Holy crap, I have not written anything in a long time.


One week later:

Morgana felt Gwen shift and sit up before she opened her eyes. "Don't go." She murmured her face half-buried in the pillow. She reached out, eyes closed, pulling Guinevere back onto the bed.

Gwen groaned softly, falling back softly and rolling to face Morgana. "I have to," she breathed softly, brushing the long dark strands of hair out of the other woman's face. "If I don't, people are going to start asking questions."

Morgana peered through her half-open eyes. "But the bed is so much more comfortable with you in it."

Gwen smirked softly, pressing a quick kiss to Morgana's lips. "I have to." She breathed.

Morgana let out an irritated huff, but still smiled as she watched the other woman stand and gather her clothes from off the floor. "You should have clothes here." Morgana murmured suddenly.

Gwen raised an eyebrow, glancing back over her shoulder at the woman still lying in the bed. "Why?"

"Because you have to walk back to your house in the earliest hours of the morning, and it doesn't look quite right if you still have the same dress on from the day before." Morgana said, pushing herself into a seated position on the bed. "And then you could just lie in bed with me longer as well."

Guinevere chuckled softly, resting her hands on the bed and inching closer to Morgana. "You just want me all to yourself, don't you?"

Morgana raised an eyebrow, pulling Gwen closer. "Can you blame me?" she whispered. She pressed a kiss to Gwen's lips, pulling Gwen down on top of her before rolling them both over and letting the blankets fall away from her body.

Gwen moaned softly as Morgana kissed her way down her neck. She wrapped her leg around Morgana's hips, sighing softly as she began to lose track of her thoughts. "Morgana, I – have to-"

Morgana 'hmm'-ed in response. "What if I just make you a new dress for today." She whispered into Gwen's ear. "The most comfortable dress you'll ever own."

Gwen sighed, nodding slowly. "That – that could be an acceptable compromise." She breathed.

Morgana smiled. "Good. Because there was no way that I was letting you leave this bed."


Morgana's fingers danced across Gwen's stomaching, raising goose bumps in their wake. Slowly she laced her fingers with Gwen's, their rings softly shining in the light of the early morning.

Gwen smiled softly, pressing her forehead against Morgana's. "Did I tell you how much I love my ring?" she asked.

Morgana chuckled. "Only four times this morning. And twenty times last night. And thirteen yesterday afternoon. And-" She broke off as Gwen rolled on top of her, slowly leaning down to kiss her again.

Gwen slowly broke away from Morgana and rolled off of her, sitting up and moving to get dressed. Morgana sat up slowly, biting her lip. "I had an idea." She murmured.

"What kind of idea?" Gwen asked curiously, slipping on the dress that Morgana had 'made' for her.

"I hate that you can't just stay here all the time, and I was thinking that maybe you should." Morgana murmured.

"Should, what?" Gwen asked softly. "Stay here, all the time?"

Morgana shrugged. "Yes." She breathed.

Gwen sat down next to the other woman. "Well, how would we manage to do that? We've only been doing this a short time, and we've almost been found out at least twice." She breathed.

Morgana smiled softly. "I would ask Uther to build a room next to mine. Specifically for you. And then we could just add a door." She murmured. "I could tell him that I need you closer to me, for your duties."

Gwen thought for a few moments. "But it would take some time to build such a room. We would need to be very cautious." She murmured

Morgana nodded. "I agree. But do you think it would be something that would appeal to you?"

Gwen smiled softly. "It would." She breathed.

Morgana smiled widely. She held Gwen's face in her hands and kissed her fiercely. "If I know anything about Uther, he will have it done as quickly as he can." She murmured. "And then we wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. I will talk to him about it today. Right now!" Morgana exclaimed excitedly. She jumped up and made her way towards the door.

"Morgana?" Gwen called after her, giggling softly.


"You may want to put on a dress."


Two weeks later:

"That is everything from my house." Gwen murmured.

Morgana smiled. "And you like it?" she murmured, taking Gwen's hands in her own.

Gwen nodded, admiring the room. "I do. But I probably won't use it that much."

"Why not?" Morgana asked curiously.

"Because we'll probably spend most of our time in your room." Gwen responded.

Morgana shrugged. "I don't know, I was thinking maybe we should split the time. Or maybe just use your room. We've used my room plenty already." She smirked softly.

Gwen grinned. "Whatever you would prefer." She leaned in and kissed Morgana. "I love you." She said, wrapping her arms around the other woman.

Morgana smiled. "I love you too."


The next day Guinevere woke up first. She brushed the hair out of Morgana's sleeping face and went to get dressed, quietly moving so as not to wake the other woman. She slipped out of her room and made her way down to the kitchens, gathering enough food for the both of them to share.

She quickly began making her way back to the room, lost in giddy thoughts. She rounded a corner and nearly slammed into a tall figure. She jumped back and curtsied immediately. "My apologies your highness."

Prince Arthur smiled. "None are necessary, Guinevere. It is I who should be apologizing to you."

Gwen shook her head. "That is very kind, but I should pay attention to where I am walking-"

Arthur cut her off. "Not about this. I never came to check on you after our picnic. That was very self-centred and rude of me."

Gwen again shook her head. "It is quite alright, sire. I appreciate the thought, but I understand that you are very busy. Much too busy to check on the condition of one maid."

Arthur held up a hand. "You are not just one maid." He said. "Let me make it up to you. A do-over if you will." Gwen opened her mouth to protest. "Please, I insist." Arthur said, flashing his most handsome smile.

Gwen smiled nervously. "Alright, if you insist." She responded.

"Perfect. I will let you know when." Arthur said, before nodding and heading off on his way.

Gwen sighed quietly as she continued on her way, biting her lip. She had to tell Morgana, and think of a way to get out of this new date she had with Arthur. But also try to figure out a way so that he wouldn't ask her again.
