in the arm.

Vegeta then appeared a few feet from them "What is this? Punch Kakarots brat today? My my... Might I get a shot." He said cracking his knuckles.

Chiaotzu and Tein was laughing. While Piccolo was smirking as he approached his student "Did you really have to choose that idiots daughter?.. Oh well I'm sure she isn't like that imbecile if you choose her."

Gohan the look over at him "I thought those ears can hear everything Piccolo?" He said with a smirk.

Piccolo then grunted "I listen when I feel like it boy. Now let's go spar in the back we gotta tell if your keeping up in your training and not slaking off." They all nodded and went to the back of the castle.

While they were heading out back Gohan looks over towards Krillin "Wheres Master Roshi or the others at Kame House?" Krillin shrugged "Something perverted I'll tell you that much."

A blush appeared on Gohan's face "Right right forget I asked." he said trying to get rid of the memory of when he accidentally found one of Roshi's lewd books around his house.

Scene Change With Videl

Bulma decided to start up a conversation "So Videl how did you take Gohan being a father and a prince?"

Videl scratched her cheek "Well I was shocked but when he told me the rest.." Her expression drop "I felt sad for his family.."

Erasa had to question "What happen to his family Videl?" Videl look at her and shook her head "Some stuff is best left unsaid I'm afraid." Erasa pouted but nodded.

Bulma sighed "Yeah it is. I can understand your feelings..."

Android 18 then decided to break this sad moment "Oh quit your crying." The others look over at her "Today's is supposed to be a happy day. Forget the past and move to the future." The others was taken back by her words but nodded. 18 then decided to work with her words "Now speaking of future."

She then look particularly at Videl "Now tell me Videl.." She said walking up to her with a suspicious grin "How many kids are you going to bear for Gohan?"

The other two girls caught the meaning and were grinning at Videl who had a deep red blush on her face "What? What's that suppose to mean.."

Every girl was grinning at her "W-well I'll just take to G-gohan about it.." Blushed even harder stumbling over her words.

Seeing her very embarrass face Bulma decided to change the subject "Ok ok girls that's enough." Videl then mouth a thank you to her, which was replied with a wink "Ok girls let's get Videl ready for tonight."

The girls nodded and got out some wedding dresses to try on.

Might be a short chapter but I have my reasons. Alright now for the deviant art the short hair is labeled other optional romance choice, and the long is romance choice. And the name is DarkFusion68. I know it's just the head but I would like you to choose. It's for a future fic and I'll greatly appreciate it. Dark Signing off.