Kuroko Tetsuya convinced himself as he looked at his disheveled reflection in the morning, that working for a small software design company was a far better choice than his ideal job at the New York Times. The pay was better for one, and the one at the New York Times was just an internship, and it's not like he had money lying around to support himself for God knows how long before he gets promoted. After all, some pay is better than being homeless.

He quickly splashed water over his face before trying to pat his wild blue hair to lie a bit more dormant while his toothbrush sticks in his mouth. Loop, through the hole, pull and his new black tie slides in place around his neck before he slides his sleek black blazer around his shoulders.

This was a good idea.

He hoped.

Kiseki Corporations was a tacky name and it looked even tackier in person, Kuroko thought, as he stared up at the bright red letters on the building. He sighed, trying to calm his beating heart, before picking up his briefcase and exited his old 1996 Toyota Corolla, feeling slightly out of place amongst the new Porches and Mercedes-Benz.

But, all thoughts of inadequacy quickly left his mind as he set foot in the building and wondered exactly how could someone be that tall and with purple hair no less. Though, he suppose that he himself stuck out with his sky blue hair, but still purple? It had to be dyed.

He was quickly shaken out of his thoughts when the purple-haired man in front of him grumbled, "So, what ya here for?"

"Oh," Kuroko stuck out his hand, "I'm Kuroko Tetsuya, a new employee. Nice to meet you."

"Ehhh," The man replied, "I didn't know we were gonna get a new hire." He glanced back at the solitaire game in front of him before quickly pointing Kuroko to a door on his right. "Ya can go through there."

"Thank you," Kuroko replied. When he didn't get a reply, he shrugged before quickly opening the door to a face full of Saran Wrap. The impact hit him like a ton of bricks and the next thing he sees is a bright white ceiling with a weird stain that he didn't even want to know where it came from.

"Shit shit shit!" A voice came from his right before a head full of blonde hair popped into Kuroko's line of vision. "Hey, sorry dude, that wasn't meant for you."

Kuroko groaned while attempting to pry the Saran Wrap from his face. The blonde guy with ridiculously long eyelashes held out his hand to help Kuroko up before apologizing once again, "You're the new guy, right?"

Kuroko nodded, starting to feel overdressed as he looked at Eyelashes in dark jeans and a white T-shirt.

"Whoa, did it work?" A rather dark blue haired man came up and slapped Eyelashes five. "Niceee, you owe me ten bucks." He glanced over at Kuroko, "Damn son, that looks painful."

"It worked, but not on the right person." Eyelashes responded, "So, I'm only going to give you five because I need groceries from the rest of the week."

"It's Monday."

"Your point?"

Kuroko shifted from one foot to the other and ow, was it hard to breathe. "Um, excuse me, but—"

"Oh shit, the meeting started a couple minutes ago, shit. Akashi's gonna kill us." Blue yelled, pulling Kuroko Tetsuya along. "Name's Aomine Daiki. The dumb blonde that you were talking to earlier is Kise Ryouta."

"Hey," Kise yelled in protest. "I'm only one of those things."

"Yeah," Aomine countered, "He's not a natural blonde. He actually has black hair." Kuroko gasped slightly when Aomine led him through a sharp right before pushing him through an open door. Six pairs of eyes fell on the three of them as they entered the small conference room. "Look at what we found. Oh, whoa, Midorima, you were already here? Thought you were coming late today."

"And fall for your stupid Saran Wrap prank?" The guy in all green (Kuroko snorted) called 'Midorima,' "I don't think so."

"Sit down," Akashi (Kuroko makes a mental note that the Akashi over the skype interview a week ago looked infinitely more amicable than the one in real life. The obnoxious red hair is still obnoxious though regardless of the medium) barked, "We started fifteen minutes late."

"Shouldn't we introduce ourselves to the new guy?" Aomine replies, and Kuroko knows that he's trying to get out of as much of the meeting as possible.

"Yeah, yeah," Akashi responded quickly. "I forgot."

"He's standing right there."

"Anyways—" Akashi ignores Aomine, and points at Midorima to start.

Midorima pushes his glasses back with a bandaged hand and Kuroko wonders if he's a rather clumsy guy, "I'm Midorima Shintaro, CFO. But I presume you already know that, had you been paying attention."

"He also goes by Shin-chan," Aomine chuckles.

"No, I most definitely do not," Midorima interjects and gave Kuroko a look that clearly states do not even try.

"I'm Takao Kazunari," The black haired guy who was sitting next to Midorima introduced himself and Kuroko thanked the lords for one guy who had a natural hair color. "Nice to meet you."

"Himuro Tatsuya." A ridiculously good looking man with half his eyes covered smiled back causing Kuroko's cheeks to burn red and for him to look down. Aomine notices and sniggers.

The next guy to go had ridiculous eyebrows that looked like they split right in the middle, "Kagami Taiga."

"Murasakibara's the kid outside at the receptionist desk," Akashi replied with a flick of his wrist. "He goes over data entry and does programming once in a while but mostly stays at the receptionist desk and acts like an office-wide secretary. He's not here because the budget is too low to get a real receptionist and we need someone to be at the phones 24/7."

Kuroko hears a yell followed by a grunt and spins around to find Aomine and Midorima in a huddled mess.

"Who did this?!" Midorima yells.

"Damn," Aomine whispers, "they're quadruple-knotted."

Takao dashes out of the room, cackling in loud laughter.

Midorima lunges for the door but forgets that his shoes are connected to Aomine's converses and runs the two of them into Aomine's empty chair while Kise is dying in the corner, iPhone 6 Plus in hand, the shutter sound of the camera going off every two seconds.

This was definitely a good idea.