Time to go school! Heh! Dedicate to my friend, Kei, Happy Birthday to her! and those who birthday is in March! Thanks you to my beta, Clara Ageha! Though its not the beta-ed fanfic since internet isn't working for me to upload it... hehe! :D I'll do it as soon as possible! Well! Reviews and PM me for any comment! Cya!... I'm gonna be late to school now!

You and Me Chapter 1

Kuroko love having everything scheduled, and repeated. But waking up in a bed daily without warmth, without him is something else.

The first thing he'd always done as soon as he crack an eye open was to checked for the flaming red hair and the warmth, that he hoping had embraces him. He had always disappointed though, since no such color was in sight, only the blinding sunlight peeking through the white curtains.

From then on, he knows his schedules won't be including him today, again. Even if he spends his time alone in the library, listen to the past laughing, and whisper of love. Remembering the every expression he'd made. Even if he spend his all his heart and evening preparing foods, only be cold from waiting and eating alone, in the eerie silence. Of course he'd always know that he wouldn't be home, he can only hope, because it's the only thing he has.

Living in a mansion alone (to him anyway), in a mist of maids and butlers without doing anything or contributed anything make him feel useless, a burden. And without him, he can almost laugh. Laugh at how ironic it was that history has repeated itself again. The same feelings he had felt back in his last year in Teiko, alone, abandoned, heartbroken. But back then he wasn't as depress, since he could at least had schoolwork to distract him, had Momoi to share his feeling with, at least he was able to see him.

Now, he was not even in school. His friends had their own personal life to take care of, so he can't bug them just because he's simply bored (depress actually). He had no family to talk to now, because he was disowned, for being in love with a guy.

Kuroko smile bitterly, it was the first time his father had yell at him and hit him. He'd cry that day under the embraces of his love and promises of happiness. Only now he had often sobs himself to sleep. The blankets, no matter how thick it was, it was not comparable to the embraces he had received. The gentle kisses are no longer been found, he miss the firm hand that smooth his back, the fingers entangle between his. The smile and those warm pair of mismatched eyes especially.

Every day and night, Kuroko make sure that he looks at the pictures hanging along the hall and tables. He scares that he might forget those eyes and smiles. His heart is always heavy with those thought. Sometime he stay awake but pretend to be asleep to make sure that he and feel the warmth of the body next to him, finding comfort in his love's scents.

Often he can smell the perfume on his lover. Its broke his heart, though he knew that his lover don't have any attractions to the females population (a beauty like Momoi can't even make him show any signs then who can?) he still sad that his lover's admirers can see and spend time with him, while he can't.

As if lover is only a title.

Kuroko hate doubts, it's a scary thing. So when he doubt he would bit his tongue and hope for the opposite, the more positive side. But when his counters were proven wrong, he had given in, little by little. And thanks to having a lot of time to be alone and wrong reassurance from himself –it didn't help at all, only making it worst when it proven wrong – he doubts.

What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if I forgot how to love? What if… he found another…? The answers terrified him. Kuroko really feel hopeless, sometime he wants to stay up all night and wait for his red hair lover to confess all these doubts. So that those lips can reassures him and say he love him. And the haunting thoughts in his mind would disappear. But whenever he builds up enough courage to do so, seeing the slump form of his lover entering the room, he can only close his eyes and pretends to be asleep.

It's eating him inside out, the loneliness, the emptiness and the guilt of being a burden.

The explanations to why he's currently standing outside of a convenience store.

Even if the empty space in his heart cannot be fixed by himself, the least he can do is make himself useful. No longer will he be useless. He'll get a job and start helping their financial. Even if his yearly pay can't even compare to his lover's pay for only one day.

It's still a start.

With a determine glimpse on his cyan eyes, Kuroko tighten his fist.


Walked onto the mechanic floor, Kuroko watched as the same mechanic doors opened for him.

It's been a week now, and currently Kuroko is juggling between 5 different part time jobs. The first couple of day was a bit hard for him; consider he hasn't been working out at all. But thanks to his middle school and high school experience he was able to adapt well ( after all if he can't adapt to a new exercise menu, he can't be part of the Generation of Miracle or survive Riko's daily practice menu). His boss had shown satisfaction for his polite manner and hardworking attitude, despite his weak presence.

With 5 jobs continuously Kuroko had to wake up by 4 in the morning, slept at 11 at night. He's now wake up 2 hour earlier than Akashi, and able to take a look at his lover's sleepy face. Even though he can get to work by waking up at 5, he still woke up and an hour earlier so that he was able to make at least breakfast for the red head, after all he can't make dinner anymore and now he even have a satisfaction of knowing his red hair lover possibly eating it. And just before he goes, he would take a picture of the red head with his phone, and then give him a kiss. Kuroko always consider that as a good luck charm.

Even if his body was able to wake up early and had what it take to move boxes around for his job, the limited time to sleep hit him hard. So as soon as he got home, he would be dreamland immediately. But to him, it was all worth it. Seeing Akashi's sleeping face, kissing him in the morning (well only for his part), daily sleeping picture of him, and able to cook him some breakfast, helping their financial too.

Kuroko smile, yes it all worth it.
