Donatello worked for the better part of three days, working on making a bomb that would wipe out Hun and the rest of the PD's. In the 3 days, Leo and his brothers thought of a plan to take out Hun, where to place the bomb. What Donnie was able to create was multiple bombs that could be detonated by remote from outside the building.

Leo and Raph made many trips to the junkyard looking for parts for their brother as he worked. Mikey helped Donnie once in a while, and only if he promised to be careful as this was very dangerous.

It took a total of four days, as Donnie had to make a run himself to find a part for the bomb. When he was done, he gathered his family and their friends into the lab to explain how this was going to work.

Once everyone was settled, Donnie began talking. "Ok, the bomb I created has a remote. Now I created five bombs. Once the remote has been activated, whoever sets the bombs up has precisely ten minutes to get out before the bomb goes off."

"But why ten minutes? Why not immediately?" Leo asked from where he was sitting near Raph.

Donnie looked his way and told him, "Personally I do not want to end my life or any one of ours. Now if things look sketchy, then I will push the button a second time and this will detonate the bomb immediately."

Mikey raised his hand like a school boy and said, "So what if we get caught in there, and you set the bomb off?"

Donnie gave him a 'Really, Mikey?' look and told him, "I would hope someone would for warn me before hand."

With a mischievous smile on his face, he told his older brother, "But Don... I am just saying what if we can't tell you in time?"

Raph smacked his brother upside the head and told Donnie, "He's stayin outside wit ya! Ain't no way Mister 'what if' boy here is goin in wit me and Leo an mess wit our heads while we plant the bomb."

Donnie and Leo both agreed with that, so it was decided that later that night the four brothers would head to the PD hideout and wait for the right moment.


Leo stayed in constant communication with Donnie while he and Raph moved with the shadows into the building. They could see their target talking to the PD gang. Raph wanted to go bust some heads, but with a shake of the head from Leo along with a warning look, Raph stood down.

Donnie had given them five bombs, Leo and Raph split up and set the bombs in the four corners of the room before Leo set the final one near Hun without his knowledge. Once the task was complete without any problems, they both got out of there.

Meeting their two youngest brothers outside, Donnie asked them. "Did you guys seal off the doors?"

Raph cracked his knuckles and told him, "Yep, did that before we went in. We entered through the roof. Leo took care of any escape routes they could possibly find to get out of there."

Donnie nodded and told his brothers, "Good, now lets stand back. This is going to be one heck of a blast."

The four brothers stood a distance away from the building as Donnie hit the button twice, causing a mass of fire along with a loud explosion to rip through the dead of the night. The brothers fell down when the wind picked up from the aftershock of the explosion. Scrambling to their feet, the brothers ran for the nearest ally as they heard sirens in the distance. Leo let out a breath and said, "No one could have survived that."

Raph had his hands on his knees as he said, "No joke, that was awesome! I just hope we get no further problems outta anyone."

Mikey looked between his three older brothers and asked, "Sooo... we won the battle?"

Leo looked at the burning building. He watched as fire fighters, police officers and ambulances pulled up and tried to keep people away. He watched the flames lick the night air as he said to Mikey, "No, we won the war."

The four brothers took the nearest manhole back to the sewers. There was no telling if their fight against the evil forces would ever be 'over', but one thing was for sure, Hun and the Assassins were gone for good.

Worked on with Turtlefanforlife1982. She has been a great help helping me write this story when my ideas ran out on me.

Please tell me how ya liked this story. It is now complete. It couldn't have been a better ending than this.