Patient: Hamato Michelangelo

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Raphael rolled his eyes and glanced backwards at his baby brother. "What're you whining about now Mikey?"

The sea green turtle hobbled over, his eyes were confused as he answered, "My legs hurt."

Raphael huffed and hooked his large thumbs into the brown leather belt slung about his hips. "Whadda yah mean they hurt?"

"They just hurt dude. Like they ache inside." It was weird, he'd felt fine when he and Raph had split off from the others to patrol separately. A storm system was moving into the area that night and the turtles had hoped that splitting up would let them finish sooner and maybe beat the bad weather home. Raph and Mikey had made good time but as they ran and bounced across the rooftops without encountering trouble, the younger reptile's usually flashy manoeuvres had become gradually tamer. First his legs had just felt a bit weaker than normal, then a deep ache has settled into the bones, but now he felt downright fragile, as if he would move the wrong way and they would snap. It eerily reminded him of how they felt in the latter stages of healing after being broken by the Shredder in their suicidal battle against the alien madman on his ship.

" They ache inside? What are you Mastah Splintah? Yah gonna sit on the couch an' watch his stories with 'im now?" Raph's mocking tone was belied by the concern in his amber eyes, comforting Michelangelo. He felt bad about worrying his brother but... "Y'know I just might. I'm really hurting here bro. D'you think we could head back early without getting too razzed by Leo for it?"

Raph's nerves started to draw tight. "Razzed? Bro if you're hurtin' too much tah bounce all ovah Manhattan, you're gonna hafta pry that mothah hen off yah shell. Y'know Donnie's gonna dump yah in his lab and poke you fullah holes tah find out why?"

He did, and he wasn't looking forward to it. The pain in his lower limbs would not be ignored though Mikey honestly thought that if he didn't get off his feet soon, he might just cry, and that was coming from The Battle Nexus Champion! "Yeah I know, but, I think I need to head home dude." The younger turtle put actions to words and started limping to the end of the roof, he had a problem when he reached it though, he could barely walk, how was he supposed to leap over the gaps between roofs?

A large, dark green hand on his shoulder interrupted his thoughts. He looked up and saw Raphael roll his eyes once again. "If you're that bad off what makes yah think you're gonna get home the same way we got here bonehead?" Look let's just call the othah's and see if anyone is near enough tah home to bring around the battleshell.

"Aw but Raph, I don't wanna do that! They'll really make fun of me then!"

"Ok, now I know there's a problem, usually you whine about the stupidest things, but if you're tryn' to play this down? You must be hurtin'. Sit you're shell down an' chill kiddo, I'm gonna call the othah's."

The older brother reached to his belt and dialled Donatello's number on the shell cell, he really wasn't in the mood to deal with Fearless if he freaked out. "Donnie? Yeah, can you guys pick us up with the battleshell? No we didn't get hurt or nothing but somthin's wrong with Mickey. He says his legs hurt too much to keep goin' an' he don' know why. Nah we're not goin' anywhere Don. See yah soon."